Sunday, 15 September 2024

Australia’s Authoritarian attempts to Punish Free Speech.


This should be stated at the beginning: Australia has no real foreign policy. All decisions and actions in other countries is dictated by the US government and their security agencies. We have followed the US into every war they have started. When the US barks “jump,” Australia askes “How High”? This is a matter of record. Currently there is a diabolical push in the US, Britain, Brazil, and Europe to suppress free speech on various social media platforms. Just last week, Australia’s current Minister of Communications, Michelle Rowland, stated that the government is about to pass a bill to combat disinformation and misinformation by fining tech companies for allowing “dangerous” speech on their platforms. This a draconian move, and anti-democratic to its core.  

The government has glibly stated “harmful information.” Certainly not surprising, Australia’s lapdog media has not pushed back in the slightest, instead excitedly asking when the bill will be passed. For the record, these individuals in the media work for the State and their corporate masters. A simple question would be: Can you give us an example of “harmful information” that you have seen on social media? My guess the Minister would be hard pressed to answer.  

All the Australian people receive from this Minister are generalities and political rhetoric:  

Michelle Rowland said. 

“According to the Australian Media Literacy Alliance, 80% of Australians say the spread of misinformation on social media needs to be addressed. 

“Misinformation and disinformation pose a serious threat to the safety and wellbeing of Australians, as well as to our democracy, society and economy,” Rowland said. “Doing nothing and allowing this problem to fester is not an option.” 

First, really? 80% of Australians believe the spread of misinformation on social media needs to be addressed? Any rational minded individual would take that statement with a grain of salt. Particularly when most people get their information from corporate media.  

Again, what is “harmful information?” And most importantly, do we as the people trust someone like Michelle Roland, a non-elected official to decide what is misinformation, disinformation, or harmful information?  

Australia is falling in line with the authoritarian governments of the US, UK, and Europe in their fascist push to censor what information can be seen and heard. Brazil has already blocked X from its citizens.  

As someone who has lived in a few countries, it is the corporate media that pushes disinformation and propaganda. The information around the invasion of Iraq, for example, the dirty war in Syria, and the destruction of Libya by NATO forces, was all promoted by mainstream media, and all proved to be lies to promote war. Again, this is a matter of public record.  

The great irony with these democratic countries and their anointed officials, is their all using the tried-and-true method to push censorship: We are protecting democracy. Silencing voices is not democratic, it is authoritarian.  

I believe we should wise-up and recognize those people who promote censorship in the guise of “keeping us free.”  

Michelle Rowland is one of them.  


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