Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Short Comment on Tommy Robinson

The internet has been ablaze since the recent imprisonment of Tommy Robinson in the United Kingdom. Robinson aka Andrew McMaster and Paul Harris, is a right wing activist who co-founded the English Defence League, (EDL) This organisation proposes the opposition to “Illegal refuges”, he states, that,...these refugees have no intention of integrating and assimilating into western society. He said, “There is no reason why the state fears me in England, It is because we can bring people together and we are going to enter into a new era in Europe where everyone is going to unite against the “Islamisation” of our countries.” Robinson resigned from the EDF in 2013, due to his idealogical differences, namely, neo-nazis and white supremacists joining the group. Robinson claims to support “moderate Islam” but opposes “extreme-Islam”, those practising Sharia Law.

Those protesting Robinson's imprisonment, claim he was targeted by the government, based on spurious charges of violating the peace, yet was arrested, charged, judged and imprisoned in less than one day. Considering the swiftness of this “English justice”, it certainly causes suspicion, as the UK is not known for their support of free speech and freedom of the press. In fact, the authoritarian, neo-liberal May government, have been battling this anti-Islam-refugee growing faction in the UK since at least the elections in 2017.

This growing “right-wing” movement has been rising exponentially throughout the EU over the last six years. Most specifically in Austria, with the 2017 elected conservative Chancellor, Sebastian Kurz. In many respects, Kurz has brought the country together, proposing a strict “asylum-seeker quota system”, virtually stopping the flow of Islamic refugees entering the country.

My politics in this “suspicious silencing” of an ideological view which opposes those in power, has nothing to do with Robinson's views, but the act of imprisoning a legitimate opposing voice, is the problem, and should be the problem for all those who believe in democratic values. This man posed no apparent threat, except for his ideology. The true crime is the enforced silencing of a political voice. The May government calls Robinson a Nazi, when the May government have acted akin to Stalinist Russia, extinguishing all opposition.

Though the author of this quote is in dispute, it is appropriate, and reflects my political values:

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Trump's Necons putting “Ducks in a Row” for War with Iran

Over the last few weeks, a chain of certain events, announcements and major appointments in and around the United States government, should cause some to take pause and concern, when connecting all the dots, especially in the middle east. The lines are being drawn, all the ducks set carefully in a row, to wage out-right war with Iran.

The first red flag was the dismissal of Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State. Insiders, weeks prior, leaked that Trump was never happy with the Exxon CEO, disagreeing on many issues on American Foreign Policy. Our great deal maker president, wanted Tillerson to take a stronger stance on many situations around the globe. Where Tillerson leaned more towards diplomacy, the president rattled his sword.

Trump then replaced Tillerson with CIA Chief, Mike Pompeo, a dyed-in-the-wool necon, Islamaphobe and war-hawk. When appointed as CIA Chief, Pompeo announced that he would make the “CIA much more Vicious”, more vicious than an organisation renowned for brutal regime change, targeted assassination, drug trafficking, propagandising and extreme torture. This is also the war pimp who told the press he wanted to destroy Julian Assange.

Now we come to the neocon's neocon, John Bolton. I have expounded on this war-pimp at length in a previous Blog. That said, it is worth mentioning again, that Bolton continues to justify the millions of Iraqi deaths and thousands of American and allied soldiers sacrifices for this illegal war. Over the last ten years, he has made no secret that he desires regime change in North Korea and Iran. Bolton as National Security Advisor sits right next to the president, chanting WAR, WAR, WAR in Trump's ear.

There are three major events that have occurred over the last 3 weeks, that should set the alarm bells ringing. President Trump announces that he is “pulling out” of the Iran Nuclear Deal. Major US and Israeli military advisors told these “leaders”, Trump and Netanyahu, respectively, that Iran was following all the protocols of the agreement. This action set of a “cautious panic” across the middle east.

The most egregious event is the execution of 112 Palestinians and 13,190 injured civilians since the Great Return March protests started on Palestinian Land Day, March 30. While this mass murder was taking place, the United States moved their embassy to Jerusalem, with all the sparkle, pomp and circumstance of an English Royal wedding. In most of the world's eyes, this was a huge mistake, and ruined any chance of the US brokering peace between Israel and Palestine.

