Tuesday, 30 April 2024

Joyce Carol Oates – Babysitter – Comment.


Originally a short story, Babysitter was first published in Ellery Queen in 2008. The novel is a perfect example of Joyce Carol Oates' style and content. The story presents a veneer of social norms, while underneath is a cauldron of unspeakable evil, both worlds colliding ensuring the reader continues to guess as to the characters responses and behavior.  

I believe hearing in an interview with Oates, speaking about her notion of playing with societies' taboos and pushing these taboos to an imaginary red line. Babysitter not only pushes these lines, but in many cases surpasses them, causing (for me at least) great discomfort in the reading process and igniting a morbid curiosity as to the final conflict resolution in the tale.  

The time is the late 1970s in Detroit. Young boys are being kidnapped off the street by a pedophile, who practices his perverted sexual fantasies, murdering the children, and moving on to his next victim. The press has called the freak Babysitter because he holds the children for weeks before discarding them. The bodies are often washed and cleaned, causing the authorities to speculate about the criminal's psychosis.  

The novel’s protagonist, Hannah, is the wife of a successful Detroit businessperson, with two young children, living in an upper-middle class suburb. Hannah is in her early forties, attractive, who only wears the finest clothes, expensive jewelry, and has a live-in housekeeper. Her marriage lacks sexual spark. Despite everything she has, Hannah is neurotically insecure. Her husband, Wes, is usually condescending, and in Hannah’s eyes, treats her like an air-headed female, so she wants more, and unfortunately finds it.  

Hannah meets a mysterious man at a business event in the city. The reader is tortured, page after page, about Hannah’s insecurities There were times I wanted to reach into the world of this story and give Hannah a good shake, because she continually makes the wrong decisions, ending up being forcefully raped by the mysterious man.  

Why is Hannah so weak, and constantly justifying her wrong choices?  

The social veneer of acceptable mores and the underbelly of pure evil come together through Hannah. Her lover, marriage, children, and her middle-class respectability finally comes to a head, and for the reader, nothing will come to good in her situation.  

There are no redeeming characters in this tale. There is nothing to like about any of them.  

Does our protagonist, Hannah, finally wake up, and realize the evil that surrounds her?  

Perhaps Babysitter is an honest example of our superficial world of proper behavior though in reality, merely obstructs our true nature?  

Something to ponder.  

Friday, 26 April 2024

Ian McEwan – Saturday: A novel – Comment.


In the tradition of modernist literary fiction, following Joyce's Ulysses and Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway, McEwan has written a free-associating interior monologue, expressing numerous themes and motifs about the concerns of modern people through the eyes of a single character in a single day. As the character in Ulysses, Bloom, stumbles through the streets of Dublin, free-associating on Shakespeare and theosophy, music, love, and politics, so too does McEwan's character, Henry Perowne, a neurosurgeon, who attains a state of epiphany at the beginning of the novel, as he observes a fiery meteor or jet streak across the early morning sky. 

 Perowne experiences a moment of intense clarity, which sets his mind in motion, moving in many directions, contemplating the nature of consciousness, musings on society, family, work, sex and politics, and the human condition in general. He traverses the streets of London in his Mercedes, has a minor car accident, plays a hard game of squash with a colleague, shops for the evening's meal, visits his mother in a nursing home, to then come full circle where he experiences a startling situation in his home. On the surface these are mundane events, but it is his thoughts that are triggered by the details that represent wider concerns. Like Joyce's Ulysses, London like Dublin, Perowne like Bloom, becomes a microcosm, our world in miniature, to make sense of it all. 
McEwan is a mature writer. Perowne's thoughts and free associations pull us into our own concerns about who we are and the absurdity of our modern world. As a neurosurgeon, Henry Perowne is typically a realist, a man who values control, facts, and the comfort of rational thinking. He is a man who keeps his emotions in check, is not prone to flights of fancy, but knows in his heart that, as a human being, he is deficit in many respects. Perowne's daughter, Daisy, is a young poet, who forces her father to read Romantic 19th century literature and poetry, but Perowne tries to view the world through the eyes of a poet and finds it terribly difficult. But what does it mean to be truly human? In the end, Perowne, based on his instincts, even without thinking it through, being rational, reveals a man with a tremendous capacity for compassion. He does show us what being human truly is... 
The novel ends where it begins, Perowne has come full circle, gazing out his window at the early morning sky, but he has changed. It is not an earth-shattering transformation, a glimpse at the secrets of our existence, however he does attain a subtle certainty, a personal knowingness, about his place in the world. 
Saturday is an excellent novel. 

