Monday, 19 March 2018

A Short Comment on Tillerson's Dismissal.

The sudden dismissal of Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, executed through a cowardly tweet from President Trump, has sparked a cacophony of alarm bells from all corners of media/political factions, not only in the US, but around the world.
The Secretary of State had many geopolitical views, not always aligning with Trump’s mercurial and often vague stance on China, Israel, Syria, Iran and particularly Russia. Mainstream outlets such as CNN, offered a lame yet incendiary reason, following their unrelenting anti-Russian propaganda, that Tillerson named Russia as the culprit in the UK story of two Russian spy’s, found on a park bench, poisoned by a strain of nerve agent. The UK prime minister called the incident, “highly likely”, that Russia had been responsible. This well may be part of the reason the president fired Tillerson, but it gets worse.
CIA Director, Mike Pompeo, Trump’s pick for SoS, a neo con, whom would prefer to tear-up the Iran nuclear agreement (ratified by Obama) and go to war, is well known in Intelligence circles. To add insult to injury, Pompeo’s replacement is Gina Haspel, a career CIA spook, who supported and executed torture, during the Bush administration, establishing a black site in Thailand, where torture was applied to suspected Al Qaida members. This woman is considered a “war criminal” in many European countries. In fact, she could be arrested in Germany (once landing on European soil) for her crimes.
Combine the UN ambassador, Nicky Hailey, an outspoken Zionist and sabre rattler to topple the Assad government in Syria; Pompeo, a man intent on war with Iran, and Haspel, a wanted war criminal, is a sure fire recipe for a heightened conflict in the middle east.
We should not allow these CIA and political warmongers repeat the similar lies and propaganda like Iraq, resulting in millions of Iraqi deaths and thousands of solider deaths – all based on deception.

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