Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Comment: Recent US bombings in Syria


Most antiwar pundits on social media and beyond knew that under a Biden Administration, the “conflicts” in the middle east would only escalate, and the bombing and murdering of innocents would continue. One merely needs to look back a few years during the Obama years to see the US war machine at its most deadly; and understand that under the current administration, the US's illegal occupation of the middle east will simply dig-in and expand over time.

The latest bombing(s) on Syria was justified and echoed in the MSM as a “defense strategy” targeting “Iranian” backed soldiers in the area. ( A response to rockets attacking the Green Zone in Iraq). The MSM doesn't tell you that these so-called Iranian-backed soldiers are indeed Iraqi-based freedom fighters, attempting to rid themselves of the US occupation in their country. The US didn't “democratize.” Iraq, but set-up a puppet government that ironically, voted to expel US troops from their country. Despite the overwhelming majority of votes to expel the Americans, not surprisingly, the US ignored the majority and has remained ever since.

We should remember that the US invaded Iraq based on an MSM propaganda campaign claiming Iraq had WMDs and were prepared to use them. We know now, of course, this to be an absolute lie. We must ask why The US is still occupying a sovereign nation considering the invasion was discovered to be pure propaganda. The answer is obvious and is the same reason for the US's recent bombing of Syria: Oil and Resources.

The obnoxious and bumbling right-wing previous US president, Donald Trump was at least honest when it came to occupying and fighting in Syria...”We're guarding the oil.” The Biden government is a slippery apparatus of war, pushing old excuses and continuing to name Iran is their sole enemy aside from China. Over the last 20 years, the US's intentions have been clear, and that is full dominance in the middle east with Israel at the helm.

These imperialistic intentions originally was a five-year plan, but blatant imperialism is a public relations nightmare. Thus the current wild censorship of independent journalists and anti-war pundits on social media. The elites and regime-change lobbyists, including chicken-hawk politicians, desire war because war lines their pockets. So only the MSM, the scribes for the State Department and the Pentagon, need to be *one voice*, bamboozling the people once again into WW III.

It is certainly outlandish how the establishment media and the government can explain away the killing of 22 people in the first bombing raid in Syria, by calling it self-defense!

All said and done, the US and its allies shouldn't be in Syria, Iraq or in any sovereign nation claiming they're keeping people safe.

One with only a slight knowledge of geopolitics, will understand and pierce through the war propaganda, and see that these last illegal bombings in Syria are merely furthering the plan of US imperialism in the middle east and around the globe.

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