Wednesday, 24 April 2024

Kerouac - Orpheus Emerged - Comment.


Orpheus is a literary artefact that is intriguing as it reveals a writer at the beginning of his career, concerned with topics and issues that Kerouac would explore for the rest of his life. Although not in the familiar `spontaneous prose' style and endless stream of consciousness, often taken as difficult to follow and understand by some readers, this novella is written in the third person and well structured. As it is a short piece, the characters are not fleshed-out as they could be, which is really only possible in a full-length novel. That said, however, the two lead characters, Michael and Paul, are developed enough to sustain the plot. Overall, Orpheus is an absorbing tale about the nature of the artist or poet in their search for truth and purity of artistic vision.

Kerouac's Orpheus is the merging of two types of individuals, archetypes if you will: Michael is the tortured genius, with an imagination conducive to writing poetry, however, he is so serious and self-absorbed, single minded, that he is incapable of being happy. A young man with a fine-tuned conscience, when he transgresses, he feels tremendous guilt and wallows in self-pity. Michael's relationships with the older woman, Maureen, lacks spark, and his affair with Maria, falls flat because Michael cannot feel true love for himself or anybody else.

Paul is Michael's opposite, a roving poet-vagabond, in love with knowledge and life. Kerouac characterizes him as a "genius "of love and life. Paul's actions are spontaneous, humorous and driven by a devil-may-care attitude to just about everything. One day, after an altercation with Michael, he disappears for a week, and tells his friend's that he has been "Lying on the wet grass eating only fruit", which personifies the carefree, romantic wandering poet.

Written during that early time at Columbia University, when the young Kerouac first meets Alan Ginsberg and William Burroughs, we can perceive these men in some of the characters in Orpheus: enthusiastic bohemian types, learning philosophy, writing poetry and prose, listening to Brahms and drinking copious amounts of wine.

The novel ultimately is about the artist/man in search of a genuine aesthetic vision, a `new vision' and the attainment of wholeness as the artist/man - there is a merging of types, and the success of this goal is the attainment of `wholeness plus vision' the `ideal' of the true artist.

This novella was by no means a disappointment, because, although a young work, Kerouac and his lifelong concerns are all included here.

Recommended to all Kerouac readers and students.

Monday, 22 April 2024

The Highly Civilized Man: Richard Burton and the Victorian World.


Nineteenth century Western colonialism and imperialism including the Industrial revolution changed Western values and social perceptions and mores, but more so, our awareness of the world, in terms of defining ourselves against difference. The Victorian influence towards modernism is far greater than historians first realized. One of the most romantic and pivotal figures of the Victorian age was Sir Captain Richard Burton. In Kennedy's critical biographical overview of man's life and thought, unlike most of the numerous biographies to date, attempts to represent and reinterpret Burton's life and thought in the context of the Victorian era. By doing this, he proposes, we come to understand this extraordinarily complex genius in terms of the historical values of the time. 

 Kennedy outlines Burton's numerous accomplishments as a prolific writer, linguist, (twenty-five languages and many dialects) explorer, archaeologist, spy, amateur physician, translator, artist, poet, expert swordsman, and sexologist. He wrote over twenty-five travel volumes containing his many adventures, and translated the Kumar Sutra and The Arabian Nights which is the most often read a quoted in present time. Like many of his contemporaries, his studies of Orientalism and African cultures were done in the spirit of difference, or the `other'. Kennedy's thesis is that Burton was a product of the Victorian age but an important precursor to modernism. 
As the 19th century has a virtual endless list of incredible men and women, according to Kennedy, what set Burton apart, was "...restless determination to extend the reach of his experience to ever more pockets of humanity and to draw insights from those increasingly varied encounters in order to advance the larger epistemological quest to understand, explain, and classify difference." (p.270) Burton's vast written work, his copious notes and observations reveals this holy quest, his unwavering pursuit of hidden knowledge and knowledge of the `other', strange cultures and bizarre religions until his death in 1895. 
The author devotes most of his analysis to Burton's works as a sexologist. Burton's many erotic translations, promoting his notion that Victorian repression of sexual matters and desire is tremendously unhealthy, paved the way for future sexologists to study the subject within a scientific framework. His controversial translations and writings also revealed a sexual hypocrisy that the Victorian age is infamously known for. Rather than study sex on moral grounds, Burton proposed a relativist position, attributing different climates around the world to certain sexual behaviors. We know this to be nonsense, however, including this premise, Burton achieved distance from the moral position, giving his subject a form of objectivity. 

