Sunday, 26 May 2019

Musings: Iran – Antiwar - Julian Assange.

Over the last 20 odd years, the neocon agenda has been clear. Complete hegemony over the ME with partners Israel and Saudi Arabia. To date, two countries are now in the bag: Iraq and Libya. The counties left: Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Lebanon, and the grand prize – Iran. In the last three years, Yemen has been included in the mix, and the US and the Saudi's are nearing success. Since the neocon's neocon, John Bolton, was hired by Trump, the swords have been rattling and the lies flagrant and forthcoming, through the corporate owned MSM. Iran is not a threat to the US or its citizens. The US is a threat to Iran who have over 100 military bases surrounding the country. This is not about freeing the Iran people from an oppressive theocratic regime. Its entirely about oil and dominance. If Iran falls to the west, dominance is assured. But at what price?

In 1954, Iran elected a progressive president. He wanted to free its oil reserves from the United Kingdom, who had been profiting from it since WW1. The US and the UK could not let this happen. So, the CIA assassinated the democratically elected president and replaced him with the Shaw, a puppet of the west. Thus Iran's oil came back under western ownership. In the seventies Iran had a clerical revolution, and Iran's far right religious party took over the government. The precious oil went back to Iran, and the US and UK have been clamouring to get it back at any cost. Over the last 50years, every effort, both covert and overt, has failed miserably. Now, the American Military Industrial Complex has lost all patents, and are ready to take Iran by force. Remember, it's not about humanitarian goals, this is not about democracy, this is about stealing a sovereign nations natural resources, and nothing else. The price of war with Iran is evident: trillions of dollars and the certain death of millions of military lives and innocent lives. Desiring to go to war with Iran, is the goal of madmen. Money means everything, human life means absolutely nothing.

To be anti war in the second decade of the 21st century is to be in the minority. In the United States, in their two party system, there was always a party against going to war. In history, this was usually the Democrats. Because the Democratic party is funded by the weapon manufactures, they have given cart blanch to Trump, to basically run foreign policy. Recently, Trump sold billions of dollars worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia. According to the US Constitution, this sale required congressional approval. Congress never voted, allowing Trump to make the sale. (So much for Trump being a foreign agent for Russia). The US's current government is hell bent for war.

Where are the checks and balances? Where the people hitting the streets, protesting these war crimes? It is my belief, that some people are too worried about their own survival, merely living; then there are those who have been so thoroughly brainwashed, that there are enemies everywhere, and the US must defend “democracy”. A case in point, is the Russia-gate propaganda and down-right hysteria over said country meddling in the 2016 election. It is now proven that Russia attempted to hack certain electoral states, and failed. As far as their propaganda efforts on social media, was simply laughable. It was the DNC's corruption, revealed through Wikileaks, and the machinations of Comey and the FBI that lost the election for Clinton., not the Russians. This Russia hysteria was created by the MSM to reveal Russia as America's true enemy. And the dumb public fell for it. To keep the war machine rolling, the US must always have an enemy. Now there are enemies at every turn, according to those manufacturing consent for war. This brings me to Julian Assange.

The MSM and its driving force, the CIA, has made the American people hate Julian Assange for all the wrong reasons. There manipulations has worked so well, that rather than hating the corrupt DNC for giving us Trump, they hate Assange, the messenger. On face value, this is absurd. Add to the false accusations, coupled with the Russia hysteria over the last 2 years, and suddenly Assange works for the Kremlin. When asked several times about the source of the Podesta emails, all Assange could say, without revealing his source, that it was not a State source. Meaning, the source was an individual. What I find obvious and disappointing, is how easy it is to plant a seed of deception, guide this deception through credible media, and it suddenly becomes a fact. People bought this BS hook line and sinker. However, this becomes even more diabolical, when you ask where these lies are all leading.

Julian Assange, last week, has been charged under the Espionage Act. If found guilty, he could spend up to 170 years behind bars. Despite the fact that he is an Australian citizen; despite the fact he published the material outside of the United States; despite the fact he is a publisher and not an agent of an “enemy” of the US, he is still being indicted. If you delve deep into those in the US who have been convicted under the Espionage Act, will see a pattern that is disturbing.

Over half of those convicted since the Acts inception, have been political activists: Socialists, anti-war pundits, trade union managers; Social Democrats running for congress; broadcasters and journalists. In sum, anyone challenging the establishment. Those who desire an alternative government; those fighting for the rights of workers, and those against war. These people were not spies, these people did not sell technology to a hostile nation, but merely challenged the status quo, and were antiwar. Where is this nauseating pattern heading?

Trump has declared war on the media, claiming that 80% of all media outlets are enemies of the people. Suddenly, now that Assange has been accused of the Espionage Act, the MSM are up in arms, when only yesterday, they could not stop slandering him. These indictments against Assange fly in the face of the First Amendment. If Assange is convicted, who's next? The New York Times, The Washington Post, PBS?

Right wing governments around the world are currently being voted into office. I have written in previous BLOGS, why I believe this is so. That said, when basic democratic rights of Freedom of the Press are violated; convicting whistle-blowers who have revealed government war crimes, any person expressing their views against the establishment is not safe under such circumstances.

What we are seeing is unadulterated fascism in motion, and gaining momentum. What we are seeing is the foundations of democracy destroyed for the benefit of the few.

As a planet,we need a wake up call, before it's too late.

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