Sunday, 23 January 2022

War with Russia is Absurd


The United States of Corporations requires an enemy to economically exist. There has to be a bogeyman out there somewhere for the US economy to remain solvent. Added to this morbid fact, every war that the US has waged since Korea was forged in deceit. The only way to get a country's people to back a war is by way of lies and relentless propaganda. An existential threat must be created to justify sending so many soldiers to their deaths. The most flagrant lie that comes to mind was the war in Iraq. The US invaded a sovereign nation based on many lies, the big one being WMDS. And like a pack of sheep we all fell for it.

The so-called Ukraine crises is a creation of the US and NATO. The relationship between Russia and Ukraine goes back centuries. The US at least since 2014 has been instigating upheaval within the population. The Obama administration orchestrated a coup, replacing a left leaning elected president with a right wing dictator who, gladly follows the State Departments orders. A "civil war" has been raging since – fuelled by the US including selling millions of dollars of weapons for the "rebellion" – a Nazi based pack of fascists.

Yes, that's correct: the US is selling weapons to Hitler loving Neo-Nazis. Why is this fact not reported in the MSM? The answer to that question is obvious as the MSM is the megaphone-voice of Empire.

I remember the Trump presidency when you couldn't turn on your TV, computer or I phone without hearing about Trump and his collusion with Russia during the 2016 presidential campaign. Government officials and ex-spooks appeared on CNN comparing this alleged collusion with Russia with 9/11 or Pear Harbour. The propaganda machine portraying Russia as the US's main enemy has been percolating in MSM for quite sometime.

(The Trump campaign did not collude with Russia as reported in the Mueller Report)

Because of a major pandemic and the many distractions that governments stir-up, most people do not have the time to understand geopolitics; listening to the knuckle heads at CNN and MSNBC is all they have time for. So it is understandable how people would come to believe Russia to be an enemy of the United States. This is absurd and simply not true.

The United States and their obese attack dog NATO, have been barking on the Russian border since the end of WWII. Around this time, NATO broke a treaty stating they would not advance their forces passed a certain border, and the US did it anyway. Right now, Russia is virtually surrounded by war hungry soldiers waiting for Russia to make a move.

This analogy has been used so many times that I'm reluctant to use it – but it illustrates Russia's Point of View. Imagine Russia and their allies mounting weapons and thousands of troops along the Canadian and Mexican borders respectively. Russia states: "You make one move into these country's territory WWIII is inevitable." That's exactly what is going on along the Ukrainian border.

The MSM are making out that Russia is the aggressor in this scenario. The opposite is true. The US has been stoking trouble in the Ukraine for years.

Face the facts, the US and their vassal States like Germany and the UK will follow the US into war with a country who has the second largest arsenal of nuclear bombs to only the United States. War with Russia is a corporate exercise not a moral one. It's purely for money. Freeing a country from oppression and promoting democracy has nothing to do with it... it's all about the bottom line.

War with Russia is absurd. 

1 comment:

Preston & Child – Angel of Vengeance – Comment

  I have been following the Pendergast series for many years, and admittedly the latest , Angel of Vengeance , takes the reader on a time tr...