Monday, 13 August 2018

The Singing Thanks of a Lady Bird.

It was a day one would like to forget. Sick with a temperature, my sinuses infected, in pain and feeling guilty because I needed to be at work, end of year school reports, last minute grading, the troubles of individuals – but I could not get out of bed. I took a pill and went back to bed. Then my mobile phone rang, disturbing a crazy dream.

“Sorry Craig, I hate doing this but it’s important.”

My boss, one of the Assistant Principals, a good person and a very hard and loyal person, someone who has never phoned me, no matter what the crisis, was on the end of the line.

Through my nasal infected head, my voice sounding like a hay fever advertisement,

“It’s ok Jude, what’s up?”

“There is a problem with your Year 12 reports…”

At that precise second a bird flew into my bedroom, frantically circulating the ceiling above my bed.

“You’re not going to believe this Judy, but there’s a bird flying around my bedroom!”

“I know…I can hear it!”

“Listen, I’ll call you back.”

The little bird had been taken into the house by Molly my little cat, because I had forgotten to feed her, dazed in my sick physical state.

After hanging up, the little red bird with huge green eyes landed on the top of my bookcase next to my medieval helmet.

The little bird sat there, motionless, except for a turn of her head, looking at me.

Molly had disappeared thus the little flying being seemed to have calmed down, moving into shock mode.

Grabbing a towel, I approached the little one with silent caution.

Whispering, I said, “Let me see…well your feet look in good shape. There doesn’t seem to be any major wounds and your wings are in good shape as well, which is the most important thing.”

The little bird cocked her head to one side, relaxing and curiously settled.

“This is what I’m going to do. I’ll wrap you in this towel and set you free.”

The bird’s head tilted the other way, looked at me with her other eye, not really understanding what I was communicating, though my tone, to her, seemed reasonable under the circumstances.

“Ok, here we go…”

She let me wrap her body in the towel, only squirming a little. Walking to my front door, opening the screen with my foot, opening the towel, the bird shot straight and fast like a rocket – the fastest flying maneuver I had ever seen in my life!

Needless to say, I went back to bed and called my boss, hoping we could solve the problem over the phone.

Then only a few days later the miraculous happened.

After dinner, writing emails, at dusk, the most beautiful singing from a bird could be heard outside my front door.

Walking outside, there she was, the same bird, perched on the chimney next door, singing a beautiful song.

Her singing was pleasant to the ear, an intention behind the song, something truly beautiful.

Thinking I was most likely being crazy, at the exact time the next evening, there she was again, singing the same mesmerizing song. I sat down on the porch with my wine and listened until she finished and flew away…like a rocket.

The little bird has not returned because I’ve been watching out for her...

I told this story to my special student class at school and they now call me the “Bird Whisperer.”

The little lady bird thanked me for saving her life, and I believe this because it is true.


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