Tuesday, 28 June 2022

Dr. Albert Schweitzer – the Humanitarian’s Humanitarian - a Personal Tribute


When one considers the history of the twentieth century, many personages, events, movements, and predominantly, war, two world wars, spring to mind. All too often, as a history teacher, the curriculum dictates that we teach about the causes and terrible events and crimes in these two wars; the millions of young lads killed in the first world war and the insane acts of genocide, the holocaust, and the unnecessary Atomic bombing on two cities in Japan, thus ending the second world war. As a history teacher, communicating these terrible events year after year becomes tedious, if not bordering on unnecessary. Why not teach about the advances in technology that have made our lives so much easier or about important people who made a difference, giving us something to strive for in our day-to-day lives. To my mind, Albert Schweitzer is one such individual.

Born in Germany in 1875, his childhood was relatively normal; however, it became evident early on that he was a profoundly religious personality. In line with this sensibility, Schweitzer was a terribly sensitive adolescent. Born into a middle-class family, with the values and mores that come with this class, he was expected to keep himself clean and dress accordingly. He attended a public school, and some students came from poor families and therefore could not afford new clothing. Young Schweitzer, all too aware of this, would dress in his old clothes under his new ones and change before arriving at class. He didn't want to invite any form of jealousy in his fellow pupils. This act was not to save himself from ridicule but save the feelings of his less fortunate classmates.

In his twenties, Schweitzer studied philosophy and theology, earning a Ph.D. in philosophy. He was also a master of the church organ, a musician of some renown, and eventually became an international expert on Bach. In fact, to pay school fees and live, he would play the organ for public and private audiences to make ends meet.

Schweitzer became aware of his mission to serve his fellow travelers on this planet somewhat late in life. An established philosopher and theologian at age thirty, a principal of a respected seminary, he awoke one morning to realize everything life had given him, and it was time to give back. After reading an article calling for trained medical staff to work in West Africa, he knew what he needed to do. Against heavy opposition from family and friends, he returned to university as a mature-aged student to study medicine, attaining his degree.

What is most striking about this man was his incredible capacity for work. He held a doctorate in three significant subjects - theology, philosophy, and medicine and was an accomplished organist and world expert on Bach. Schweitzer's published works in theology, philosophy, and music remain in circulation, which continues to shed light on these areas. His "Reverence for Life" philosophy, on the surface, appears almost too simplistic, but on closer examination, it is a worldview that encompasses an attitude of mind that if practiced, could radically change the world for the better. Schweitzer was not a philosopher of the abstract variety, at home in an ivory tower creating complex theories that only a select few would understand. As the man said and wrote many times, "he lived his argument," and his accomplishments prove this.

In 1913, Albert and his wife Helen landed in West Africa and established their first hospital, When they first arrived in the stifling heat and humidity of the jungle, finally reached their destination only to find a broken-down tin shack left by missionaries years before. Most would turn back, thinking this mission was all too hard, but the Schweitzers forged ahead, eventually building Lambarene, as it is still called today.

If you are genuinely interested in this great mind, read his short autobiography, Out of My Life and Thought. However, one should not expect too much detail as the text only gives us glimpses into the man's life and the singular events that shaped who he was, what he became, and, more importantly, what he accomplished. Schweitzer focuses mainly on developing his theological and philosophical thought, beginning with his early endeavors leading to his famous work, The Quest for the Historical Jesus. From this point, he continues on towards the shaping of his magnum opus, Philosophy of Civilization. In this section of the text, he discusses two worldviews of life-affirmation and life denial and pessimism. This work evolves into his philosophical perspective of Reverence for Life.

The biography ends in the year 1931, well before the advent of the Second World War. Schweitzer was only fifty-six years of age when he penned this work, well before receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, living and working for another forty-four years. Curiously, when his publisher requested that he write an autobiography, he was hesitant, as he was more or less still in his prime. However, as he wrote to his publisher fourteen years later on his seventieth birthday, 'memory fades with age, and he believed that by writing about himself at that stage of his life, he could put down those essential memories that remained fresh in his mind.

Schweitzer is undoubtedly an inspiration - a man of immense strength, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, with an almost endless capacity for work. The man worked in the most difficult of circumstances. Practicing medicine in intense tropical heat, day after day, disease runs rampant; constant worry over funds to purchase much-needed medical supplies. Moreover, to my mind, the terrible events of two world wars - the odds he worked against to maintain the Lambarene Hospital are simply unimaginable. But the man persisted, rising every morning to meet disease, suffering, violence, death, and loneliness.

Dr. Schweitzer received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1953.

During this time, a severe antagonism erupted between the United States government and the old doctor, as Schweitzer and other activists, such as Albert Einstein and philosopher Bertrand Russell, exposed to the public at large the fall-out hazards of the hydrogen bomb testing that the government wanted to keep secret, as the Cold War was then in full swing.