Days before the US embassy relocation, Crime Minister “Bibi” of Israel, shot bombs into Syria, claiming to be targeting and killing Iranian soldiers. This is a war crime. The Iranian military is in Syria at the behest of the Syrian government, battling ISIS and Jihad rebels. They're killing terrorists. Many pundits have claimed that this was Netanyahu's alert to the US, to “come join in on our war against Iran”. No doubt.

And, most recently, Mike Pompeo's little speech this week about Iran. He said, that, the US will “crush Iran with economic sanctions”, by and while, mealy- mouthing some “support for the Iranian people”. (That's what economic sanctions do, hurt the people) In no uncertain terms, the Secretary of State has declared “Economic War” on Iran, also spouting necon nonsense, that Iran is arming terrorists, namely Hezbola.

Do you see a pattern of behaviour here?

Iran has not invaded another country nor declared war on anyone for over 400 years. Since 2013,
they have followed to the letter, every protocol of the Iran Nuclear agreement. The Trump administration gave no factual reason for the withdrawal, except that (he) “did not like it.”Similar to the “repeal and replace” of Obama Care, the GOP had no problem repealing, but failed miserably on replacing it. Instead of pursuing a diplomatic solution, this administration declares economic war and threatens the EU, our allies, to stop trading with Iran.

It is no surprise that certain Israeli lobbies (APIC), Zionist billionaires, and far-right Evangelical power brokers, (pushing for Armageddon) donate millions to the GOP and certain establishment democrats. Add the top 5 weapon manufactures, donating billions over time to American politicians on all sides, fuels the Military Industrial Complex, feeding the US war machine. Combine the corporate MSM, pushing a false narrative, manufacturing the consent of the American people to go to war, based on lies, and there you have it, WW3.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Trump bellowed several times to his zealot followers, that he would withdraw from Afghanistan. He also barked how the Iraq war was a waste of time and a terrible waste of American lives. Well, now into term 2, he has sent more soldiers to Afghanistan, has continued to bomb Iraq and Somalia, and is supporting Saudi Arabia with their genocide of Yemen. Trump has also bombed Syria twice, both illegal actions. As is well known, the man is a habitual liar.

It is a fact that the majority of the population around the world do not want more war, anywhere. It is the corporations that need war in order to make more money. It is Zionist Israel who want us to fight their enemies. It is the Religious Right, who want to bring on WW3, to bring on their prophecy of Armageddon. This is absolute lunacy.

We need to keep our eyes open, pay attention to these socio paths and confused people, who simply want the world to end.

Enough said.

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Trump's Troglodyte Offspring – a Shameful Day for the World.

The Palestinian protests along the Gaza border has to date seen over 2000 wounded and over 60 dead. The US response to these war crimes has run from the reticent to the infantile. In effect, unadulterated propaganda, blaming Hamas for the deaths; claiming they (Israel) are merely protecting its borders from “terrorists”. Anyone who believes these lies are either ignorant of middle east history, or have an agenda, that to many, is quite obvious: Israel rule along with Saudi Arabia, over the entire region. Add the right wing religious cults: Zionists and “Christians”, viewing the US embassy move to Jerusalem, somehow fulfils biblical prophecy, leading to Christ's second coming, or Jewish dominance over the middle east, is absolutely absurd. What I found most disgusting was watching the ceremonial opening of the new American Embassy, Trump's offspring, Ivanka and little Jarred Kushner, smiling for the press, spouting propaganda, while Palestinians were being picked off one at a time, protesting the occupation of their land.

Foremost, East Jerusalem and Gaza is considered 'occupied territory' by International Law. For example, lets say, Arizona has been taken over by the Mexican military. By international law, Arizona would be marked as an occupied territory. When Trump's feckless son-in -law announced that the US stands with Israel, because the US believes in freedom, is blatant propaganda. This is simply not true. This troglodyte son-in-law of Trump, went on to say that “they” are provoking the violence. Not true. If you consider throwing rocks and sending a few “flaming kites” into the air provocation, while Israel's IDF have been given orders to shoot, ad hoc, on sight, murdering children, women and journalists, then you have this terrible situation all wrong. Israel is doing the murdering, and the Palestinians, are doing the dying.

