Monday, 22 November 2021

Ethiopia: Here we go Again.

The US meddling in the African country of Ethiopia is not what the state department says it is. Even after 50 years of false flags and illegal wars from Vietnam to Iraq and Syria, including numerous dirty wars in South America, anyone over the age of 25 and an average IQ should realize that US wars overseas have nothing to do with humanitarian actions or "saving democracy."War is purely an economic venture for international corporations to make a profit. The millions killed over the last 20 years had nothing to do with any threat to the US or their kiss arse allies. The excuse for invading Iraq was based on an elaborate lie in a concerted effort with the mainstream media and governments to declare war for Iraq's resources, primarily their oil.

When the UK and US were interested in Syria, in the early 2000s, many democratic and republican politicians met with Assad to "get them on our side." Assad wouldn't allow a particular oil pipeline from going through his country. This pipeline would close Russia off from their main profits in the area. At first, prominent Assad politicians and military personal were offered hefty bribes to turn against the Assad government. This didn't work. A civil war was instigated, and anyone who has been paying attention knows the rest of the story to the present time. I wish people would wake up and smell the corporate war crimes and sociopathic empires' desire for global hegemony.

The US ventures in Latin American countries to topple socialist governments or governments who simply want economic autonomy are too many to list. The last coup in Bolivia by a US-supported right-wing government is a recent example. The amount of civilian and indigenous deaths from the coup are countless. This has recently changed since a people's government has been elected. But why the US interest in Bolivia? Their natural resource is Lithium. And Lithium is valuable for cell phone technology and electric cars.

During the Trump administration, all the hoopla surrounding Venezuela has nothing to do with installing true democracy in the country. Indeed, not surprising, Venezuela is the wealthiest country on the planet in natural oil reserves. So naturally, US oil corporations desire that affluent resource. So, the US and its allies spread propaganda about its current government and attempts to install their own puppet leader.

The current propaganda from the State Department pushed through by corporate media regarding Ethiopia is really laughable if it wasn't so dangerous. The real reason for the US interference is China has an excellent relationship with Ethiopia.

You can look it up, but the main reason for the US sticking their nose into Ethiopia's business, a country that no one talks about in the west, is what's called the 'Belt and Road Initiative. So again, this is totally about owning another country's resources. And nothing to do with "terror" or "saving democracy." 

I wish the masses would wake up to the absolute lies when it comes to US wars overseas. War has always been about profit, and anything else you're told is rubbish.

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