After sixty years of devotional service and hard work, Dr. Albert Schweitzer died in 1965 at the age of ninety. As was his wish, he was buried at his beloved hospital, Lambarene, along with his wife, Helen.

There has been so much superficial talk in the media and from our "game show host" politicians that we are not teaching our young the essential values to grow into valuable and contributing members of society. To be sure, if there was ever an individual in recent history that would be a 'model' for our young to follow, it would be Dr. Albert Schweitzer.

In one of my journal entries, I wrote down a quote from the great man that encompasses his views on life and how he lived it. So it is worth posting here:

You must give some time to your fellow men. Even if it's a little thing, do something for others - something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.

Albert Schweitzer

Saturday, 25 June 2022

Preston & Child - The Book of the Dead -Review


Around 2005, I stumbled upon the Preston and Child writing duo. It was unusual to find two authors on one project at the time. The Cabinet of Curiosities was my introduction to these highly entertaining thriller novels. What captured my attention and turned me into an enthusiastic fan of these novels is their unusual protagonist, Special Agent Pendergast.

Special Agent Pendergast is a throwback to 18th-century aristocracy. He dresses in expensive fine-cut suits (usually black) and has the observational and detective skills matching only the famed Sherlock Holmes. The detective arrives at a crime scene in a chauffeured-driven, bright, yellow Roles Royce. Pendergast is slight in build, with the complexion of an albino, stark silver eyes, and the hair of Andy Warhol. He speaks several languages and has excellent knowledge of forensics, history, chemistry, music, archaeology, philosophy, and eastern religion. People seeing the detective for the first time comment that his stride and movement are that of a cat. The man is shrouded in mystery which causes readers to dive into all the novels of the "Pendergast series."

Readers and fans of the series have asked the authors in what order you should read them. I've read a few out of order; however, the authors have written each novel stands on its own.

In The Book of the Dead, we find Pendergast locked in a high-security prison. He has been framed by his diabolical twin brother, Diogenes. This evil genius twin hates the world and is out for revenge. We finally discover why Diogenes turned to crime, becoming the "evil genius," and why he hates his brother with such passion.

The center of the tale is the New York Museum of Natural History. Nora Kelly (a familiar character in the novels) is a researcher and curator at the Museum. Because of a series of crimes and murders in the Museum perpetrated by Diogenes, the Museum has hit a slow patch. Suddenly a French billionaire donates $10 million for them to display the ancient Egyptian Tomb of SENEF. What I found interesting and disturbing is that archaeologists back in the day, usually British or French, would uncover these ancient tombs, steal the gold and riches, and take apart the tombs brick by brick to reconstruct them in their castles, mansions, and museums. The Tomb of SENEF was donated to the New York Museum of Natural History in the early 1930s. Now it is Nora Kelly's job to bring the Tomb out of storage and back to life.

Preston and Child's writing is quite descriptive and detailed. For example, when reading about the grand opening of the Tomb, including a laser light show and 3D holographic Tomb robbers, as they say, "You felt you were actually there."

If you enjoy fast-paced and educational thrillers (the novel includes a reference page), Preston & Child's The Book of the Dead will not disappoint.

A fun ride of a read. 

Saturday, 18 June 2022

The Five Eyes Collusion to Kill Assange

When the new Australian government came into power some weeks ago, many were in high hopes that PM Albanese would intervene in the US/UK prosecution of Julian Assange. Instead, several individuals and organizations have called the government to challenge the UK High Court rulings and protest the Home Secretary Priti Patel's decision to extradite the Australian publisher.

In the last few days the new Labour government has made their position clear: that the Australian government does not interfere in the legal standings in foreign countries. (paraphrased)

This decision is utter bull dust, as the US and UK are Australia's prime allies on the world stage. The prosecution of Julian Assange is not so much a government affair, but an Intelligence project, to silence a publisher for exposing their respective war crimes.

What are the Five Eyes?

The Five Eyes is an intelligence alliance consisting of the US, UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. The origins of the Five Eyes can be traced back to the informal meetings between the US and UK code-breakers during the Second World War. (Google)

In 1947 NSC 68 was established. The creation of the CIA and later other clandestine organisations such as the NSA. At the same time, the US's western allies cemented their own Intelligence Organisations running over the years with little government oversight. "Former NSA contractor Edward Snowden described the Five Eyes as a "supra-nationalintelligence organisation that does not answer to the known laws of its own countries". These spook organisations include: NSA, CIA, GCHQ, ASIO, MI6, MI5 CFIC, and NZSIS. Many politicians and historians warned the public about these "secret" organizations including President Dwight Eisenhower and JFK.

