Saturday, 13 November 2021

There is no Left in Modern Politics


The True Left in modern-day western politics has all but disappeared. Similar to a first-year post-modernism student, they take the bits that sound good a discard the rest. Politics is "relative" they would offer, and all institutions, laws, and philosophies are hierarchical; a grand narrative to keep our minds closed to ensure we follow the rules and be good "citizens." Everything is perspective, and "we all have our own truths." Then, of course, there are "alternative truths" and objective truth, which is measured science, no longer exists and is part of the past. We claim to care about our fellow humans and support American imperialism, foreign wars, and continue to vote for corporate-run politicians. So what happened to the Left?

There's one sure-fire way to spot a faux socialist: they all support and promote imperialist propaganda. There's also a sure-fire way to spot those who spread propaganda and misinformation about socialism: they'll compare it to Stalinist Russia. They'll call you a supporter of right-wing dictatorships. They will call socialism Godless and the "word" of the devil. All this misinformation either comes from a deep place of ignorance and brainwashing or intentional slandering to promote a right-wing, anti-worker agenda.

The litmus test is simple: they are not left-wing if one calls themselves a socialist and promotes establishment narratives, including post-colonialism and regime change operations.

I find it exhausting and disgusting to see self-proclaimed "leftists" promote regime change and war with other countries when said countries pose zero threat. Yet, for some reason, these people feel morally superior to such an extent that the U.S. and their allies must intervene and bomb the place back to democracy.

In the United States, the democratic party to all outside the country appears to be the Right-wing. There's no universal healthcare; higher education is designed only for the wealthy elites. American tax dollars mainly go towards the "defense budget." Billions of $ go to the military, and hardly anyone blinks an eye. This is while basic jobs are paid 1950's level minimum wage, and solid manufacturing jobs have been outsourced overseas. This is not to mention a failing infrastructure, roads, and bridges crumbling before our eyes.

Capitalism is dead. There is only so much rhetorical propaganda you can throw at the people before they start to realize they're getting royally screwed.

People have forgotten that socialism is a political system where the working class owns the means of production. Workers understand that their labor is for the benefit of everyone. Taxes go to universal healthcare, free education, infrastructure, and an inexpensive transport system. The worker can own their own homes and can look forward to a stress-free retirement. Currently, under our capitalist neoliberal system, none of this is possible because the few have stolen all the means of production and have bled the working class to finance their endless wars.

To see the so-called Left in the U.S. absolutely destroyed in the last election was disheartening. To see Justice democrats such as "the squad" turn their backs on their respective constituents goes beyond a simple betrayal. The saddest is to see those people who voted this faux left into power and continue to support and protect them from criticism is almost hard to believe. The people have been so propagandized that progressive policies (that never eventuate) appear Left to them when they are far-right issues in reality.

During the '70s and '80s, Australia was under a working democratic socialist government. The attack on socialism began in the '70s. We have been under a right-wing liberal government for the last 30 years. Our living standards have fallen as a result.

Since the outbreak of Covid 19, my home state of Victoria has experienced the harshest lock-downs on the entire planet. Authoritarian control is blatant. We see more cuts to social services and education while the government makes trillion-dollar deals with weapon manufactures to build nuclear subs.

Socialism is not the devil in disguise. But, of course, it is portrayed that way by greedy business interests and fascist governments to sway you from a system that supports the ordinary worker and the overall betterment of society.

There is no genuine Left in our modern political landscape.

This must change.

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