Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Letter’s Never Answered… Melbourne Australia, February 16, 1942 (Short Story)

My love,

I have written so many letters to you, my darling, without a single response that my hopes of you remaining alive grow dimmer as each day passes…the thought of living without you is too painful, too heart-wrenching to even contemplate. Robert, my true and only love, every day and night (mostly late at night), I pray with all my soul, heart and mind that you are alive in this terrible war.

The most dreadful news came in the morning papers: The Melbourne’s, ‘Herald-Sun’ headline read, “British Surrender Singapore to Japanese Invasion.”

What does this mean, my darling?

How can a little country like Japan win over British, Dutch and Australian forces in only a matter of months? These Japanese appear to be monsters and now the rumor is Australia is next!

I’m so frightened for you, my sweet, afraid for myself, afraid for mum and dad but mostly terrified for our baby girl, Kathleen.

Yes my darling, you have a 12-month beautiful girl who looks like an angel.

I know this may be a shock and sound like a bad romantic war novel, but our beautiful daughter was conceived on that lovely, warm night on Brighton Beach. Remember the fire blazing, and we all fell asleep. You snuggled into my “smelly” and sandy blanket…and it was the best night of my life. Because you were leaving in two months to Singapore, I didn’t want to worry you; perhaps I was wrong, but Kathleen is beautiful and is so much her father’s girl without any doubt in the world.

I wanted to tell you that just last night, while cradled in my arms nursing her, Kathleen peered up at me, and there were your beautiful blue eyes! She has your straight and also perfect aristocratic nose and high forehead, (her lovely blond hair will grow in time) but of course its Kathleen’s smile that is all yours which makes me cry with joy and sadness…because you are not here to see her wonders.

I’ve tried very hard to find you, but there are thousands of Australian soldiers in Singapore fighting in this god-forsaken war. My friend Margaret, next door, receives letters all the time from her husband. Paul is stationed in London reading suspicious letters (part of some British “secret” organization). Wish you were in London, my love.

I think about you all the time. I’ve sent many letters to the government, and their reply has always come back to me in straight forward government nonsense…."Sorry, Mrs. Malone, we do not know Private Robert Malone's whereabouts… but when we hear a word...blah, blah and bloody blah.

I think about you every second of every day, my love, and imagine the moment you come home, gallantly walking off the ship with that beautiful smile and into my arms!

I imagine and dream every night of that wonderful face of yours, smiling and always so kind (you were always a kind man) and coming back to us…taking me into your arms and kissing me.

I really know, once you finally see Kathleen, your beautiful daughter, our lives will change, and we'll be a family and 'live happily ever after'…forgive me, but I miss you so.

Please come back to us, Robert.

We love you and only want one thing, this terrible war to end.

Once again, we love you and pray for the day you return so we can see that handsome and kind face.

Your love forever,

Kate & Kathleen

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