Thursday, 15 July 2021

US/UK Sadism – Julian Assange


The one aspect of life that triggers me the most is the active cruelty of people towards their fellow humans or any sentient being. To inflict psychological or physical pain upon another is inexcusable in any circumstances. In the case of Julian Assange, this cruelty or outright sadism, as he has essentially been in solitary confinement for over seven years. Solitary confinement is considered in many countries to be “cruel and unusual punishment.” Yet our two most developed nations on the planet, the United States and the United Kingdom practices this savage, medieval punishment daily.

In a recent interview of Julian Assange's father, Richard Assange, by The GrayZone journalist, Anya Parampil conveyed two experiences while visiting his son at the infamous Belmarsh Prison in the UK. On the surface subtle, however, these anecdotes displayed the blatant sadism and conditions that Julian must experience while incarcerated.

The first visit included Julian's fiance and his two toddler children. One of the guards insisted on searching the inside of the three-year-old's little mouth. According to Richard Assange, the action was done forcefully, causing great distress for the child who ended up crying. Julian witnessed this vile action and was unable to protect his daughter from the cruelty. I know as a father, this would trigger a physical reaction to protect my daughter. Julian had to stand by and do nothing. Otherwise, guards would pile on him and drag him away from his family back to his dark cell. He needed to see his children.

The second incident included his children as well. Because it was the height of the pandemic, Assange was required to wear a full PPE suit and told if his children ran to him, he would be put in total lockdown. This, of course, is ridiculous and ironic considering Assange is in solitary 23 hours per day with one hour of exercise. In reality, just from these two instances, we can imagine the day-to-day cruelty and sadism that Julian Assange must have to endure every day. It's almost a cliche to call prison guards sadistic, but it is clearly apparent in these two examples.

Julian Assange is in prison only because the United States State Department deems it so. The charge is hacking into classified information revealing American military war crimes. In fact, the information was leaked to him by Chelsea Manning. Interestingly, Manning was Pardoned at the end of the Obama regime. Though Assange continues to suffer in solitary confinement.

The UN and major medical professionals around the planet have united in a petition to release Assange based on his serious medical condition, both physical and psychological. This has all been ignored except for the last UK court ruling that extraditing Assange to US prisons would only subject him to more egregious torture. This is positive but doesn't address the prosecution's case of lies, lack of due process, and false witnesses. To be fair, in any other court, this case against Assange should have been thrown out long ago, and Assange set free.

 Assange's case is not about the LAW. It's about punishing a journalist for revealing the war crimes of a powerful warmonger empire.

This should disturb anyone with an IQ slightly above that of a chimpanzee. The propaganda about Assange has been so prevalent and relentless, we continue to even have high-profile celebrities spouting nonsense on social media. Personally, I find this astonishing and realize the utter power of the MSM.

Apart from the sadistic bombings on middle east countries by the US and UK killing innocents, and the sadistic treatment by Israel on the Palestinians, the unfair and blatant illegal prosecution and persecution of Julian Assange reveals the sadism of the powerful and the rich, proclaiming they can do whatever they want as long as it suits their respective agendas.

We live in a totalitarian world, run by a sadistic oligarchy, where the criminals run free and are rewarded, while the truth-tellers are thrown into dark holes and hopefully forgotten.

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