A short history of the Israel and Palestinian conflict should open the eyes of any rational individual.

In 1967 Israeli military occupied East Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. In 1980, Israel decided to annex East Jerusalem – under International Law, this is illegal. To this day, Israel controls all aspects of Gaza – water, electricity, media – and have been committing war crimes: poisoning water supplies, burning crops and kidnapping Palestinian children. Israel is committing a slow form of genocide. But in the American media particularly, these crimes are never reported.

Why does this matter to any developed country?

On the contrary, several “allies” of the US refused to attend the opening of the American embassy in Jerusalem: Canada, Australia, Germany, France and Britain. Why? Because we believe this act of fascist deviance, sets back any peace process.

We all want freedom from tyranny and occupation. Israel, Trump and his band of incompetent troglodytes, has another agenda. And peace is the farthest idea in their minds.

Saturday, 12 May 2018

The Only Nuclear Threat in the middle east is Israel

Since President Trump's announcement to pull out of the Iran Nuclear Deal last Tuesday, Israel appears to be ramping up their aggression in Syria, informing the world that the Syrian Army or Iran “shot first”, justifying the killing of both Syrian and Iranian military. This, of course, is a lie.

As Jihad rebels are losing their grip against the Syrian military, Israel pushes their nose into the fighting, assisting ISIS and Al Quida against Assad loyalists. One extreme right wing political pundit in Israel admitted, he would rather have ISIS along the Golan Heights border than Assad's military. In fact this reveals Israel's intent on absolute dominance in the middle east: destroy Iran and Syria, between Israel and Saudi Arabia, backed by the US, thus their dominance would be complete. Meanwhile, Iran is being hit with unnecessary sanctions from the US, based on lies from Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu. The only country in the middle east who has a stockpile of nuclear weapons is Israel.

Experts around the world agree that Israel has nuclear capability. Although it is understood that the rogue state posses an advanced military arsenal, and a sizable number of ballistic and cruse missiles. Israel maintains a policy of opacity or “amimut”, neither confirming nor denying their nuclear stockpiles. From various reliable sources within Israel, they have between 20 to 400 nuclear warheads, poised, ready and pointed at their enemies. Most importantly, Iran.

It should also be noted, that Israel is not party to any of the international treaties governing WMD non proliferation, as well as Treaty of the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), and the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC). It has signed, but not ratified, the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT)and the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). However, Israel is considered a "unilateral adherent" to the MTCR and has recently adopted national export control regulations on chemical and biological materials consistent with Australia Group standards. (1) What this means, is that Israel, is a Nuclear Power without the necessary restraints, as imposed by the International Community. Israel is a nuclear Rogue State.

One must ask: How can Israel continue to commit war crimes, occupy Palestine, decimate Gaza, and cry wolf, when it comes to Iran, and continually get away with it?

These are the questions every concerned individual who cares about our planet should be asking, everyday.

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

He that Deceiveth the World (section 10) "Popes"

