Saturday, 12 May 2018

The Only Nuclear Threat in the middle east is Israel

Since President Trump's announcement to pull out of the Iran Nuclear Deal last Tuesday, Israel appears to be ramping up their aggression in Syria, informing the world that the Syrian Army or Iran “shot first”, justifying the killing of both Syrian and Iranian military. This, of course, is a lie.

As Jihad rebels are losing their grip against the Syrian military, Israel pushes their nose into the fighting, assisting ISIS and Al Quida against Assad loyalists. One extreme right wing political pundit in Israel admitted, he would rather have ISIS along the Golan Heights border than Assad's military. In fact this reveals Israel's intent on absolute dominance in the middle east: destroy Iran and Syria, between Israel and Saudi Arabia, backed by the US, thus their dominance would be complete. Meanwhile, Iran is being hit with unnecessary sanctions from the US, based on lies from Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu. The only country in the middle east who has a stockpile of nuclear weapons is Israel.

Experts around the world agree that Israel has nuclear capability. Although it is understood that the rogue state posses an advanced military arsenal, and a sizable number of ballistic and cruse missiles. Israel maintains a policy of opacity or “amimut”, neither confirming nor denying their nuclear stockpiles. From various reliable sources within Israel, they have between 20 to 400 nuclear warheads, poised, ready and pointed at their enemies. Most importantly, Iran.

It should also be noted, that Israel is not party to any of the international treaties governing WMD non proliferation, as well as Treaty of the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), and the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC). It has signed, but not ratified, the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT)and the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). However, Israel is considered a "unilateral adherent" to the MTCR and has recently adopted national export control regulations on chemical and biological materials consistent with Australia Group standards. (1) What this means, is that Israel, is a Nuclear Power without the necessary restraints, as imposed by the International Community. Israel is a nuclear Rogue State.

One must ask: How can Israel continue to commit war crimes, occupy Palestine, decimate Gaza, and cry wolf, when it comes to Iran, and continually get away with it?

These are the questions every concerned individual who cares about our planet should be asking, everyday.

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