It is of my opinion that these secret companies for the most part act on their own, escaping government oversight. They don't play by any laws or rules and will commit any act to achieve their respective ends. These are rogue organisations that since their inception have ruined the planet in a myriad of ways. This includes the prosecution of a journalist/publisher that has exposed their crimes. When these organisations should be taking orders from their respective governments, it appears to be the other way around.

It now is common knowledge that former CIA Director, Mike Pompeo, planned either an assassination or an extraction of Julian Assange while he was under diplomatic protection in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. Even former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton considered doing a drone strike of the publisher. These people are nothing more than gangsters taking desperate measures to hide their crimes.

This is a cynical view of the world, but it appears our so-called democracies are a fallacy. We vote politicians into power only to discover that they're controlled by corporations, Intelligence agencies and big banks.

Unfortunately, even if the Australian government wanted to free Julian Assange they cannot because their under orders from the true rulers of the planet.

So don't listen when our democratic leaders spout their free press and free speech cliches because it's all flash and zero substance and totally false.

The world is run by psychopaths.


Thursday, 16 June 2022

“I Stubbed my Toe – that darn Putin”!

 Over the last several years, particularly in the United States, Russia and their president, Vladimir Putin, have become the west's arch-enemy, affecting everything from the 2016 presidential election to screwing with America's power grid on the eastern seaboard. (An attempt to freeze the American people). If something goes wrong in the US, it's Russia's fault, and Putin must be behind it. It has become absurd. 

According to US, UK journalists, and talking heads, anything and everything that negatively happens in the US is Putin's fault. Like children blaming someone else for getting in trouble, Putin is the go-to modern whipping boy for the western world.

Interestingly, I was reminded of this strange phenomenon while watching a documentary on Netflix. After six years, people still believe that the leaked Podesta emails released by Wikileaks came from a Russian source. Although there is no proof, and Assange reported that the leak didn't come from a state actor, the western media continues to push this theory as if it's a fact. It's nothing more than speculation.

After losing the 2016 election to a game show host, Hillary Clinton and her band of merry half-wits knee-jerked, blaming Russia and Wikileaks for their drastic loss. Rather than do a proper autopsy, analyzing their campaign and the disconnect from the American people, it was Putin and Russia's fault. As we all know, this Russian nonsense spread like stage 4 cancer, pushed daily by the mainstream media. Politicians on the Sunday programs compared this alleged collusion with Russia with Pearl Harbour or 9/11. This insanity grew out of control, ending with the expensive Mueller investigation, which turned out nothing. There was no Trump collusion with Russia to win the 2016 election. Russia had nothing to do with Clinton's embarrassing loss. But, of course, this didn't stop these twits from blaming Russia for everything else.

This lunacy became more apparent after Clinton called presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard a Russian agent. Gabbard responded by calling Clinton the "queen of warmongers." Though after 4 years of non-stop Russia-gate, the damage was done. Even Bernie Sanders couldn't escape this Russian nonsense. The lunacy continues to this day.

We know this propaganda seeped into the national consciousness when anyone on social media proposing a different argument or another point of view on politics or geopolitics was named a Putin Puppet. Other names like 'Kremlin Tool' comes to mind.

Again, when anyone challenges the establishment narrative on politics, health, and war, they're called a Putin stooge, de-platformed, or censored. It's getting more mental.

The economic blowback has been immense since Biden gave away over $50 billion to Ukraine and severely sanctioned Russia. Russia is selling its natural resources to India, China, and others. This forced Biden to go 'cap in hand' to Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. As a result, gas prices are skyrocketing in the US, and inflation is rising. But of course, this has nothing to do with US policy, and, yes, Biden announced it's all Putin's fault.

To blame Russia, whose national economy is 11th in the world (the state of California is 5th in the world) for all of the US's political and economic problems is deflection, intellectually lazy, and blatantly dishonest. Likewise, to hand over a fortune to Europe's most corrupt country is political and economic maleficence.

When the bear was poked too many times, the bear responded irrationally. This is not to agree with Russia's invasion of Ukraine. However, rather than listening to mainstream propaganda (Russia bad, Ukraine good), investigating the history of the region and the US and NATO's activities in the area over the last 10 years, a different picture emerges.

This campaign of propaganda is not by accident. Like the Wikileaks/Russia conspiracy, people will start to believe when you say and repeat something often enough, though a lie.

Grow up. It's time to take responsibility.

Wednesday, 15 June 2022

America's faux Left


Since the Biden regime attained power in 2020, it became obvious that those in government claiming to be "progressive" or left-leaning are posing. The "squad," a collection of self-proclaimed representatives of the working class, namely, Alexandria Occasion-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, are in fact "progressive" in name and social media only; their inaction and actions in government reveal a group of corporate tools representing the donor-class establishment.

