Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Musings: Impeachment 2 & Jan 6th

My innate masochistic nature got the better of me last week, when deciding to tune in on the Impeachment 2 trial of President Donald J. Trump. As predicted, of course, there were several obvious red flags. The most flagrant was the Democrat's decision not to call witnesses. Calling these witnesses would have certainly strengthened their case against the former president. This also would have extended the trial for many months. The prosecution didn't desire a drawn-out trial because let's call a spade a spade, they didn't have the votes, and in the end, Trump was found not guilty.

Rather than purely logical arguments, in other words, a prosecution strategy of rationality, their tactic was emotionally driven. Democrats stood before the congress and American people and cried like trauma-laden teenage girls about their own experiences during Jan 6th, and the stain on democracy that Trump allegedly instigated on-line. To a large extent, I can relate to their trauma as a true mob ascended on the Capitol building looking for the heads of both democrat and republican government members. These are supposedly leaders of the “free world,” focusing only on themselves, all the while the majority of American people are dying in droves from COVID 19, have no health care, lost their jobs, and are about to lose their homes. The number of people that fall into this category runs into the millions. To be sure, this was a “show trial,” another congressional Barnum and Bailey circus without the bread for its citizens. There are other red flags concerning Jan 6th that were not addressed and thus smells to high heaven.

Why did the DC police not stop the mob, and in some cases, actually “wave them in” to the building? The world knows that the US people are the most-watched and listened to citizens on the planet. America is a surveillance state par excellence. When you include social media, there is no excuse in the world why this riot on the Capitol building could not have been prevented. The US has more “security alphabet agencies” than any other country. And somehow, these hooligans broke into the building? At face value, this is highly suspect. But it gets a little worse.

Despite video evidence revealing on-duty police taking “ selfies” with the mob members and the DC police's video evidence permitting the mob into the building. This was glossed over in the hearings if not ignored completely.

The Guardian reported that the leader of the infamous Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, an extremist right-wing gang mainly responsible for the January 6th “insurrection” was once an FBI informant in 2012. Of course, he denies any knowledge of this, but this fact remains, causing many to believe that January 6th was an inside job.

The Washington Post reported that Navy veteran Thomas Edward Cadwell, who once held Top Security Clearance, led his band of fellow Oath Keeper members into the Capitol on January 6th. This also raised a few eyebrows as to the true source for the attack on the Capitol.

It would be foolish to make evidence-free allegations that the insurrection could have well been an inside job to secure even further crackdowns on political groups critical of the current US government. However, that said, the focus of the democratic prosecution during the impeachment hearings glossed over these blatant anomalies. Now, there is talk of new censorship laws and the possible creation of what some call Patriot Act 2.0.

The Impeachment 2 hearings displayed true bipartisan theatre, relating the impression that our leaders “care” about our democracy. All said and done, former President Trump was found not guilty for instigating the insurrection in such a short time, which leads many to believe that this was simply a distraction from the country's real issues in the present time.

Many around the world were not surprised at the riot in the Capitol on January 6th, 2021. The US government has failed the people on so many levels over the last 30 years that it is a wonder this event didn't happen earlier.

So many questions that will never be answered. And the government's response will be even further sanctions on people's Human Rights.

All in the name of Democracy.

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