Sunday, 16 July 2023

The US sending Cluster Bombs to Ukraine is a War Crime. Opinion.


From the United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs, the (CCM) Convention on Cluster Munitions states:

(...) prohibits under any circumstances the use, development, production, acquisition, stockpiling and transfer of cluster munitions, as well as the assistance or encouragement of anyone to engage in prohibited activities.  The text of the Convention is available for download in the six official UN languages: عربي中文, English, françaisрусский, español

A cluster munition is a weapon consisting of a container or dispenser from which many submunitions or bomblets are scattered over wide areas. Many submunitions are unreliable and fail to explode, thus creating a potential humanitarian impact on civilians both during as well as long after the conflict ends.  The Convention provides a comprehensive international response to the suffering caused by the use of cluster munitions and their remnants, to prevent the proliferation and future use of these weapons. 

The Convention was opened for signature in Oslo on 3 December 2008 and entered into force on 1 August 2010.  

The current Biden Administration's decision to send Ukraine these deadly munitions violates the rules of International Law. Because these weapons are undependable, can sit unexploded for years, only to detonate, murdering innocent civilians years later. The US used these weapons during the Veitnam War, causing death years after this "conflict" was over. 

To be certain, the sheer irresponsibility of this administration, in their neocon efforts to weaken the Russian Federation through the murder of thousands of Ukrainians, will be felt by future generations. That is to say, both Russian and Ukrainian innocents could well be killed after this war is long done. 

What are these warmongers thinking? Similar to the symptoms of psychopathology, a goal will be achieved no matter the consequences. Short-term thinking is only possible because the desires of the psychopath are all it sees. In this case, the proxy war between the US and Russia will continue because of profit and economic hegemony while the rest of the planet suffers. These elite lunatics can only think abstractly and sit in their air-conditioned offices seeking power, money, and glory while millions die. (Human Beings are merely expendable pawns in their games of war). The decision to send cluster bombs to Ukraine is proof of this elitist psychopathology. What's next, Agent Orange? 

The problem is that our leaders believe, for the most part, that we're all stupid sheep. We are uneducated and unaware of history. We only spend our time playing computer games, watching legacy media, and trying to make a living under oppressive circumstances. We are fed lies, and the establishment hope we believe these lies and not Think. (We don't have to think because they do it for us). The catastrophic rise in censorship from the US and Western Europe is, in a word, out of control. 

As I've written many times, this war could have been stopped from the beginning. The US and UK ensured it would continue, pushing lie after lie to ensure absolute planet hegemony and excessive economic profit continues for the Military Industrial Complex. I can see no end in sight. This begs the question: what will be the end game in this war? Looking at US wars over the last 70 years, even at a cursory glance, only death, destruction, and the enrichment of the elite. Death. 

The Biden Administration's decision to send these illegal cluster bombs to Ukraine tells me two things: 1), The Arms industry is running out of weapons, thus Cluster Bombs. 2). The US is getting desperate because Ukraine is losing at the expense of thousands of innocent lives. Perhaps. 

The world understood long ago that cluster bombs are a disaster in terms of now and particularly the future of humanity. 

The US and the antiquated NATO are running on fumes. They're getting nervous, and the desperate do desperate things. Zelensky is a useful idiot, though playing the role well thus far, has become a house of cards about to crumble. 

In my opinion, and many countries around the world agree, Cluster Bombs is a bridge too far. 


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