Tuesday, 23 March 2021

The US's Perpetual 'conflicts' around the Globe


I remember it was the 2nd invasion of Iraq under George Bush that forced anti-war protesters from all over the planet to hit the streets. Living in Melbourne at the time, the city was “standing room only”, and never have I seen a protest this size ever since. These anti-Iraq-war-protests ran across all the major cities in the US, including massive peaceful demonstrations across Europe. The world's people didn't want to go to war, the majority understanding that not only “Op Desert Storm” was based on propaganda, but pushing the blatant lie that Saddam Hussein possessed WMDs ready to bomb Israel, and strangely, that in some twisted logic, the Iraqi dictator was connected with Al Quida and 9/11. The world now knows this to be utter propaganda, yet American forces continue to occupy the country.

This, of course, begs the question: Why are the US and their allies still occupying Iraq when the reason for the invasion was based on falsehoods? For those running the perpetual war propaganda machine in the US, UK, France, Germany, and Australia, the response to this question is that...” it happened 18 years ago, and since new enemies have raised their heads, the war in the middle east is complicated and revealing the reasons we're there would be violating National Security...” and for the most part, the vast majority of people either believe this hogwash or don't have the time because they're simply trying to survive on a day-to-day basis. I believe it's a combination of both.

America's perpetual wars and 'conflicts' have been consistent since 1947. Beginning with Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Syria, and Yemen. Iraq and Libya, for example, has been bombed to absolute rubble. At the same time, Libya, a once-thriving North African country with successful educational programs and free medicare for its citizens, is now a 'failed state.' with warring factions and actual slave markets on the streets. As a whole, Syria is an international war crime par excellence, combining draconian sanctions, starving the Syrian people, while American troops occupy northern Syria to “guard the oil.” Northern Syria is also the country's land to grow their food, blocked by jihadists, Turkey and American troops. We are literally starving Syria out of existence.

Over the time of the US occupation of Iraq, it is estimated that over 1 million people (mostly children) have been killed. When you include the US sanctions of Iraq, the 'food for oil' program, thousands of children perished for lack of medicine blocked by the US and their brown-nosing allies. The elite war machine representatives will tell us that these massive deaths, equal to only the Holocaust, was worth it. Worth it for what...oil?

We must include the perpetual 'meddling' by the US into Latin American countries. San Salvador, Chile, Venezuela, Bolivia, and many that have not been reported to the world.

The US is doing to Venezuela what it is doing to Syria. A blatant attempt to starve the people through cruel sanctions, out of existence, to revolt against their respective governments. (It seems the Latin American people are aware of this considering the recent elections in Bolivia.) We must remember that these actions are actual international war crimes that the mainstream media conveniently ignores.

On this anniversary of the Iraq War, we must remember that they were staged based on lies. That is, millions of children have been killed based on World-Wide political propaganda.

The further crime is we continue to occupy this once sovereign nation despite the fact the reasons for being there in the first place is based on pure deceit and effective propaganda.

So whenever an “Intelligence agency” tells you that foreign agents are attempting to destroy our “democracy,” take it with a snowball-size- piece of salt...because it's more than likely BS, in order to justify the expansion of the American (and their allies) Empire.

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