The following is a section of a chapter in a MS I was writing a few years ago. The connection was the NAZI regime and the Catholic Church. My research into the history of the Church's Popes, revealed the 2000 year old institution's connection with something diabolical. Something I knew as a child.
Pius XII (1876-1958) commenced his tenure as Holy Pontiff in 1939 ending with his death at the age of 82. Eugenio Pacelli entered the Vatican and trained not as a theologian but a Canon lawyer. He received his ordination as a priest in 1899. A born leader and conservative authoritarian, he believed and later lobbied for the sovereignty of the pope, absolute papal spiritual authority over the religious lives of all Catholics, but also Church activities in every nation-state around the globe. Pacelli’s plan involved total by-pass of local institutions, forwarding administration processes solely to the nation-states, directing all Church business to the Vatican for summary and approval.
He believed centralized governance equals a more powerful Vatican and Church. Before attaining Holy Office, Pacelli acted as Pro-Secretary of the Congregation for Extraordinary Ecclesiastical. Quietly ambitious with an eye on the Papacy, he was the primary architect of The Code of Cannon Law. This document once promulgated would give the Pope absolute power over every aspect of Church life. This extended into complete jurisdiction throughout the Church, including all areas of faith, morals, and all Church political edicts across the world. Pacelli was not satisfied with just Pope Infallibility but also wanted absolute political infallibility across Christendom.
In 1917 Pacelli was elevated to archbishop, and appointed as Papal nuncio (ambassador) to Prussia or Germany. Some years later he held the post of nuncio to Germany for 12 years. It was during this tumultuous period (Post WWI), he worked closely with the Nazi party, organizing a Concord (treaty), gaining full authority over Catholic dioceses’ across Germany.
In negotiations with the leader of the National Socialist Party, Adolf Hitler, in exchange for support, Pacelli agreed to close the Centre Party, the political arm for the German Catholics. Once closed, fascism predominated, and soon later, after the initial shock that their Party was dissolved; the Catholic population joined the Nazi Party.
On July 20, 1933, the German Concord was signed in Rome, by Pacelli on behalf of Pope Pius XI, and by Franz von Papen, Vice Chancellor of the Reich, for Adolf Hitler. Again, the Concord gave undue privilege to the Vatican over all German Catholic churches, clergy and schools throughout the Fatherland. In effect, the treaty ensured Hitler that the Vatican would have no political influence at all; through the withdrawal from all Catholic associations, newspapers…in fact, all social and political influence. This cleared the way for the Nazis to dominate politically over Germany, leading to WW11 and the Holocaust.
On July 14, 1933, it is recorded that Hitler boasted at a cabinet meeting:
“…the Concord gave Germany the opportunity and created an area of trust that was particularly significant in developing struggle against international Jewry.”
Given that many powerful groups in the Vatican have campaigned to beatify Pius XII, there continues to surface information concerning the Pontiff’s actions and, more importantly, inactions during his reign. Particularly his relationship with the Nazi party, and the Pope’s contradictory behaviour, before, during and after WWII…In fact, certain documents have surfaced, revealing Pius XII anti-Semitism. For example the following letter written from Munich early in his tenure as nuncio in Germany:
“An array of employees were dashing to and fro, giving out orders, waving bits of paper, and in the midst of all this, a gang of young women, of dubious appearance, Jews like all the rest of them, hanging around in all the offices with provocative demeanour and suggestive smiles. The boss of this female gang was Levin’s mistress, a young Russian woman, a Jew and a divorcee, who was in charge. Levine is a young man about 30 or 35, also Russian and a Jew: pale, dirty, with vacant eyes, hoarse voice, vulgar, repulsive, with a face that is both intelligent and sly.”
One should keep in mind that the author of this paragraph is, at the time, an archbishop, a high ranking and important member of the Vatican. He will also rise, in fast-track speed, to Holy Pontiff, single-handedly running all aspects of his small but powerful and wealthy country. One can really interpret this little pearl, without risking too much, as racist statements bordering on a seasoned hate. Taking this along, the reader could well replace the word “Jew” with any other race or religion, and come to the same conclusion. These statements reek of cliché and are certainly disturbing when one considers the authors education and position.
Only a short time after this letter was written, Pius raises his racist head once again. An all-black French soldier contingent had been alleged to be raping women and abusing little German children. Pius was on the phone to the authorities demanding these coloured sex offenders be banished from the Fatherland. As the Cardinal was already aware, the U.S. Congress ordered an investigation into the affair and found it to be false. A transparent example of narcissism and monomania, as this man, brimming with self-importance, believed he could simply order the black soldiers out of the country despite their innocence. Later, this pathological narcissism only develops, manifesting as acute psychosis on a grand scale.
Pius X11 is following a deeply ingrained tradition of anti-Semitism, emulating the early Church Fathers and hundreds of Popes before him. (See chapter xx) His apparent racism for minorities takes a long and sad second place to his pathological anti-Semitism.
It should be known the Vatican’s ultra-awareness of the Bolshevik threat to Catholicism after WW1. This threat was always at the forefront of Pacelli’s mind well before his relationship with Hitler and the National Socialist Party.
