Monday, 24 July 2023

The Problem with 'Sound of Freedom' Film.


When people have a secret life and commit acts against humanity or some other criminal enterprise, when caught or confronted, the response is anger, denial, or silence...perhaps all three. Married people who cheat on each other sometimes would rather murder their spouse than divorce them. The social stigma of divorce for some is far worse than murder. Some get away with it, and many are caught and live to regret it. "Why did you kill your wife?" the detective asks. "Because divorce is against my religion." The seasoned detective sits back in amazement and responds, "And murder is not against your religion?" The suspect smirks and doesn't respond, remaining silent. When it comes to the film industry, box office sales are paramount. The first 2 weeks will reveal whether the film is a success or a failure. Despite Sound of Freedom's mega first week, most legacy media smirked and ignored this fact, barely mentioning the success of the film. 


One of the reasons is the film's subject matter. Child trafficking is not a film for the entire family. In Hollyweird, however, money talks baby. So it would stand to reason that the film's financial success would be lauded and marketed more aggressively. However, when talking heads "critics" do mention the film, they frame it with QAnon, a wild conspiracy movement that believes the elites sacrifice children and drink their blood. Child sex trafficking and the consumption of child pornography is a multi-billion dollar industry, and the United States is the biggest consumer of this evil stench, which is never mentioned.  As Hamlet said, "There is something rotten in the state of Denmark!" (emphasis my own) In the case of  Sound of Freedom's backlash and silence across the media landscape, at least in the mainstream media, causes any thinking person to wonder, Do these people have something to hide? 

Australia follows American culture like a pet poodle. Geopolitically, this is a fact. As far as Australia is concerned, any American war is good, and we'll follow them into the depths of hell. Unfortunately, occasionally I'm exposed to Australian media. Over the last 3 weeks, Sound of Freedom hasn't been mentioned once. It's all about Barbie and Oppenheimer. The latter is certainly not a family affair, but a story about the creation of the most deadly weapon in history, a story that ends in the use of the A-Bomb on Japan, is certainly much more barbaric than a true story about a man who gives up everything to save children from pedophile predators. Therefore the subject matter is not the real issue but something else. 

In my 11 years living in LA. in the '80s, two musician friends of mine, both extremely talented, complained to me about "Satanists" in the industry. Both were told that if they didn't go along, attending bizarre parties where there were displays of the unspeakable involving children, they would never get a deal. At the time, I thought this was a little far-fetched. 

"You mean to tell me, 'Dave', that you have to sell your soul to Lucifer in order to succeed in the business?" I had so much respect for this man that I didn't say anything in hindsight and had doubts. Only two months after this conversation, he left his band, returning to Denver. When I asked another band member why he left, he said, "Man, he was scared. 'Dave' was invited to a party somewhere in Hollywood, and what he saw made him want to run." I asked, "What did he see?" Turning a bit pale, he said, "Some devil shit," What kind of devil shit? I asked. "He wouldn't tell me but booked it back to Denver." Over the years, I've never seen 'Dave' again. Rumor has it that he traveled to Nashville, seeking another career.

For the mainstream press to brush off a film about child sex trafficking is highly suspicious, particularly because of the amount of ticket sales and the millions of positive personal responses from people all over the internet. 

What is even more telling is that the Australian media entirely ignores the film. 

It is a well-known fact that children come across the US borders from Mexico with fake 'sponsor' papers, only to disappear and never be found again. These cases are in the thousands.

 Sound of Freedom is an educational film, a work of art that creates an awareness of a terrible evil that is right before our eyes. 

As the character says in the film, "God's children are not for sale." 

The only problem with this film is those with the money and power want to keep it in the realm of 'conspiracy.' 

Sorry, as they say, the cat's out of the bag.

Awareness of this despicable evil will only grow. 

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