Tuesday, 21 December 2021

Musings on MSM, Covid and War.


Biting the bullet over the last week, I pushed myself to watch mainstream media. But, unfortunately, these are not "news outlets" but well-oiled propaganda machines run by the establishment.

The American/Australian government seems to not have a clue when it comes to handling Covid 19. Last year it was stated one didn't need to wear a mask. A short time later, the people were told that "double masking" would prevent you from getting the virus or spreading it. Then we were told that everybody must be vaccinated to eradicate the disease. Once we reached 80% vaccinated in the population, again, we were told that the number of cases would drop. Later, we were told that one must be double immunized to live everyday life and keep our jobs in some cases. Finally, we are told that being double vaccinated is not enough, and a booster will be compulsory. Every day I wake up and wonder what will be the new rules because they have been changing weekly. This being the case, people listen to mainstream news like it is gospel. In reality, it's propaganda to keep us scared and obedient consumers. The propaganda is also designed to fight each other rather than focus on our highly bribed,  and corrupt governments.

One finds oneself knee-deep in blatant propaganda when it comes to politics, foreign policy, and particularly war.

During the Trump administration, one could not avoid every western news outlet in the world spouting about Russian interference in the 2016 election. Trump was a Russian agent, and Russian interference was at the level of Pearl Harbour. You were immediately branded a "Putin Puppet" or a "Kremlin Shill" if one asked for actual evidence or doubted this conspiracy on social media. The media around the world was pushing this false narrative. And every MSM consumer bought into it hook, line and sinker. Since the conspiracy has been totally debunked, known as the creation of the DNC, we don't hear a peep from these mainstream conspiracy theorists about Russia anymore. All the hate and division this propaganda campaign caused was devastating.

America's regime-change wars have always been debatable on a variety of levels. My view is war is purely a profit-making exercise and nothing else.

We just need to take a short trip down history lane and look at Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria, which were all based on lies. All were profit-motivated. All included an incredible loss of life.

When you analyze a particular war or crisis, you need to understand the motivations behind it. For whom does this benefit? Who benefited from all the "conflicts" mentioned above? It's apparent that militarily, these conflicts were all failures. However, from a profit standpoint, all were great successes. Afghanistan, for example, militarily was an utter disaster. However, it was an operational success in revenue for the weapon manufacturers and their subsidiaries.

Since the 'war on terror' has settled down in the middle east, a new money-making exercise must be put in place to ensure more profits. Suddenly China is the new global villain. The lies and propaganda coming out of mainstream media about China have been nonstop. Australia, the loyal poodle of the empire, has sacrificed economically because the realm pushed for war with the sleeping dragon. China is Australia's leading trading partner, but the global mafia don has spoken, "You're either with us or against us." So the corporations give their orders, and you better fall in line.

The only people who have profited from Covid 19 are the top 5% of the world's population. Although Covid 19 is an actual virus, the scare tactics and imposed mandates on people from government and corporations have been relentless. For who does this virus benefit? Governments and the wealthy elite. Only the little guy has suffered economically, psychologically, and otherwise.

Propaganda is designed to keep the population in constant fear and division. These lies come from corporate media and our corporate-owned politicians. This should be obvious to many; however, despite MSM lying to us continually, people still believe their fear-mongering and money-motivated propaganda.

Indeed, we currently live in an upside-down world. Where truth-tellers are persecuted and imprisoned, the criminals run free, making gross amounts of cash – blood money.

We need to wake up.

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