Monday 30 September 2024

The Censorship Industrial-Complex is Winning.

The faux western democratic governments in Europe, Australasia, Latin America, and the United States have been cracking down on free speech in the guise of protecting its citizenry from “dangerous information or “misinformation” to protect democracy. On face value this is an absurd claim. There is no doubt that the biggest purveyors of disinformation or down-right lies are these governments and their corporate media puppets.  

There is only one reason our “democratic” governments desire censorship, and that is to utterly control the narrative.  

Imagine only receiving news about current politics and war from a sole source? Imagine your only source of information was your government and their state media. That is exactly what they want and are succeeding in achieving this goal.  

It was only last week that the social media platform X relented to the Brazilian Supreme Court Judge, Alexandre de Moraes’ demands for censorship in Brazil. This came as a surprise to many because of X’s owner, Elon Musk’s outspoken view on free speech. Musk was highly criticized for this “turn-around” on his views. However, there is more to the story.  

Space X’s Starlink enabled millions of Brazilians to access the internet. When Alexander de Moraes banned X from the people of Brazil, he also seized millions from Starlink, in other words stole from the company, forcing, I would deduce, many Space X stockholders to raise concerns about their money. This unelected Judge held Starlink hostage, blackmailing the company, pushing X to relent on his censorship demands. This is unadulterated fascism, a criminal act.  This tyrant of “democracy” now can ban his political opponents on the X platform. Did Musk have a choice, yes. But at what cost?  

The scandal here is not the decision of Elon Musk to back down, but the extent these democracies will go to prevent free speech.  

France’s neoliberal president Emanuel Macron jailed the creator and founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, on spurious charges. Now, after fighting the establishment on free speech issues from the platform's beginnings, Durov has relented to allow the government access to users on the site. The government has stated they only want access to criminals and criminal activity, however, never take any government’s word on face value. I am positive political dissidents will also be targeted.  

Those of us who are concerned about constitutional issues like human rights and free speech, should have learned after the imprisonment of Julian Assange. Assange revealed the many war crimes of government including political corruption. As a result, only a portion of independent media will report the truth about such issues. Social media and the internet have enabled the free voices of the people to be expressed and heard, and now, in the name of “democracy” our governments want to shut these voices down. Their true intentions are obvious.  

Since 2016, disinformation experts have popped-up in many democratic countries in the world. Most of these Dis info experts and organizations are extensions or tools of our establishment governments.  

Personally, the thought of anyone telling what to believe in terms of what is true or not is an insult. Critical thinking and evaluation in any subject, particularly on political issues and war, is essential to one’s value as a citizen of the world. For some twit in government to tell me what is false or dangerous is ludicrous. When I watch the corporate media, I believe half the time, the talking head has not a clue as to what they are spewing to the masses. Really, it is hilarious if it was not so dangerous.  

What has now been termed the Censorship Industrial-Complex is rearing its reptilian head and chasing us and seems to want to swallow our democratic rights whole.  

These are truly dangerous times for the rights of the human being.  

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