Thursday, 30 November 2023

Control of the Narrative at any Cost. (Opinion)


The crackdown across western countries on free speech over the last three years is disturbing. Elon Musk’s release of the Twitter Files revealed security state actors and government officials requesting certain accounts be suspended for merely expressing different political views and criticism of governments. The FBI “requested” that the Hunter Laptop story be suppressed, calling it Russian propaganda.

For many people, the censorship of these true revelations about unethical business practices of the Biden’s, might well have turned the election against the Republicans, and the reelection of Donald Trump. This single example of suppression of a true story reveals the length the establishment will go to control public opinion. However, since the 2020 election, this draconian censorship has only gotten worse, resembling 1930’s Germany.  


The Russia/Ukraine war is another example of the establishment actors censoring any voice that questioned the mainstream narrative. Disinformation and misinformation including outright lies were promoted, while individual journalists, writers and political activist were silenced, smeared, and labelled Russian apologists.

In present time, considering Ukraine has been defeated, and Russia holding their borders, the false information of Ukranian supremacy continues, however, those who understand geopolitics, have realized this war is essentially over, and should have been stopped from the beginning. The neocon fanatics and their legacy media lapdogs pushed the lies, and currently hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians are dead, and all for nothing. 


The only people that gained from this war were the weapon manufacturers, corrupt politicians, and certain characters in the Zelensky regime, who are currently buying multi-million-dollar yachts and luxury homes in safe havens across the planet.  


Again, this war could have been stopped at the beginning, saving thousands of lives, but NATO, UK, France, and the US wanted to continue this proxy war to “weaken Russia.” As it turns out, Russia is currently stronger, economically, and otherwise, and Ukraine is in ruins.  


Excellent job assholes. Another American neocon war that has gone straight down the proverbial toilet. These warmongers are batting zero since the invasion of Iraq and the destruction of Libya. Though, strangely, their propaganda, misinformation, and control of the narrative, many people still believe the lies, while dissenting voices are silenced.  


Since October 7, 2023, free speech has gone straight out the window. Anyone, that is student, academic, journalist or politician who is pro-Palestinian, that is at least recognizing the context of the Hamas attacks are censored and smeared as antisemitic. These people are being cancelled at an alarming rate; losing their jobs and placed on terrorist lists.  


If you are only slightly aware of 20th century history, you have seen this type of behavior before. Academics losing their jobs, students placed on lists; bullying those that disagree with the establishment line are either censored or put in a position where they have lost their livelihood.  


We have moved into totalitarianism.  


The narrative must be controlled at any cost. To do this, censoring dissenting or different voices is paramount.  


Controlling the narrative is controlling the people.  


It is history repeating itself, and those in charge of the media, burning books or deplatforming those on social media, are hell-bent on destroying free speech.  


Those who control the narrative rule the world.  

Saturday, 18 November 2023

Colm Toibin – The Magician – Comment


Thomas Mann received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1929 at the early age of 54. The writer’s most notable novels are Buddenbrooks and The Magic Mountain. Most of Mann’s works are essential reading in Modern 20th century literature. Colm Toibin’s, The Magician is a creative, and intriguing biographical novel about Mann and his family, ending after WWII.  

The author focuses, more than many biographies, on Mann’s bisexuality. Reading Death in Venice (1912) is an incredible novella about the artist and his observations of a young man, and his immense beauty. Mann explores this theme in many of his short stories, including affairs of the heart and allusions to incest. It is my belief that the prose is so elegant that the censors at the time simply missed it.  

Mann married Katia, a Jewish child of a wealthy family. In fact, Katia is a twin to her brother Klaus. Both striking in appearance, intelligent and gifted in the arts, have a hidden communication as many twins do, though once Thomas Mann decides to marry her, she becomes totally devoted to the writer.  

Over the years the couple have six children, all different, all gifted and distinct individuals. Their first two children, Klaus, and Erica are particularly interesting, both bisexual and politically outspoken about WWII, standing against fascism. A biography about Erica alone would be an interesting project due to her intelligence and utter force of personality. Klaus is the brooding artistic type, a writer, who, in my belief, could never remove himself from his father’s shadow. He becomes a source of disappointment to the family, ending in tragedy.  

