Sunday, 2 July 2023

Assange Extradition a Big Hit on US “Democracy”.


Apart from the US participation in a proxy way with Russia, a country with the biggest stock of nuclear weapons, including sending over 150 billion in weapons and aid to Ukraine, and the US Congress only knowing where 30% of this money is going, blocking all efforts at diplomacy, and sword rattling war with China, to add insult to injury, they're extraditing a publisher/journalist based on an antiquated law, the Espionage Act, created by Woodrow Wilson to stop socialist/antiwar dissent during and after WWI, are attacking the Free Press. Whether you care or not, extraditing an Australian journalist for espionage is unprecedented and violates many international laws. If America succeeds in this extradition, it will be the laughingstock of the free world.

Anyone who has lived through or studied fascism understands that the first step is outright censorship. Those in power will shut down any news that will contradict their narrative and dictates. Since the Twitter Files were released, this has become a reality for many. The US government, FBI, CIA, and other security agencies were involved in shutting down many accounts that they deemed harmful. In many cases, Twitter disagreed, but then were subtly bullied into doing so. The best example was the Hunter Laptop story that was shut down for the benefit of the democratic party and presidential hopeful Joe Biden. I believe this censorship worked, enabling Biden to win the election. Just studying Civics in high school, anyone can see these actions as undemocratic.

As it turns out, the revelations from Hunter's laptop got him indicted, though given a slap on the hand because he is a member of the elite. The man's financial criminal violations, using the Biden name as leverage, especially with Ukraine and China, should have landed the man in prison for a long time. He got a “sweetheart deal.” Why? Because he's the US president's son.

As usual, the mainstream media went along with their enablers and called the Laptop story “Russian Disinformation,” and many people, who also went along with Russia Gate, believed the story. (This anti-Russia propaganda fed to the American people and the world has been going on for at least 7 years. A story for another time.)

The current administration is attacking presidential hopeful (Trump) on tacky tick charges of stealing classified information. Most presidents have taken classified documents home, including Biden. Hillary Clinton had her own server, which she later destroyed. Many polls reveal that Trump could win the next presidential election with a landslide. The establishment is trying to prevent this from happening. I've never been a Trump supporter, but what the security state and the democratic party have done to him over the years is untenable. This is not democracy.

Now imagine if the UK and US establishment are successful in extraditing Julian Assange? We know what will happen to him. He'll be put on trial in Virginia, where the jury will be made up of establishment Washington types: CIA, FBI, HLS, and defense contractors. By this draconian law, he is not allowed to put forth a defense, like the information exposed was a benefit for the American people to know what their governments are doing on their behalf. Again, if put on trial, he will be found guilty and sentenced to 175 years in a high-security prison for doing his job as a journalist.

Julian Assange has support around the world. Again imagine the protest in front of the Virginia courts? It would be large and loud, and the establishment police would surely bring out the nightsticks and attack dogs. For the “leader of democracy” around the planet, the USA will look like a totalitarian government. Protests in other countries will take place, revealing that the US is not a true democracy but altogether something else.

The daily hypocrisy in the American government is almost a daily occurrence. When one studies American foreign policy for at least the last 70 years. I don't know whether some of these politicians are merely uneducated about their country and the world, an intentional practice in careerism, or like Lindsey Graham, a relentless pro-war hawk that viscerally enjoys the torture and death of his imagined enemies.

From a public relations point of view, extraditing Julian Assange does nothing for their claim as a world leader of democracy. It will be nothing less than an embarrassment and a huge win for totalitarianism. 

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