Sunday, 26 September 2021

“You're either With us or Against us.”


On September 11, 2001, the American president, George W. Bush, announced the War on Terror. In one of his more aggressive speeches, he declared, "You're either with us or against us!" The world payed heed and the response was devastating.

The United States, rather than using proper military intelligence, similar to Vietnam, went full-on military, invading Afghanistan with full military force. The problem was the Taliban had nothing to do with 9/11, Al Qaeda was responsible, and it was claimed the Taliban were harboring "terrorists." What is not known, is the Taliban offered al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden to the US if they could provide evidence that bin Laden was the mastermind. The Bush Administration refused and invaded the country anyway, killing thousands of innocents, and never killing bin Laden in Pakistan until ten years later. Suddenly the Taliban were the real terrorists, and the US remained there for 20 years. After 2 decades of death and mayhem, nothing was accomplished, except over 6000 American lives and a few hundred Australians. (10's of thousands of Afghani innocents) We lost, but have we learned anything? I think not.

It would seem that Australia will follow the US into any war whether justified or not. We've been following blindly like a pet kangaroo since the Korean War. The US appeared to learn their lesson after the devastating war in South East Asia. Vietnam was a bloody catastrophe. We left like dogs with our tails between our legs, all too similar to the latest withdrawal in Kabul. Any withdrawal from a war, especially a 20 year occupation will be messy. Generally it was a clown show, and a transparent reveal of utter incompetence.

When our elitist Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, was asked whether the failure in the region meant that our soldiers died in vain, his typical glib response was, "I don't believe any Australian who falls in that service dies in vain, because what we always seek to fight for, which is freedom, is always important in whatever cause, regardless of the outcome."

This response could have been read from a US Pentagon newsletter. Whenever I hear the word "freedom" spouted by a politician since Vietnam, my blood runs cold. So many lives were lost over a 20-year war that should have never happened. And this used car salesman of a PM runs his mouth on meaningless platitudes. The problem is that the Morrison government is jumping in bed with the US once again in the new war on China.

This latest international incident, Australia changing the Nuclear submarine contract from France to the US reminds me of frat boys arguing over who should pay for the next keg of beer. A nuclear submarine is a weapon of mass destruction that could annihilate the planet and everyone on it. But more importantly, this deal sends a message to China, "We're gathering the war machines and the troops, so watch yourselves." This is pure insanity.

Over the last 20 years we have witnessed the US and their allies lose to the so-called War on Terror, strategically and otherwise. What makes these warmongers believe they can win a war with China. This is a country with vast nuclear capabilities. A ground war would be strategic suicide. So what are these sociopaths thinking?

The US have revealed their warmonger imperial intentions for years. The Australians just seem to go along no matter the reasons or lies.

To add insult to injury, China has been Australia's main trading partner for many years. The real problem is, and pretty much always has been, America is the planets Bully-Boy.

This comes back to the Bush tactic of "You're either with us or against us" rubbish. If Australia had the ethical and economic balls to stand up to the bully, I don't think this latest Nuke deal would have gone down. Pick a side Australia. Therefore, since our blind following into American wars since Korea, should anyone be surprised.? Yes, we've picked a Side, and the entire southern hemisphere is nervous.

Sword-rattling with the US against China is not only stupid but economic neurosis. It's a bad move anyway you look at it.

The US has essentially lost every war they've started since Korea. The War on Terror is in shambles, so what's the next step, Nuclear War?

To negotiate with China on trade is a smart move and much safer for the planet. But, again, we join with the imperialism of the US and their ongoing wars, which is beyond stupid; it's shameful.

After 70 years of useless war that didn't accomplish anything, (aside profits for the elite) we haven't learned a damn thing.

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