Thomas Mann is the traditional German before WWI: conservative, socially aware though his inner life, living through two world wars, he realizes is a mass of contradictions. The Mann’s flee from Germany to Switzerland in 1933. One of his more controversial views is that Nazism had deep roots in the national psyche. He was torn between his older German readership and the then popular rise of the Nazis. This contradiction is emblematic of Thomas Mann. Where his children and older brother, Hienrich, also a writer, publicly denounced Nazism, it seemed to many that he was on the fence.  

When finally escaping Europe under threat of capture and imprisonment by the Nazis, Mann became an influential figure in elite American circles. To be certain, the force behind the Mann's escape from the Nazis was due to The Washington Post publisher, Katharine Meyer Graham. Through this woman’s influence in the halls of power, the Mann’s were invited to dinner with the Roosevelts. At this time, the US was not involved in WWII, as the isolationists were in power. Europe wanted America to get involved, including Katia Mann; though it was not until Pearl Harbour that the US entered the war.  

We forget what the Jews and many people went through because of Nazi brutality and disregard for human life in Europe. Those prosecuted were political dissidents, journalists, writers, artists, gypsies, the disadvantaged, and the Jews. This was the intentional annihilation of a people. (An act we are seeing in the present time.) 

Biographical novels have never been my cup of tea. Gore Vidal’s Julian is an exception. Toibin’s The Magician is another exception. All great writers can pull the reader into the emotion and inner thoughts of the characters – Toiben's prose is astonishing.  

After completing The Magician, (a name given to him by his children because of his silly magic tricks) I felt a better understanding of the time and the mind of one of the 20th century's greatest writers.  


Tuesday, 14 November 2023

Gaza Annihilation will not stop until Israel attains Absolute Destruction


Despite international condemnation of Iraeli response to the Hamas attacks on October 7; the unrelenting bombing and killing of over ten thousand men women and children in the Gaza Strip; intentionally destroying hospitals and ambulances, cutting off all fuel, electricity, medicines, food and water, demolishing hundreds of homes, and displacing hundreds of Palestinian people, there is no sign of a ceasefire. Israel will not stop this slaughter until every Palestinian is migrated to the Sinea desert or dead. The US is unreservedly behind this plan, which will only spark total war in the middle east.  

The public blowback against Israeli war crimes in Gaza has spread across not only in Europe, Africa, USA, UK, Ireland, Australia, and many Latin American countries. but also, the Islamic middle east. And anyone with knowledge of the middle east turning against Israel will escalate to absolute war.  

This will mean America, and its allies will put boots on the ground, sacrificing our own young adults for a foreign country. The planet has had enough of the US’s wars around the globe for profit and ultimate domination. Another full-blown war in the middle east will cause untold carnage and economic turmoil that world has not seen since WWII. Israel is losing the PR side of this war. Many see their continued actions as unadulterated genocide.  

The word genocide has been thrown around a lot lately. What is a genocide?  

According to the United Nations: 

Article 2 of the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide defines genocide as "any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing … 

The definition continues from there; however, this short paragraph describes Israeli actions in Gaza word for word.  

Thousands of people around the planet have stated that they can no longer watch the carnage in Gaza because of the sheer devastation.  

The United States is the largest terrorist group on the entire planet. Now Israel is calling all the shots, and President Biden, a 40-year supporter of Israel, is calmly going along like a neglected kitten.  

For Mr. Netanyahu, this is a perfect opportunity to rid the “state” of Israel of all Palestinians, which has been the goal of the Zionists from the beginning.

As a person of Jewish decent, Israel has a right to exist. But certainly not under a Fascist/Zionist flag committing war crimes against humanity.  

Israel must be stopped, and a ceasefire must happen. Unfortunately, the US has let the junkyard dog off the leash, creating havoc, and putting the salivating dog back in the yard, has become impossible.  

Preston & Child – Angel of Vengeance – Comment

  I have been following the Pendergast series for many years, and admittedly the latest , Angel of Vengeance , takes the reader on a time tr...