Monday, 31 January 2022

War & Sanctions

The United States of America cannot exist without waging some war or 'conflict' around the planet. To justify these wars, the media waves are drowned in propaganda. This is an undisputed fact. Now that the US left Afghanistan after 20 years of death and destruction without anything to show for it (except billions of profits for weapon manufacturers) without even a blink, the Military-Industrial Complex has set its sites on Russia. The propaganda has been relentless. But if the US cannot have a hot war, congress is about to pass a bill laying down deadly sanctions on the country.

To the detriment of many sovereign nations around the globe, the US has a monopoly on international finance. This gives them the power to put an economic stranglehold on any country they deem their "enemy."In a sane world, no single nation should have such economic power. But that's beside the point. The sanctions they're about to put on Russia will affect the innocent population throughout the country. Basics like food, clothing, petrol, medical supplies will be affected. By international standards, this is a blatant war crime.

I was sickened to watch two US senators on a Sunday news program push this agenda to punish Russia with sanctions. These two relics of a bygone era, causing such misery on innocent men, women, and children, were elegantly psychotic. One of the senators referred to Russia as merely a 'gas station' and nothing more. The cultural ignorance and downright racism were astounding. The US is an intelligent country filled with brilliant people, so why do old men of this tragic character and low IQ manage to call all the shots. It was embarrassing to watch.

Sanctions this severe on any country is a war crime. Intending to murder innocent people is a crime against humanity. The US has been committing war crimes for a very long time with zero consequences. This latest move to punish Russia economically is a war crime. And by doing so will undoubtedly place Russia against the wall. This would have devastating results and a war no one wants except the MIC, MSM, and the weapon manufacturers.

The apparent stupidity of these cranky old politicians, bribed by corporations, is beyond the pale.

I remember at the beginning of the pandemic, rather than reach out and help nations deal with the virus, the US doubled down on their sanctions on Iran, Russia, Cuba, and Venezuela. This is definitely cruel and unusual and indeed sadistic and insane.

Watching US MSM, the sword rattling and apparent push for sanctions and war with Russia put my stomach in knots. I know they're 'talking heads' and mouthpieces, but many spoke with such hawkish relish. Unfortunately, I believe they believed their own BS.

We mustn't let these oligarchs, puppet governments, and media institutions drag us into another war. Russia is a nuclear power that seems to escape these corrupt old warmongers.


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