Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Trump's America – The Great Divide

Over the last weekend, the president of the United States went on a twitter tirade, as he he does most weekends when he is stressed about some news or a looming scandal, and attacked four left-wing democrats, all of whom, are women of colour, writing blatant racist comments. These particular tweets are not up for debate or interpretation, these were street-level, racist attacks, telling these women to go back to their broken countries, and more such nonsense.

Theses childish tweets made international news, confirming to the world that President Trump is a bold-faced racist. To be fair to many, a lot of us already knew this fact, when in 2017, after the Nazi march in Charlottsville, ending in the murder of a young woman by one of these creeps, Trump called the protesters, “good people on both sides.” We know the man is racist.

Trump's presidency has been plagued by one scandal after another. Since January 2017, more people in his administration has been sacked or have left their positions because of alleged criminal activity or echoes of one's to come. Trump's presidency was supposed to be, according to him, an exercise in “draining the swamp”. Not even close to being ironic, it has been about reinforcing the D.C. Elite: giving outrages tax cuts for the rich, (Trump's donors) but even more despicably, continuing Obama and Clinton's reign of terror in the middle east.

Trump has lied on just about everything he claimed to do during the 2016 campaign. Though what is truly ironic, the man's base of supporters, do not give a rats ass whether Trump lies or even fibs occasionally. These facts we know: he had carnal knowledge with a porn star and covered it up. He had an affair with a playboy bunny while his wife, Melania, was pregnant with his son. We know he promised to remove American troops from Afghanistan, only to send more boy's over there. Trump is making millions by being president, that goes against the emoluments clause in the Constitution. He obstructed justice not once but 8 times in the farcical Mueller investigation.

Let's face it, Trump lies all the time. He screws porn stars and has unsuccessfully covered it up. He is on the record for saying he can grab a woman's genitals, because he is famous and get away with it. The real scary thing about this whole mess, is his cultist supporters. We have the most powerful Evangelists in America supporting him, despite his UN-Christian behaviour. (That is not the subject of this piece) However, this is the point, Trump appears to, apart from being racist and a glaring ignoramus, has not only divided America, but in many cases, the world.

From my reading and personal conversations, Trump's election victory at once, divided the nation. The left went absolutely insane with the Russia-gate rubbish. This all proved to be propaganda, fuelled by the MSM, to create a new cold war. I remember calling the Russia thing all BS, and called a Russia bot on twitter. For certain, twitter was alive with this Russia nonsense, and now, it is all suddenly quiet. That said, Trump continues to distract us from the real violence and evil in the world.

So is the world divided between Trump, his followers, and the rest if us? Life is not so binary or black and white as we would like it to be. I believe it is a bit of a mixed bag. Trump loves extremes and creating chaos. He loves to be the centre of the party. The man is a textbook narcissist. So what is there to be done?

Well, like the stoics of the past, I'm more inclined to pay attention, and wait it out. “This too will pass” And, well, 100 years from now, will we really care?

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