It was in the summer of 1970, walking towards home after visiting a friend, where, looking up in the sky, a deep green object hovered above without the slightest movement, as if stagnate, placed, a "thing" not of this world. The sighting did not frighten me but brought on feelings of exuberance, the vital energy of absolute vigor.
a young boy at the time, through my innocence, anything was
remained motionless, this deep, green blob in the sky.
ensure I was not hallucinating, I looked around the street for
someone to corroborate this vision, proof that I wasn't merely
"seeing things."
the sun was about to disappear, it was that time of warm summer dusk.
around, not one person could be seen, all inside at this beautiful
time when day turns to night. It's a lovely evening, I thought, where
is everybody?
My stare turned upward again, and the green blob
continued to remain stagnate for all the world to see.
I began
to run as fast as possible towards home. Then, out of breath, bending over
and placing my hands on my knees, and finally home, I looked up at the
sky, and the green blob had left as if it was never there in the first
Told my mother and sister about the sighting, and they
nodded their heads as if to say, "You've seen things all
your life. What's so different now?"
Many years later, in my Year 10 English class on a hot afternoon without
air conditioning, it is now fifty years later.
On these occasions, students simply do not
want to work: Friday, last period, hot as heck, and re-learning
"conjunctions" is out of the question.
"Tell us
one of your stories, Mr. M?"
I've been telling this
particular English class stories the entire term because it
stimulates discussion - true-life stories and some concerning the
"As I recall, this story was during my time
living in Brighton in a haunted house...
anyone else experienced something out of the ordinary?"
class was silent, unusual for that time of day. Then, one of my shy
students, Rachael, raised her hand.
"Believe it or not,
and I don't care if you believe me, but I saw something in the sky
that shouldn't have been there...I was around 11 years of age, and in
the sky was this dark green "thing" that didn't move; it
looked like a big, green blob. I looked around to see if anyone was
around to see it too, but no one...then it disappeared. But I swear I
saw it, and I'll never forget it!"
A chill went down my
spine as I sat on the desk in front of the class. All their eyes
turned to me as my expression must have been a little strange.
Andrew piped up, "Have you seen the same thing, Mr.
Reluctantly, I admitted to having had seen something
very similar at age eleven and have never heard about it for thirty
years until Rachael told her story.
The class was silent, then burst into animation as it was only a few seconds before
the bell rang to begin their weekend.
The bell rang, and I
duly dismissed the class. Rachael stayed behind and asked,
you really see that "thing"?
I merely nodded.
left the classroom with the biggest smile on her face - at last, some
kind of corroboration.
'At least I'm not the only crazy person
in the world.'
This green manifestation in the sky has never
appeared again.
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