Friday, 7 May 2021

SANCTIONS are WAR – period!

The United States has designated itself as the world's police and financial controller. A country that lies and spreads propaganda consistently while bombing other countries to obtain and retain their natural resources. If they cannot justify outright war, they will put a financial stranglehold on a country it deems their enemy. So when the US announces that they're putting sanctions on another country, what they're really saying is “we are starving out said countries population,” preventing them from trading. We will bully any other country that dares to help with medical supplies or basic foodstuffs. The US is the planet's bully-boy, spreading death and destruction wherever it touches. Sanctions are a war crime, something many have decided to ignore. The devastating destruction from sanctions in many countries is soulfully palpable.

In the last 18 months or so, the planet has experienced a pandemic the size of which my generation has never seen before. Many countries handled COVID 19 well, maintaining lockdowns giving incentives to the people to remain indoors. In countries like New Zealand and Australia, we're virtually living in COVID-free zones. The US was one of the worst countries in the handling of COVID. Thousands of deaths and zero incentive for people to lock down, pushing the virus to spread and causing economic turmoil. While this is happening, the US doubled down on its sanctions on Venezuela, Iran, Syria, Cuba, and more. When these countries needed help the most, the US blocked much-needed medicines, food, and basic resources, forcing as many deaths as possible. This is blatant murder and a crime against humanity.

When you attempt to enter the minds of these deranged regime-change chicken hawks. The goal of economic sanctions is to put as much pressure on the population as possible to rise up against their socialist governments (theoretically.) History has revealed this to be a fallacy. These people know and understand what the US is doing; thus, they buckle up and gain more loyalty for their respective governments rather than rise up. This evil plan, sanctioning countries, and starving out their populations don't work, so why does the US continue this strategy of utter psychopathy?

You may well be able to explain stupid, but rationalizing insanity is impossible.

When I see countries like Venezuela and Syria starving to death with no adequate medicine and medical equipment... my heart sinks, and my blood boils because the US is intentionally causing this widespread suffering. You may ask Why? The acquisition of their natural resources – bottom line: $. Certainly not money for the world's people to live better lives, but the enrichment of the few oligarchs at the top. And if you bring in the argument that the US is doing this for National Security, you're a brainwashed chump. At best a fool. 

People need to realize the amount of suffering the US is spreading around the planet for their own gain, through their 13th-century sanctioning. We do indeed die from bombs and guns, but  starving a country is a slow death and nothing less than full-blown insanity...illegal and very cruel.

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