One school of thought argues that, Pacelli’s collaboration with the fascist regime was a long range tactic to use them as a bulwark against the threat. The Nazi and Vatican’s similar hate for Jews was merely an added bonus for the Church. Add again the Pontiff’s will to power, Germany being the first country which The Code of Cannon Law doctrine was applied and enforced, is a perfect win/win for all. Combining all these factors, one can at least comprehend (pathology) the Pope’s “deafening silence” about Nazi atrocities, including the Holocaust. To be sure, Pius’s sole concern was Papal sovereignty and Vatican dominance. Unfortunately, the natural concern for one’s fellow human beings, a main teaching of Jesus Christ, turned out to be an annoying side issue for the Pope, at best.
Germany annexed Austria in 1938. A year later Nazi troops began to amass along the Czechoslovakian border, occupation was eminent. Then, of course, sparking all-out war: the lightning attack and subsequent occupation of Poland. In the following letter, we can almost hear Pius’ excitement over Vatican/Nazi relations:
“To the illustrious Herr. Adolf Hitler, Fu her, and Chancellor of the German Reich!
Here at the beginning of our Pontificate We desire to express the wish to remain united by the bonds of profound and benevolent friendship with the German people who are entrusted to your care…We pray that Our great desire for the prosperity for the German people and that their progress in every domain may, with God’s help, come to full realization.”
The defenders of Pius XII refuse to confront his close relationship with the Nazi Party. Pius’s 12 year tenure in Munich as ambassador for the Vatican ensured him first-hand knowledge of the National Socialist rise to power, and deep hatred for the Jews. His single-minded pursuit of absolute sovereignty of the Pope, including his racism and anti-Semitic position, is following a long line of Pontiff’s: an early Church Father tradition of Jewish persecution as far back as the First century CE - his collusion with Adolf Hitler, which paved the way for the Final Solution, is more than evident. Pius knew of Hitler’s intentions to put to work his well-financed military and the dictators’ diabolical plans for not only German Jews, but the Jewish people world-wide. The man’s silence about the treacherous actions against the Jews, starting early in Germany, to become international news with the annexation of Austria, Pius’s true loyalties are clear.
The Nazi plan for complete genocide of Jews across the planet was made known to the international community in the summer of 1942. American, British and other representatives in the Vatican bordered on pleading for the Pontiff to make a statement of condemnation against Nazi atrocities. He refused, giving a weak excuse about a greater concern with Vatican matters. Finally President Roosevelt sent a representative to Rome (at great risk) to persuade Pius to make a statement about the active extermination of the Jewish people. He brushed the representative off, giving another excuse, something about staying above opposing political parties. President Roosevelt hoped the Pontiff would condemn the Nazi’s during his Christmas address. This particular Christmas word to the faithful was vague and lacking in any specifics.
“We must vow to bring society back to its immovable centre of gravity in Divine law…Humanity owes this vow to those hundreds of thousands who, without any fault of their own, sometimes only by reason of their nationality and race, are marked for death or gradual extinction.”
Is the Pope speaking about Darwin’s theory of “natural selection?” Does he believe the systematic extermination of the Jews is the result of the forces of nature? Similar to the Dinosaurs, are there nationalities and races “marked” for gradual extinction? The current Pope, under the same circumstances in the 21st century would have never gotten away with this pompous statement of nonsense. The words have the similar tone, piousness and pseudo-intellectual rigmarole as St. Aquinas’ statement about women – women are “misbegotten” – a freak of creation – and should have never been born.
There is no mention of the Nazi’s and their intent, including his more than obvious “roaring silence” on the on-going genocide (over one million executions at this stage) of the Jewish people. Pius’ future addresses to the faithful are just more deflective-babble, not worth recording here.
During the remainder of Pius’ time as sovereign Pope, he continued his silence until the end of the war. The final grand act of denial, a transgression so telling of his insipid spirit, was his silence thus his condoning the SS arrival into Rome, rounding up over one thousand resident Jews, some families heritage going back before Christianity, and taking them to various concentration camps. While this crime was taking place, he was within Vatican walls, ordering that his office aids must kneel with their heads bowed, when handing him the telephone to answer a call! It is known that the vast majority of these Roman Jews met horrible deaths.
After the war and continuing to his death, Pius sidestepped his critics by taking the moral high ground, his hypocrisy in full view, many observing his God Complex, and firmly holding his position as sole ruler over Catholic Christians across the planet. The Vatican public relations department worked diligently recording Pius’ half-hearted attempts to help the victims of Nazism.
Deservedly, entering into old age, he suffered chronic hiccups, experienced memory loss - a chronic hypochondriac, he received weekly monkey-brain-cell injections to live longer. This Popes’ sovereignty began to fall apart around him - failing to delegate, attempting to hold all the power, refusing to pass along his well-earned, blood- stained sovereignty over Christendom.
Pope Pius VII died on October 9, 1958 at the age of 82. Exactly like Pope Alexander IV, following Vatican tradition, lying in state for the people of Rome to pay their respects, his body decomposed at an alarming rate. A Vatican guard fainted from the stench – by the end of the day, his nose turned black and fell off – like Alexander, the body corrupted unnaturally, and this phenomenon is the opposite to certain saints, whose bodies never decompose, known as the incorruptible (see Pablo Pio) this accelerated decomposition was a symbol to many of his absolute evil and treacherous corruption during his papal reign.

