Saturday, 7 November 2020

Will a Biden Presidency make a Difference?


Awoke this morning to the television blaring in the next room, announcing that Joe Biden had reached 270 electoral votes, and a declaration he is the next president of the United States of America. Certainly, this is a big step forward, removing a right-wing, narcissistic clown from the highest office in the land. Trump, in the end, was an embarrassment for America. A maniac tweeter, and a rambling fool, including his blatant racism, indeed divided a country. From the start, we knew this with his comments on the race riots, “good people on both sides,” emboldening every white supremacist across America. Now that the clown is gone, will anything of substantial change in the US?

In the last four years, the democratic congress has passed just about everything that Trump wanted: $ for his border wall; massive defense budgets, and barely resisted his SC nominees. Since COVID 19, the US is experiencing around 100,000 new cases a day and as a result, towering unemployment, and the great possibility that hundreds of thousands will be kicked out of their homes in the coming months. Trump and the democrats did nothing to prevent this fallout. They did coordinate the biggest transference of wealth to the top 1% ever seen in the world's history. Rather than write a check for the people to survive and keep the economy running, the government had simply taken care of their own. After observing a weak democratic congress over the last four years, there's no doubt that anything will be any different under Biden.

Once the celebration settles, and Trump finally goes away (not without a fight); what will the Biden administration actually do to help the American people.? My guess is absolutely nothing.

Biden even stated during his campaign that nothing would change under his presidency. The old adage, 'business as usual'; before Trump. And what was that business as usual, anyway?

In the Obama era, he brought the US into 7 wars from 2. Obama was hailed as the “drone king' by the military, as he bombed other countries to such an extent that they actually ran out of bombs. He turned Libya into a failed state. And shared with Saudi Arabia in the systematic genocide of Yemen. Domestically, he deported much more illegal aliens than Trump and actually began the systematic separation of immigrant children from their parents as a “deterrent – he also built the cages that currently house these children. He supported the poisoning of Flint, Michigan's water supply. He even visited Flint, and jokingly drank the water as a stunt. Under the Obama/Biden administration, more whistleblowers were prosecuted than under any administration in US history through the antiquated 'Espionage Act.' Biden's 'Crime Bill' created what is currently called the 'Prison Industrial Complex.' More American's are incarcerated per capita than in any country on the planet. Trump put a vulgar face on all these corporate fuelled catastrophes, but they were created and originally put into practice by Obama/Biden. I could go on, but I believe you get my point.

Though many people know my extreme cynicism about American politics and politics, in general, asked me who I would have voted for in this election. My answer was Biden because he is the lesser of two evils. Understanding that both parties are essentially right-wing, though Trump is a little more Right. The choice was an obvious one.

The so-called liberal Left in the United States essentially went to sleep under the Obama/Biden administration. They put a good face on bad policies. This must not be allowed to happen again. Now that we have a conservative democrat in office, the pressure should be laid on even harder. Politicians should not be allowed to only vote in their corporate donors' interests but held accountable for their actions or inactions regarding the American people's welfare.

As far as foreign policy is concerned, these hyped-up regime change wars need to stop. The Trumpian “might makes right,” and their application of brutal sanctions on countries across the globe must stop. We must move into an era of diplomacy, real diplomacy, and not the bully tactics of a Mike Pompeo or the dictates of the military Industrial Complex.

In my well-earned cynicism, I don't believe any of these issues raised above will be addressed, but simply continued with a “kind face.” When the celebrations finally stop, and the Trump-dust settles, we must work together to push our politicians to work for us and stop working for their corporate donors.

We took our eyes off the ball during the Obama era, this should not happen again under Biden.

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