Saturday, 24 June 2023

WAR: People Believe what they want to Believe. Opinion.


Our governments and corporate media are losing their audiences at an alarming rate. Independent journalists and content creators on Twitter, Rockfin, and Rumble are rising. After the last 5 years, people have realized that mainstream media cannot be trusted. Those with access to these independent sources of information are becoming more aware that the government, security agencies, and big tech have been on a campaign of incredible censorship. The establishment truly believes that we, the people, are so uneducated, stupid, and incapable of critical thought in many cases, they feed us disinformation because the truth would be too hard to handle. 

Those with a vested interest in economics, politics, and war overseas depend on public opinion to follow through on their agendas. A good case in point is the proxy war in Ukraine. All sides in wars have their own propaganda to sway public opinion. The US/Ukraine have been surprisingly successful in the information wars on war. For example, Ukraine has managed to gain celebrity support across the planet. We look up to our entertainers, singers, actors, and our filmmakers. So to get a famous actor to push for Ukraine or a well-known political comedian to pin a medal on a Ukraine /Nazi soldier in front of millions will gain more support for Ukraine in terms of money and opinion. 

Earlier today, I came across a story about a high-ranking Ukrainian official stating he was hunting for more celebrities and internet influencers to side with Ukraine's cause to defeat Russia. I believe the man is correct to a point, but he's doing this while the so-called counteroffensive against Russia is failing miserably. I find this strategy ridiculous. Even if John Wayne rose from the grave in favor of WWIII, a few idiots might go along, but this will not win the war. 

Propaganda is only one aspect of war. Brass tacks, what happens on the battlefield is what truly matters in the end. 

The destruction of Russia's Nord Stream 2 pipeline was a true act of terrorism. The corporate media immediately blamed it on the Russians. This didn't make sense. Why would Russia destroy a lucrative gas pipeline to Europe? Because we've been told that Putin and Russia are crazy warmongers only interested in taking over the world, of course, they blew up one of their core sources of income. People believed this explanation because it was easy. They didn't have to think. 

Traveling overseas and living in different countries can change one's view of one's own country. I've been ridiculed for being American. I'd always stand firm and stick up for the country of my youth. Times changed, and a different perspective came to the fore through reading. The government is corrupt...they murder their own presidents. American influence is never positive but negative. 

Even today, when someone criticizes America, I react in thought but respond with, "It's not the American people you should be angry with but the corruption ruling them." 

People believe what they want to believe, particularly when it comes to politics and war. I had the opportunity to escape a 'bubble of ideology' and see more truth than the lies inculcated in me as a child and young adult. Not many people get that chance. 

Those in power want this proxy war against Russia using Ukranian lives to continue for nefarious reasons. 

Believe what you want to believe...and that's your choice. 


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