Saturday, 12 December 2020

More Thoughts on COVID 19

In the last three weeks, Australia and particularly Melbourne has experienced zero deaths and zero new cases of Covid 19. Compared to the rest of the planet, this is quite an accomplishment. Despite right-wing opposition in the form of Murdoch's News Corp, accusing premier Andrews of being a dictator, the severe lockdowns remained and were maintained until a significant drop in new cases of the virus. Despite a few wing nuts and reality deniers, the Australian people followed lockdown protocols. The difference between Australia to the United States, for example, is that the government gave small businesses and individuals cash as an incentive to remain inside to prevent the spread of Covid. In the US, the government has all but abandoned its population with zero subsidies while at the same time attempting to enforce lockdowns. As a result, the US is experiencing an average of 3000 deaths a day, and small businesses across the country are closed down and will most likely not see the light of day again. In a word, this government inaction is nothing less than criminal.

One might ask why I care what happens in the United States? The answer is a simple one, as I have close family members and old friends currently living there. Because I grew up in the US, now living in Melbourne, I've made it my business to follow their politics and specifically, their foreign policy. And what the American government hasn't done, in terms of its handling of Covid 19, their flagrant mishandling and refusal to help the people medically and financially, borders on the criminally negligent. Denying the people the right to free medicare, particularly during a massive pandemic, is pathetic while people are dying in droves. To force small businesses to close and not give them money to remain in business is also criminal. Is it any wonder that people are defying the lockdown orders, and on the far right of the spectrum, calling Covid 19 a hoax?

The reasons for this criminal neglect from the US government is quite clear. For the most part, American politicians are bought and paid for by big lobby groups and corporate interests. The greatest threat to American democracy is simply big money in politics. Many people know this, and I've certainly been writing about it for years. Politicians will not take care of their constituents if it goes against the wishes of their corporate donors. The US doesn't have a single-payer health system, a service enjoyed by most countries in the developed world, is the politicians are bought-off by big Pharma and other medical corporations that make huge profits from illness. I'm afraid it's that simple.

In terms of Covid 19, the Trump administration didn't take it seriously, waffled about with masks and numbers, blaming China but never doing anything effective to stop the spread of the virus. When you consider the lack of financial support for people, a government disregard of the pandemics significance at the start, you have a country economically going to hell in a handbasket. This is the fault of the US government and its corrupt system of governance. This is in no way the fault of the people.

This is not to say that the Australian government is perfect. In fact, under a conservative rule, they're far from it. That said, they handled Covid 19 responsibly, ensuring effective lockdowns and stringent rules. This was reinforced by ensuring small businesses and individuals were compensated with monetary incentives to remain indoors. In my home country, the US government has abandoned the people, giving trillions of $ to the corporations, banks, and their wealthy donors. They do not have medicare during a pandemic, are told to lockdown with no subsidy while having to wait in mile-long food lines to merely survive.

The US is not a democracy but a corporatocracy. The Will of the People has vanished, and is replaced by the Will of Corporations and the wealthy.

I do not believe I'm overdramatic, but the US government is guilty of negligent homicide on a grand scale. They had the opportunity to help the people in a serious worldwide pandemic and decided to go the other way.

Something needs to change and it's certainly not further $ in politics and crony capitalism.

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