social media ran hot for many hours over Hillary Clinton's
accusations, that the 2 time decorated Iraq vet, 7 year member of
congress and presidential 2020 democratic candidate, was being
“groomed” by Russia and is an “asset” of the Kremlin.
Despite the Hawaiian congresswoman running at only 1% in the polls,
both sides of the political spectrum came to her defence, deriding
Clinton as a conspiracy theorist, proposing treasonous accusations
without a shred of evidence. One of my favourite “tweets” came
from the award wining journalist, Glenn Greenwald:
whatever else is true, there should be no place in US politics or US
discourse for voicing accusations against people with no evidence.
And the graver the accusation is (treason, Kremlin asset), the more
contemptible it is to do it without evidence. “
response did not stop there, CNN's Van Jones, the network's only
“left” commentator, said, “Hillary Clinton is playing a very
dangerous game.” He went onto say, like most journalist's during
the twitter storm, that to make accusations like this without
evidence hurts the entire nation. Indeed, this did not prevent the
Neo- Liberal hacks and establishment tools to join in on the
conspiracy; repeating Clinton's accusations like the CIA tools they
truly are. Where does this Russia smearing come from?
would have to be hiding in a cave over the last 3 years not to be
aware of *Russiagate*. The DNC and the IC began their accusations
against Trump and his 2016 presidential campaign, immediately after
Trump's win, to have colluded with Russia in order to win the
election. One could not turn on MSNBC without watching Rachel Maddow
spewing false theory after theory, how the Russian's are in every
facet of American life. These Neo-McCarthy rantings bombarded the
planet like we have never seen since the 1950's when so many lives
were destroyed as a result of McCarthy's trials. This unrelenting
propaganda, we thought, was put to rest after the Mueller report came
out. A reminder, Mueller found 0 evidence of Trump collusion with
Russia, period. Social media settled down about Russia, (I was called
a Russian asset) and the MSM seemed to accept the findings, and never
apologised for their baseless lies to the people. It simply
disappeared from the 24 hour news cycle. After Clinton's insane
accusations against Congresswoman Gabbard, we can see this conspiracy
is far from dead.
3 years of unyielding propaganda from the DNC and the MSM, it would
certainly be surprising to me, (knowing how propaganda works) that
these seeds of disinformation has entirely left the minds of ordinary
believe Russiagate was intentional and has a two-pronged
purpose: One, to distract us from the Neo-liberal policies of Trump.
That is, passing the tax law giving billions of tax breaks to the
rich at the expense of the 99%. Pushing America's direct and proxy
wars over seas. DE-regulating the EPA, permitting more fracking and
destruction of the environment. And two, creating a new enemy
for the US in the face of Russia. Remember most republican and
democrat serving reps in the senate and the House, are financed by
the weapon manufactures. War is big business. Now that the War on
Terror has subsided, the empire requires a new enemy. Russia.
Russiagate is a political and social scam created
by the elites, pushed by the IC, and propagated by the MSM. Tulsi
Gabbard's platform is to stop America's regime change wars. And the
US warmonger establishment, simply will not tolerate any opposition
to their lucrative wars.
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