On a personal level, 2024 has been quite intense. Mostly family crises and dramatic change. From a worldly perspective, the hate and destruction, the on-going wars, intended genocide of an entire people, and the lies generated by establishment institutions regarding what to believe and not believe is mind boggling. We are told one thing and see the opposite before our very eyes. On a positive note, the American people voted in Donald Trump. This could be a sign of substantial change for the better, a populist president claiming to be a man of the people. This, of course, remains to be seen. Actions speak louder than words. As a student of history, in terms of war, my faith for peace on this planet is limited, but as the old saying goes, "hope springs eternal."
This war should have never happened. Peace negotiations in Türkiye revealed that the Ukranian puppet government initialed the peace deal, the peace process was then sabotaged by the neoconservative Victoria Nulan, and UK’s clown politician, Boris Johnson. Indeed, hundreds of thousands of Ukranian and Russian lives could have been saved. The American and UK warmongers got their way – and the killing continues with Ukraine on the brink of destruction.
The amount of disinformation regarding this war has been plentiful. “We must weaken Russia” is the catch cry of corrupt and warmongering politicians. Even though the American destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline (gas line from Russia to Germany) causing undue economic hardship for the German people, Russia’s economy has grown, and the ruble is stronger than ever. The US and their NATO allies have failed. Ukraine has become a failed state.
Will the new US administration broker a peace deal with Russia?
If president elect Trump follows through on his promise to end this senseless war, this would be an historic win for his administration.
Israel genocide of the Palestinian people.
In my lifetime, there has never been a more documented genocide of an entire people. As a student of history and war, the last mass destruction of a people happened in the late seventies with the American bombing of North Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. Millions of innocents wiped out. The US even used chemical weapons to win this stupid war and still lost in a display of utter humiliation. The WWII Nazi holocaust was before my time, but the ‘final solution’ is well documented. The “war” in Gaza reaches the level of the two war crimes mentioned above, and in many cases surpasses them in terms of the outright decimation committed in such a brief time. Israeli actions over the last 15 months are nothing less than pure evil.
Our western politicians in power have gone along with the Zionist plan for a greater Israel. America supplied the bombs and weapons, and other countries like the UK, Germany, and Australia have supported the genocide, which should make us accountable under international law.
This accountability will never occur because we are led by obsequious politicians and unadulterated sociopaths.
It is without doubt, that despite unrelenting pro-Israel propaganda, “the right to defend itself” is an empty claim without meaning. Israel is a pariah on an international scale. It has become the most despised country in the world...and with good reason.
When will this slaughter end?
I do not believe it will end until the Zionist project of a greater Israel is achieved.
See Greater Israel: An Ongoing Expansion Plan for the Middle East and North Africa.
Over the last 3 weeks, with the fall of the Assad regime in Syria, the greater Israel project is gaining momentum, and at least the stated goals, are being achieved.
This is the topic I have written most about over 2024. Western governments around the world have targeted social media and independent news sites and journalists with ferocity. Australia is right behind Brazil and the UK in creating censorship laws to quash free speech. In the UK, one can be jailed for a post that runs contrary to the establishment narrative. Despite these attacks by governments, alternative opinion, and news is growing like never before. At the same time, corporate media, or legacy media's audiences are crashing. Personally, I find this to be a good sign for the people living in "democratic" societies.
See my last piece on censorship: The Censorship Industrial Complex is Winning.
Positivism, and optimism is in my nature.
Firstly, I would like to see our political warmongers put down and made irrelevant. Secondly, I would like to see less censorship and more opinions expressed on social media without certain people, organizations, and our governments pathetic attempts to shut down the voice of the people. Thirdly, I would like to see my fellow human beings economically prosper. We need to have the awareness on who or what is preventing our prosperity and hold our leaders and politicians accountable for their corruption and criminal activities.
People are becoming more aware and with greater knowledge real change can occur for the better.
Let us hope that peace and prosperity will happen in 2025.