Dane Kennedy's approach to Burton is a fresh perspective of the man. He was an individual that accomplished more in one lifetime than many, but he was a man of his times, attempting to define the identity of western culture during a period of vast change. Despite over one hundred years since his death, even a critical appraisal of his life and work, does not in any way lessen his accomplishment nor profound influence in the Romantic age towards modernism. 

The Highly Civilized Man is a fresh and well-written account of an icon of the Romantic-Victorian age. 

Wednesday, 17 April 2024

'Biography Channel' - Vladimir Lenin: Voice of Revolution - Comment.


Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov known to the world as Lenin created a form of Marxism that influenced revolutionaries throughout the twentieth century, including Castro, Mao and Ho Chi Mien. Leninism flies in the face of pure Marxism in so far as forcing capitalism to crumble through extreme violence and revolution. Marx would say that history would take care of itself, and capitalism would eventually wither away once the proletariat realized their plight and a class struggle would ensue, communism would emerge from this struggle leading to a type of classless utopia. Lenin certainly forced the issue, believing capitalism needed a big push through revolutionary tactics and strategies. This fine biography of Lenin from the History Channel, adeptly describes the man's life, including new information that came to light after the fall of communism and the USSR in 1992.

Lenin was a star student as his father ensured that his family of six children were reared on the Russian classics. Right before his final examinations at the gymnasium (secondary school) his brother, Aleksandra Ulyanov, a radical member of an extremist group intent on assassinating the Tsar, was eventually caught by the secret police, tried and executed by hanging. Lenin went ahead and sat for his exams despite this devastating loss, (Lenin's father had just died from a brain disease) passed and went onto university. It has been strongly suggested that Lenin's brother's death put Lenin directly on the revolutionary path.

Later, after becoming a lawyer, Lenin was exiled to a Siberian work camp for dubious political activities, being known to the police as a Marxist, where he wrote copiously, completing his magnum opus, `The Development of Capitalism in Russia." He was released after three years, later meeting his wife, a schoolteacher, who remained devoted to him until his death. The new information that finally came out of the Kremlin was Lenin's curious affair with a woman, a devoted Marxist, where Lenin, his wife and mistress lived happily together in the same apartment. This is not so shocking these days but scandalous in the early twentieth century.

This brilliant documentary summarizes the man's life and fanatical drive to create a revolution in his homeland, destroying the Russian monarchy and establishing a socialist state. Probably the most impressive aspect about Lenin was his relentless drive of purpose despite towering opposition. In fact the man was so focused that he refused to listen to Beethoven, his favourite composer, because he thought the music made him soft.

For anyone interested in the Russian Revolution and the man who played the pivotal role in its success, this documentary is essential, it would also be an excellent resource for students studying the subject in Middle School and above.

(From the archives- 2009.)

Wednesday, 10 April 2024

Cornish - The Jew of Linz - Comment.

In The Jew of Linz, Cornish carries the reader along on an extraordinary historical investigation, sweeping through 20th century philosophy and fascist ideology, making outlandish claims as to the "true" seeds that spawned Nazism and Adolph Hitler's rise to power, constructing persuasive arguments based on pure speculation and in some cases, false premises, that in the end, in his sketchy conclusion, manages not to connect the dots at all, leaving the reader disappointed and wholly unsatisfied.

