Saturday, 6 June 2020

Divide and Conquer and Agent Provocateurs

There's an old anecdote that comes from the annals of 'tried and true' propaganda, which goes something like this: The King and his adviser are peering down over the castle wall observing the peasants rioting with pitchforks and clubs. The King turns to his adviser and with a worried tone, says, “What do we do if the people storm the castle?” Smiling sardonically, the adviser says, “No need to worry, your worship, we have a plan in play.” The King appears confused and asks, “What plan?” The adviser replies, “We will turn the pitchforks and clubs against each other, and they will forget all about us!” The King smiles, “Brilliant!” Only minutes later, they could see squabbles between the fork and the clubs beginning, and by the end of the day, the people forgot what they were rioting for in the first place. Thus the royalty was saved to carry on their destructive behaviours.

When one observes MSM over a time period, especially during recent weeks, can see the Right wing media blaming the Left, and visa versa. Biden wants to de-fund the police force, while Trump screams, blaming antifa. While the Right calls the protesters “the mob”, the Left are pointing out extreme police brutality. Our so-called leaders on both sides of the aisle, are accusing the people in the streets, and particularly the looters, but at the same time, ignoring the police's out of control behaviour, attacking women and the elderly, and running through the protesters with their vehicles. For the elite and their mouthpieces, the MSM, the blame is always cast away from the real problem: our political leaders and the failed system itself.

What is even more disturbing, is the obvious agent provocateurs amongst the protesters causing havoc, and provoking violence. One obvious video reveals a man dressed in black, wearing a gas mask, (over-dressed) breaking windows with no one else around him. When approached by a real protester, he says something vulgar, and drives away in a black, brand new, SUV. This man was a plant, destroying property to incite more violence.

In another video, we see large pallets of bricks, seemingly placed strategically around the city. What made this so blatantly obvious, was there was no construction site in the area. On the video, the young protesters saw this for what it was, bricks placed there as an opportunity to create violence. To my knowledge the bricks were never touched. So what does this tell us?

During times of protest, the establishment desire violence in order to retaliate with violence, and show the people that their doing their jobs, protecting and serving. We see police attacking peaceful demonstrators, merely standing and chanting, using extreme force when it's not required. I cannot count how many times I have seen this occur from the video phones of the people.

While the police are using unneeded force, we see politicians applauding their efforts, while the reality is something different all together. Added to this, the MSM are continuing to divide us in terms of our political beliefs, and our economic status... creating a class war between the rich and the poor.

The real enemy is the establishment and the elite, who have created a system where the people can't live in harmony or safety. When the pandemic began, we were ordered to remain at home, and most people's livelihood went straight out the window. Their was no effort by the government to ensure the people could economically survive, only taking care of their own, (Care Package) $4 trillion go to the corporations, banks and dubious donors.

On top of racist behaviour from the police on a national level, the government are literally starving the people. All the while blaming certain groups like Black Lives Matter, Antifa, white supremacists, violent blacks and violent whites, Republican voters and Democratic voters, all the while, the elites are looking over the castle walls, smiling, and announcing,


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