I have been listening, watching and separating the false from the true. One can see a lying politician at a dead run. To be fair, most of these people lie in order to get ahead. All politicians lie. Obama lied. Bush lied. Clinton lied. Bush 1 lied... All really, to move us to War. Why? Good question.
Presidents' of the US are never in control of foreign policy, when it comes to expansion. That is, the CIA has been in control since 1947. These are the powerful warmongers, the one's who make the decisions, no matter how many lives are lost. Try not to blame Trump. The poor man is a patsy. All set up to please his own ego. Why do Trump's base follow him like Lemmings to the slaughter?
The American people, and really, most of the western world, have had enough. During his 2016 campaign, Trump connected to this major population, and fed into their worries and disappointments. A chasm between rich and poor has widened. The way of the US, that is, neo-liberalism, has separated the poor and the rich, that has only been seen as a tragedy, that was last seen in ancient Rome.
The chasm between rich and poor is beyond comprehension. The stats you may have heard, the 1% own 60% of the wealth, is absolutely correct. America's middle class is disappearing, not due to Trump, but an economic and political view that favors the rich. (See GOP tax bill, 2017)
Trump supports these actions. He favors the rich. He promised his friends that he would pass this tax bill....and he did. Trump is not for the working person, but for the rich. You should know this.
Trump, along with his rich and racist cronies, has turned our attention from economic issues to cultural ones. Why is this "caravan of refugees" become such an issue? In normal times, the Border Patrol would take care of the situation, defining the true refugees from the false. Though Trump has made it a National Issue, like we are actually being Invaded. This is so far from the truth.
Trump is an opportunist-liar.
My point: most politicians are bought, sold and later, put in the garbage as they deserve.
I believe Americans' should vote Democrat, to save us from the retards that surround us.
Including Herr Trump.
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