Cornish's premise is that the most original philosopher of the 20th century, Ludwig Wittgenstein, attended the same school in Linz as Adolph Hitler, and from this connection, proposes that Hitler began his hatred for the Jews because of little Ludwig and his famous Viennese family. There is a photograph that Cornish claims have undergone extensive forensic examination, and from the evidence at hand, the boy seated at arm's length from young Hitler is Wittgenstein. (They did attend the same school, but that's the extent of the connection) He speculates, contrary to other historical evidence, that the two boy's, a bully Hitler and a stammering, Wittgenstein shared musical and artistic sensibilities. This may be so, however, Cornish's speculation of a playground exchange between the two young boy's is just that, speculation. 

In fact, there is no evidence whatsoever that Hitler had a hidden rage against the Wittgenstein family or the famous philosopher (Hitler's Mein Kampf, for example, would have certainly mentioned this so-called rage against Wittgenstein and his family, as the entire book, for the most part, is Hitler's treatise of anger, but the madman never mentions the family!) however, Cornish bases her entire theses on this spurious premise.

Cornish goes onto speculate that Wittgenstein was the secret communist recruiter that created the most famous English spy ring during WW2. His method of investigation is a simple process of elimination, leaving the reader cornered as to the ringleader's identity. Granted, Wittgenstein did have communist sympathies, like many noteworthy intellectuals at the time, but there is no evidence that he was a master spy for Stalin! 

It is true that Wittgenstein spent a short time in Russia and thought about working on one of the collective farms, (this is certainly not out of character for the moody philosopher) and was in fact asked to join the staff of the university, which he turned down, but this in no way points to him being a Stalinist and a dyed in the wool communist.

The last third of the book is devoted to interpreting Wittgenstein's Tractatus and connecting it to Hitler's views on the Aryan race and Nazism. One has to give Cornish points for imagination, but his understanding of the Tractatus is lacking in many respects. His notions concerning Nazi ideology touches on its occult connections but his leap to the Tractatus and Wittgenstein's notions of the Self, goes way beyond the pale.

This is conspiracy theory sensationalism at its most hysterical form. One will suspect something interesting though outlandish, then goes about searching the "evidence", picking and choosing only the data that will support the premise, ignoring all the other pertinent data to the contrary. If you enjoy conspiracy theories on par with the X-Files, this is the book for you.

Monday, 8 April 2024

Highsmith - The Boy who Followed Ripley - Comment.


Out of all the Ripley novels, this being the last instalment of a series of five books focuses more on the central psychological issue that most of the stories touch upon, and that is, having to live with oneself after committing a terrible crime, in this case, murder.

If you are acquainted with any of the Ripley novels, you will understand that their uniqueness lies in the disturbing thoughts and behavior of its protagonist, as he is thoroughly devoid of conscience, having the capacity to commit murder, usually on a spontaneous whim, and rationalize the crime to such an extent, that we the readers, are totally convinced that the crime was justified. Ripley is a highly likable villain, and a type of villain we want to see succeed. He is cultured, well-mannered, loves his beautiful wife, an expert gardener, appreciates fine art, music and beautiful things, but is capable of incredible heinous acts without a second thought.

In this last novel, Ripley is living quite comfortably at Belle Ombre, his beautiful home in Villeperce, and seems to be heading for an easy retirement. At the café in town, a strange boy turns up, and through a series of events, the two become good friends. As it turns out, the boy is a runaway from the United States, a member of a wealthy family. The boy has a terrible secret, he has committed murder, and he's on the run from his a family and his conscience.

As the tale progresses, Ripley takes on the role of mentor, having murdered many times before, perhaps unconsciously or not, guides the boy psychologically towards a frame of mind or attitude, in order to live with murder. Ripley has the capacity to compartmentalize his thoughts, push his conscience conveniently aside, in order to live with himself. The young lad seems to have the same psychological predisposition, but as the story unfolds, the boy's behavior points otherwise.

This last Ripley novel is different because Ripley takes on the role of mentor and rescuer, saving the boy from the clutches of some unsavory characters, performing his unique brand of violence which surprises, leaving the reader cold. But in his role as savior, we cheer him as he commits these unspeakable acts.

For me at least, the ending of the novel was not predictable, it was both surprising and incredibly sad on many levels. Most of all, this book is disturbing, illustrating the fact that as human beings, we have the capacity to justify virtually anything, including murder.

Preston & Child – Angel of Vengeance – Comment

  I have been following the Pendergast series for many years, and admittedly the latest , Angel of Vengeance , takes the reader on a time tr...