Friday, 25 March 2022

Ukraine – I guess I need to explain myself...

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, I've written several articles (BLOGS) offering my views on the situation. A few friends overseas, have called me a liar and blocked me on social media. Like I've said before, war is an emotional topic. Some years ago, I taught history in high school, mostly about war and revolution. I conveyed to my students that a single narrative on a particular war is usually written by the winners. During war, propaganda is rampant on all sides of the conflict. We're seemingly in a climate where expressing one's point of view on any issue of worth, that is contrary to the establishment narrative, is met with scorn. Ukraine is no different.

Let me explain myself. 

First of all, I've never been a fan or supporter of Vladimir Putin. More to the point, I'm not a fan of Australia's Prime Minister, Scott Morrison. Indeed, I've never been a fan of any American president since Abraham Lincoln. President Biden's corruption in this Ukraine mess is evident. Those leaders who push for war or regime change of a foreign nation have other nefarious agendas.

The Russian military invasion of Ukraine, in my view, was simply not an option. But I know the history and have listened to Putin's speeches for years. He warned the West that pushing NATO on the Russian border was unacceptable and those responsible would pay the price. In the '90s, the US signs an agreement not to expand NATO close to Russia's borders. The US and NATO ignored this agreement and expanded militarily anyway. For Russia, this is a national security issue. And it's not hard to understand why.

Ukraine is one of the most corrupt nations in the world. President Zelenksky, once an actor and comedian, won the last election based on a platform for peace. He wanted to work with the Russian government. What happened? Neo-Nazis within the government threatened the man's life and his family. The US, a country that has been itching for war with Russia for years, also pressured the Ukraine president. He now is more or less a tool of the Neo-Nazis in Ukraine and the neocons in the United States. It comes down to the fact that the US is fighting Russia with US weapons and Ukraine bodies. Otherwise known as a *proxy war*.

Let me just say emphatically, Neo-Nazis are spread throughout the Ukraine power structure. Their presence in the Ukraine military and government is pervasive. One of Russia's demands and reason for invading Ukraine is to DE-nazify Ukraine. That reason should be easy to understand. It was Russia's efforts that defeated Hitler in WWII. Over 30 million Russians died during this war. Unlike western minds, the Russian people have a knowledge of history. So for Nazis screaming "Russian cockroaches" in the media and social media, alarm bells are ringing as loud as the churches in the Vatican. Russia's hate for Nazis is palpable. Yet the US and their obedient poodles want to cover up this fact. The US and NATO have also been training these extremist fools. The US will have carnal knowledge with the devil if it suits their goals.

The Russian military and their weapon stockpiles are daunting.

One experienced analyst said (paraphrased) that if Russia wanted to occupy Ukraine, it would have happened in the first two weeks of battle. So what is the Russians attempting to achieve?

Russia targets the Neo-Nazi forces within the Ukraine government and the Nazi forces within the military. The Russians want NATO forces to back away from their borders. They want Ukraine to be a neutral country, not influenced by them or the West. Ultimately, they want the US sanctions to stop and agreements in international trade. They want the slimy tentacles of the US and their allies out of Ukraine.

I find it evident and depressing that the US ignored these simple requests. Instead, the US is the planet's bully boy and will do anything to create more war and dominance on the world stage.

All nonsense aside, I'm not a Traitor, Putin Puppet, or a card-carrying communist. On the contrary, I'm a pacifist and a firm believer in the power of diplomacy.

I hope I've explained myself.


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    1. So much hatred in your tone and words. I've no dog in this fight. You give no counter arguments, rather name call and make empty accusations. Tell me your view, other than your HATE for one man. The only thing I've "lost" is you.

  4. If I could talk to you in French I would
    English is nit m'y mother tongue
    Putin has invaded a sovereign country and he is perpetuating a génocide of the Ukrainan. Of course I am upset with you and disappointed. Refugees including orphans are fleeing towards thé Western. The nazi, the one who is acting as Hitler is Putin and his Friends. Russian troops are killing and raping. Etc. You live in a free world, if you were to live under Putin's dictatorship you would entirely change your mind. You are being selfish and stubborn and are accepting the unacceptable. You are loosing all your friends from the western world.
    Congratulations dear pacifist !

    1. I've not lost any friends. More people are viewing my BLOG than ever before. My American friends asked for more detail on my point of view. Now, I believe, they understand. They may not agree, but they understand.

  5. Go ahead erase my comments !!This is the way you respond for your lies and your stubborness and also your blindness ! You are being irresponsible !! You don't show any compassion and you accuse Biden and the like just si you don't have to look at thé truth : Putin is a dangerous dictator ! He is doing harm to us all and his own people ! Wake up for God's saké ! I trusted you !!

  6. You've been drowned in EU BS. Peace is always the way. I thought I made that clear. I'm not losing any friends. "...if you were to live under Putin's dictatorship you would entirely change your mind." Do you know any Russians who claim this? I was part of a Russian/Ukrainian family for 17 years. It's very complicated. What has Putin done in the last 20 years that so upsets you? If anyone you should criticizing is your own neoliberal president. A little creep indeed.



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