When researching Pius XII, we came across several photographs of the man. One photograph in particular took us aback, experiencing a visceral reaction, seeing Pius in full Papal garb, a long red cloak, elegantly swirling behind him, while walking amongst a sea of Nazi uniforms. The prince of darkness caught on camera, inspecting his minions before they are unleashed to inflict untold pain and suffering to all and sunder. Pius not only acted the part of the Adversary, (enabling millions of executions) but eerily looked the part… a true head of the Church of XXXX…as it has been from the start.

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Neocon Puppeteers Pulling the Strings for War with Iran

President Trump's announcement today to pull out of the 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal, is no surprise to some, who understand the necon's now pulling the strings within the inner circle of the WH.

Many political pundits, particularly in MSM, are proposing that Trump's decision is purely based on destroying Obama's legacy in all things “Obama”, whether foreign or domestic. This could well be part of it, but this decision has many diabolical roots, including the alt-rights mission for regime change across the middle east.

Those behind this disastrous geopolitical move, again, should not be a surprise for those observing these events unfold. John Bolton, Trump's newly appointed National Security Advisor, has been cheer leading for a regime change in Iran for the last twenty years. Mohammed Bin Salam, known as Saudi Arabia's de facto leader, has barked from the rooftops, that Iran's supreme leader “makes Hitler look good”; and Israeli PM Netanyahu a self proclaimed warmonger, who has lied about Iran's nuclear capabilities for his entire tenure. In fact, back in 2002, Netanyahu lobbied for regime change in Iraq, claiming the middle east would be better off without Saddam Hussain, and look how that turned out. The newly appointed Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, aside from lying about his military service, (tour in Iraq) is an Islamaphobe, a right-wing evangelist, a neocon, and too, a proponent for regime change in Iran. The great irony, however, is that Trump's top military advisors, Israeli intelligence and America's allies, including France, Germany and the UK, all voted against pulling out of the Nuclear Deal with Iran. What are these warmongers up to in the short term?

Despite Iran following all points of the agreement since it was established in 2015, last year the US laid more sanctions upon the country. This move was unprovoked, merely throwing gas on the fire, violating the agreement, in an already incendiary situation. In Trump's announcement today, he used all the tired reasons for the decision: Iran is a threat to the American people, that Iran is a major sponsor of terrorism in the region, etc. All of which are simply not true. By imposing more sanctions on Iran, this puts the country further into a dire economic corner, only placing more suffering on Iranian civilians. As history has shown, you impose economic hardship on a country, backing them into a corner, their only choice is to fight back. One can only conclude that Trump's puppeteers, his handlers the neocon's, and Israel, only desire all out war with Iran.

So Trump, a reality TV star, a dishonest man, an adulterer, and while a candidate promised no more wars, is setting the stage for WW3. His puppeteers, Bolton and Pompeo, both chicken hawks, are pushing to send our boy's back into a war, not for peace, but for $... and, most importantly, at the behest of the Rogue State of Israel.


Preston & Child – Angel of Vengeance – Comment

  I have been following the Pendergast series for many years, and admittedly the latest , Angel of Vengeance , takes the reader on a time tr...