It was the 17th century poet, author of “Paradise Lost” and “Paradise Regained”, John Milton, who wrote,
“Millions of spiritual creatures walk the earth
Unseen, both when we wake and when we sleep”.
Is it possible that beings walk the earth that are never seen except for the select few of the chosen?
Do mythical creatures walk the earth without us noticing…until they want to be noticed or have a specific agenda with you?
It is an old American Indian proverb that the natural creature’s of this planet can only be “seen” by us if they choose to be seen.
Quantum theory proposes that we merely exist in one universe while billions of other universes exist in our very own space, (multi-universe theory) thus collisions or lapses, causing strange phenomenon to manifest. Worm-holes appear, strange entrances can exist merging two diverse universes which some have reported to have experienced the extraordinary: other civilizations, more advanced than our own…even “monsters”
Have you ever walked out into the dead of night, doing a mundane task like taking out the garbage, the wind rustling the trees, a full moon casting its light, and you absolutely feel that something or someone is watching you?
The fright or terror is real as you run back to the door and close it and lock it just in case. You did not see anything, but your intuition tells you that there was something or someone watching, waiting, and biding its time for the right moment. You want to believe it is simply your imagination, but know deep in your psyche, that someone or something was there…
A past colleague of mine related an experience to me that was astonishing, that later was corroborated by her brother, whom I met at an Orange County restaurant, a reputable lawyer and rational man; upon questioning him about this specific incident, he became suddenly reticent over a glass of expensive scotch but re-told the story in the exact way, word for word, as his sister. He waved down the waiter and ordered a double and once the drink arrived, began his story.
“Patricia and I were living in Hawaii, our parents off somewhere in Europe (as usual) on vacation. I was attending Law School and my sister was taking care of the family home and our two cats. She was home alone most of the time but this didn’t worry me because criminal activity (minor or major) never happened on the island at the time…we were too far away from the nearest town. It was the late sixties, we thought we were safe.
My last class was cancelled, jumping in my Jeep, decided to check up on my little sister.
Pulling up the driveway, I heard my sister screaming as she ran out of the jungle that essentially surrounds our entire house. She was headed towards the front door when she tripped and fell on her knees. Patricia’s expression was nothing less than pure horror. As she tried to lift herself up, out from the bush appeared this creature. Looking back at the incident, even now, throws me into a slight confused state because beings like the one that had been chasing my sister through the forest, just do not exist”.
What did it look like? I asked.
“Let me tell the story!”
John was now agitated, obviously re-living the moment, going to a place he’d rather not go. He took a huge swig of his expensive scotch and continued.
“To say the least I was petrified and so much so, couldn’t bring myself to jump out of my Jeep to help – not even my only sister.
Patricia managed to get back on her feet and run to the front door, slamming the screen door shut. This “thing” crashed through the screen door and was now inside the house.
From inside our house, Patricia’s almost deafening scream sounded now like a desperate, final call for help.
Of course my natural instincts rose above my petty fear and I ran into the house to see this creature on top of my sister digging its claws into her forehead.
I’ll never forget the look on Patricia’s face. It wasn’t the expression of pain but kind of an hypnotic empty gaze of pleasure.
Grabbing one of the dining room chairs, I slammed it hard against the creatures back and it winced from the pain, removing its claws from my sister head.
But now it turned its gaze on me.
How do you describe something that has no comparison to anything you’ve seen before? The only “human” quality about this being was its eyes: red, pulsating with intent: I could not look at those eyes, (a voice in my head resounded) thus turning away from its gaze, and I picked up another chair and started swinging. One of the chair’s legs slammed into its left eye. It let out a tone of voice that I, to this day, cannot really accurately describe…a whelp?
But this is the strange part of the experience. I could hear its voice inside my head!
“Tell your sibling not to cross over again, because there will be consequences.”
The “thing” bounced through the broken screen door like a mutant grasshopper and disappeared into the jungle.
Turning to my sister, she continued to have that gaze of blankness and pleasure like the insane.
After a week Patricia seemed to have recovered from the incident, but we never really talked about it until many years later”.
The table had that uncomfortable silence as it seemed all of us were reflecting on what had just been said. Then John asked:
“You appear to be an open minded individual, what do you think of the “story”?”
In my own mind and experience, I tried to come up with some totally rational explanation: a crazy ape, perhaps a homeless person with red eyes from too much cheap wine, however, sometimes “explanations” for the irrational are more far fetched than the unexplainable.
Interestingly, those vague dots on Patty’s forehead that most of the time she tried to cover with make-up, now were blatantly obvious.
So I ordered another scotch and said it was a peculiar experience, and thanked him for telling me.
Our conversations throughout the rest of the evening touched only the commonplace and superficial – politics, sports and the L.A. Freeway system.
Pulling up in my driveway to my little Hollywood bungalow, getting out of the car, the Santa Ana winds had begun, heralding the summer months. There was a full moon, but I distinctly felt someone’s eyes upon me. Turning quickly to my right as I slotted my key into the lock, two, bright red eyes glared through the bushes next door.
A foreign voice resounded in my head as I closed the front door and threw my keys on the table:
“Stop now or there will be consequences.”
Needless to say, I didn’t sleep that night.
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