Saturday, 5 December 2020

The Office Christmas Party

 One can gain great insight into the souls of one's fellow colleague's at a work function, more so, the end-of-the-year Christmas celebration.

Through my long though blink-and-it's-over life, have attended many an office Christmas party, and depending on the decade, have witnessed countless "rather not say" situations and, well, embarrassing moments.

One of "those" moments happened while working for a publishing firm in the early nineties.

The function was held at a posh bar, walking distance from the office. My ears ringing from the live music and phony screams decided to go back to my desk, pick up my briefcase, and head for home. Empty and quiet, I sauntered to my desk and checked a few messages to hear a scream. (I'm the type who is good in an emergency to only fall apart later.) Dropped my messages and ran to the source of the scream, galloping across the office to find a couple in the throes of passion.

To protect the innocent and the guilty, the bumping and grinding couple we'll call "Anne" and "Chris." Anne was a personal assistant, shy and unassuming, petite with mousy brown hair and thick glasses that made her head appear too small for her body. Chris was the office IT guy, a definite nerd, but a cool nerd.

"Coitus Interuptus" would be an understatement, as upon my arrival, both separated at lightening speed, covering their nakedness. All I could do was excuse myself and walk away.

The following Monday, both had returned to their subdued office personas', though when seeing me, their faces turned the hue of scarlet, the color of the guilty.

An unspoken passion, suppressed by social mores, over a year, to break out, fuelled by a little alcohol, continues to make the world turn.

Christmas, more so the Spirit of Christmas can drive the soul to the depths or the heights of existence.

Be safe, happy, and giving this Christmas. And a little word of advice, be wary of the office Christmas party. ?


Chris and Anne are married and have three children, all in school, all doing well.

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