Wednesday, 16 February 2022

Rant: Relentless US War Propaganda

(Written right before the invasion).


The United States government along with their media cronies have been pushing for war with Russia via Ukraine for many months. This sword rattling has escalated over the last few weeks, predicting Russia's imminent invasion of Ukraine. Media from around the world predicted this invasion on February 16th – as we all know, this never happened. 

Once upon a time, the lies of the government and media weren't exactly in plain sight. The propaganda for war would begin slowly, ending with full-blown lies. The US and their allies are stating blatant lies up front, believing that the people will believe them. When it comes to war, we really should have learned by now, governments always deceive their people all the time.

It should be evident to the warmongers in the US that all their violent forays from Vietnam to Afghanistan have been abject failures. In both these cases, the mighty US military was defeated by indigenous guerilla fighters. So now they desire to war against a nuclear-equipped superpower? Again, the idiocy and profit-motivated intentions are apparent.

The only people who have benefited from the war in the last century have been the rich and powerful. The people are bombarded with ideals like freedom, patriotism, and democracy, only to return from war as broken human beings. Once these soldiers return, they are ignored and left to fend for themselves for the most part. Over 50% of these vets commit suicide. So no, people never benefit from a war.

Ask the typical American, Australian, or Frenchman, if they are concerned about Ukraine's freedom or independence? Most basic folk could not even point out Ukraine on a map. We're more concerned with our own problems with our loss of privileges and economic austerity placed on our respective populations. Many have no sense of history, so when asked about Ukraine and Russian relations. These wars, specifically current Ukraine and Russian "conflict," has been created by oligarchic and corporate interests. The only people to benefit from this war would be the weapon manufacturers and their stockholders. (This would include many politicians)

As a citizen of Australia and the planet, the recent propaganda relentlessly pushed by the US and their allies about Ukraine and Russia is absurd and laughable. These warmongers have not improved their propaganda techniques...and they've been doing it for years.

An old rule is you know when someone is lying when their stories keep changing. So the US and their brown-nosing media partners change their story about Ukraine/Russia by the week.

What I found most revealing is the Ukraine president telling President Biden to stop escalating the war with Russia. In an already unstable country and a barrage of economic unknowns (investors are leaving the country and tourism is zero), the US is pushing war non-stop with Russia. It's absurd.

......the only people that will experience undue suffering and death from this potential disaster will be the Ukrainian people and the soldiers fighting this all too obvious corporate war.

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