Thursday, 10 February 2022

Democratic/Establishment – Violations of Free Speech


Censorship in the media and social media took hold and ramped up after the 2020 presidential election. Immediately after the election, all social media outlets banned President Trump. A popular social media site (Parlor) was targeted by democrats like the faux progressive AOC to bring the website down due to "hate speech" and disinformation. Despite the platform's popularity, the powers took the site down due to democratic pressure. Over the last 2 years, there's been a blatant campaign to silence certain voices on social media. More to the point, government pressure to silence any voice that contradicts the party line. This is a direct violation of the US Constitution.

Governments should not have the power to influence media to cater to their party politics. But the evidence is clear that the MSM and the democratic party collude on this subject. This is not like the good old days when one could read an editorial exposing anti-war sentiments and another arguing against welfare benefits. Now they have the power to silence any opposing point of view. Canceling them totally is currently the intent. The democrats and their pundits desire only one point of view, and no other is allowed in the public discourse. This is the primary tool of fascism.

A pertinent example was the US presidential democratic race in 2020. The candidate Tulsi Gabbard was campaigning on an anti-regime change ticket along with her type of universal health care. In the first Democratic debates, she slaughtered many candidates on their past records and stances on war. The democratic MO to combat criticism on policy is to name-call and change the subject as soon as possible. After the first debate, Tulsi was smeared by being called an Assadist (president of Syria) and a Russian asset. Although Gabbard had the votes to attend the second and third debates, the Neo-Liberal media banned her or ensured she could never come back to the arguments. Her anti-war stance and awareness of other candidates' shady records caused her to be canceled. Later, the warmonger Hillary Clinton publicly called Gabbard a Russian asset without evidence. The meatheads of the democratic party and their pundits are using the same tactics today at anyone contradicting their party line.

I view Australian MSM (when my tolerance level permits), US mainstream, and mostly specific internet sites that explore all aspects of subjects under discussion. Recently I've been exposed to an apparent cancel campaign to rub out such luminaries as Joe Rogan and Russel Brand. Both podcasts are top-rated. Rogan has over an 11 million audience, and Brand is nearing 5 million subs on YouTube. Russel Brand has been called a "right-winger," and Rogan a "racist" and a significant source of disinformation. These are ad hominem arguments (the lowest form of view) and blatant lies. Their censorship campaigns are not based on substantial ideas or truth but simply accusations and lies. I listen to both gentlemen, and I can assure you that Rogan is not a racist, and Brand is decidedly left-wing. (Although Brand will claim to be neutral) his show consistently exposes political and corporate corruption.

It has come to my attention that these cancel and censor campaigns against these two men are politically backed by prominent pundits in the democratic party. It appears to be evident at face value as the tactics are the same as the democratic party: name-calling, smearing with lies without touching the actual arguments. This is the Clinton MO, therefore, the democratic party MO. And on cursory observation, this strategy is childish (though effective) at best.

The problem is that the establishment parties have nothing to offer – both democratic and republican. They're essentially the same, paid by the same corporate interests. When you have nothing to offer the people, distract with scandals and target to silence those voices contrary to party policy.

I know the word fascism has been thrown around a lot lately, usually incorrectly, though what the establishment attempts to achieve is the primary tool of totalitarianism. Silence all dissenting voices apart from the ruling party.

A democracy, the political ideal that politicians talk about non-stop, is a state where all speech is free and the press can criticize the government.

Over the last 2 years, at least, we are losing both.

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