continues to be in solitary confinement, his health failing, and
terribly, his spirit wavering. The UK 'May regime' hold a silly 6
year old bail charge over his head. The Ecuadorian government changed
power in their last election, the new one, bowing to the Trump
revealed the corruption of the American government. More damning, he
published thousands of CIA documents, exposing the "gangster
tactics" and "war crimes" of this utterly rogue
organization. Trump loved Assange during the
2016 presidential campaign, but once in office, like all politicians
back to LBJ, followed the CIA, FBI and the entrenched manipulators of
Australian government, however, are simply lap dogs to US policy. It
has been so since WW2. Australia is an echo chamber, a reluctant
slave of American policy. The evidence speaks for itself. So, except
for a few brave journalists, Julian's home country has abandoned him.
wonder about the many trolls, screamers, critics of Julian Assange?
What happened is after releasing the John Podesta emails, the FBI,
CIA and other US organisations got scared. Either WiKiLeaks hacked
the emails, or more dangerous, their was a whistle-blower amongst the
DNC's inner circle.
the release of these emails, a top advisor in the Clinton campaign
was mysteriously shot in the back. A highly speculative murder,
considering the context of time.
Russia-gate hit the MSM, the bloody Red's have turned our election to
a Reality TV Star with zero morals but a loud voice. Hillary Clinton
has been nailed by Vladimir Putin. You know the rest, up to present
Assange is not a Russian agent. Assange does not work for the CIA.
Julian Assange is a whistle-blower. He reveals crimes of governments.
If you believe otherwise, do some research.
must be granted safe passage home, or a country willing to grant him
asylum. A protection from a US government intent on world domination
at any cost. A government intent on silencing him, preventing a man
from exposing the crimes of the powerful.
a people, we need WiKiLeaks and Julian Assange, now more than ever,
to reveal the truth.
Julian Assange.
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