Monday, 26 March 2018

Purge of Russian Diplomats Leading to War?

Over the many years living here in Australia, it has become all too evident to me the governments lack of backbone and personal identity. This is not a “cultural” criticism, but a political one. Indeed, this country will follow the US and UK into illegal wars, based on vague intelligence reports; not to mention, never uttering a single word on the US’s campaign of torture, over the last fifteen years. Again, following the UK and US’s lead, are expelling Russian diplomats, based on accusations and spurious evidence. It’s a case of “monkey see, monkey do”, adding to a long line of questionable actions of international policy leading to war.    

Creation of a New Cold War

While the western world focuses on a 25 minute interview with a porn star, alleging having sex with president Trump in 2006, and paid hush money a month before the 2016 election, countries around the planet are expelling Russian diplomats from their respective sovereign soils. According to the Washington Post, these countries include:

— UNITED STATES: 60 Russian diplomats expelled; Russian consulate in Seattle ordered closed.

— BRITAIN: 23 Russian diplomats expelled.

— CANADA: Four Russians expelled; 3 applications for additional diplomatic staff being denied.

— UKRAINE: 13 Russian diplomats expelled.

— GERMANY, FRANCE, POLAND: Four Russian diplomats expelled from each country.

— CZECH REPUBLIC, LITHUANIA: Three Russian diplomats expelled from each country.

— SPAIN, NETHERLANDS, DENMARK, ITALY, ALBANIA: Two Russian diplomats expelled from each country.

— HUNGARY, SWEDEN, CROATIA, ROMANIA, FINLAND, ESTONIA: One Russian diplomat expelled from each country.

— LATVIA: One Russian diplomat expelled, plus one Russian representative of a Russian company blacklisted.

As of Tuesday March 27, 2018, AUSTRALIA, (as blind monkeys’ do) followed suit.

The reasons for this outpour of unprecedented “diplomatic action” since the 1950’s, are based on innuendo, fact less accusation, and particularly, the alleged attempted assassination, (poisoning) of a retired Russian/UK spook, and the alleged meddling of the 2016 US presidential election.

We must remember that this type of “diplomatic” behaviour, based on historical patterns, is a sign of a prelude to outright war.

This western escalation of a new cold war, that is, targeting Russia as the “enemy”, has been brewing since the Obama administration began arming jihadist, including Al Qaeda, in Syria, as part of its regime change occupation of that country. The major accusation currently, that the Russian/Syrian forces are killing civilians at an alarming rate. Add this to the arming of Ukraine, expanding NATO; forcing RT and other Russian media to register as foreign agents, and finally this diplomatic purge, we now see a clear path of evidence, towards WW3.

What happened to Reconciliation?

The US and their allies have never really applied proven diplomatic strategies to avoid violent confrontation. Since WW2, it has all been about propaganda to justify military aggression, including “regime change” of foreign governments who refuse to “go the American way”.

The majority of the world’s population do not want war. Those few elite sociopaths that have created conflict, based on lies and fear propaganda, do not have the interests of the people. Their true motivation is self-serving, based on power and money… and it’s that simple.

Since a child, my views on war have never changed. War is a lie. And when anyone tells you otherwise, my suggestion is to ruthlessly question their reasons.

Australia, unfortunately, has followed the US into illegal wars since Korea. Rather than question true motivation for conflict, we blindly ask, “You want me to jump? How high”? This is unacceptable.  

Let’s not allow these sociopaths in power to lead us into the utter decimation of our planet.

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