For millions of US citizens and many people around the planet, the Bernie Sanders campaign for president provided a glimmer of hope in a sea of political corruption. The majority of campaign contributions came from single donations. Sanders even bragged that he wasn't taking corporate gifts. When he told thousands that we were part of a revolution where the people would take back power, crowds cheered across the US. Finally, the American people would have an opportunity to have universal health care like the rest of the democratic world. The possibility presented that the trillion-dollar student debt would be forgiven, freeing-up much needed cash flow back into the economy. Most importantly, a stagnating minimum wage would finally raise to $15, enabling the working class to maintain an acceptable standard of living. What happened?

America's corporate overlords could not permit such "revolutionary" ideas to happen. This would upset the corrupt status quo and their stranglehold on the wealth of the 1%. The 2020 presidential campaign appeared to be a concerted effort to quash Bernie Sanders. Due to Covid 19 and other factors, Sanders dropped out of the race. The Democratic elites and their corporate masters appointed their man for the job: Joe Biden. Likely one of the most pro-war, corporate-backed politicians in American history. Since entering office, Biden's campaign pledges, such as a rise in the minimum wage, never happened. More money has been allocated to Ukraine and the weapon manufacturers than the American people.

When the "progressives" were asked how President Biden was doing as the new leader of the" free world," all gave him an "A" despite most of his campaign pledges never eventuating. Of course, people following American politics knew these faux progressives were lying. But it gets worse.

For every pro-war bill, such as the Iron Dome for Israel, the squad voted 'yes.' Likewise, the gross amount of $ given to Ukraine in the US proxy war with Russia was voted 'yes.' From their votes and actions, it appears the squad is siding with neoconservatives promoting imperialism across the planet.

While perusing the internet, I came across an AOC video of her proposing being surrounded by US government corruption. She claimed to be a victim (not her exact words) and could not do anything about it. On face value, the claims of her innocence in a swamp of institutional criminality are absurd. The "squad" hasn't fought for anything for the American people. AOC's claim of innocence is a lie and, at best hypocritical.

Any semblance of a political left in the US has entirely disappeared. The anti-war movement, like Elvis, has undoubtedly left the building. Why?

The simple definition of fascism is corporations and governments joining forces to achieve their own political and economic ends. The significant tell-tale sign of fascism is censorship. Since the Biden administration took power, we've seen a considerable effort to silence any dissenting voice against power. Question the establishment narrative. You'll be silenced and accused of spreading "hate speech."

Though the US has a wing of government that claims to support the working class and anti-war, this is another lie. The government is all one, and the people's wishes be damned.

Friday, 10 June 2022

Jake Adelstein – Tokyo Vice – Review


This is an informative and entertaining memoir of Adelstein's experiences as the first gaijin (foreigner) to work in Japan's largest newspaper, Yomiuri Shimbun, as a cub reporter to rise to a criminal investigative journalist. We get an inside look into Japanese culture, from the essential customs of the middle class to the seedy underworld of prostitution, murder, fraud, and human trafficking. Adelstein's work with Japan's infamous yakuza (Japan's mafia) reveals a different kind of policing and a unique relationship between law enforcement and Japan's organized crime.

This is a very personal text. A significant part of a working journalist in Japan is creating relationships with the police and the criminals. Protecting one's source is universal for a journalist; however, it is a life and death rule as a journalist on Japan's crime beat. Trust is essential, and betraying that trust destroys careers and lives.

Adelstein's persistence, charm, and 'gift of the gab' ensured his success with his colleagues, connections, and sources. First and foremost, working on the crime beat, and getting the elusive scoop is essential. It is understood that working for a company like Yomiuri Shimbun  everything else in your life takes a back seat. Working 18-hour days is the norm. Sleeping at the office is commonplace. Wining, dining, and gifting sources is an absolute. In the west, this method is akin to bribery. In Japan, however, it is a sign of respect and knowing your place in the social hierarchy.

There is no doubt that Adelstein's talent for painting about the many characters he meets and works with throughout the text. Similar to a good novel, we come to know these people and gain a particular affection for them. Detective Sekiguchi, for me, is one such character.

In the beginning, Adelstein seeks the Detective out on the beat. Over time, what we see is a growing relationship with Sekiguchi and with his entire family. In the truest sense, Sekiguchi was Jake's mentor for creating relationships, protecting sources, and giving the young journalist a window into the yakuza. Through Jake's connections to the yakuza, his investigations lead him to betrayal within the yakuza leadership and a vast human trafficking ring spanning across Japan and the world.

What Adelstein reveals about the Tokyo yakuza put him and his family in great danger, causing them to leave Japan. From 2006 to 2007, he traveled back as a chief investigator for the US State Department-sponsored study of human trafficking in Japan. Through these investigations, many antiquated sex laws in the country were changed. But as many people know, human trafficking is a multi-billion dollar industry worldwide.

I found this book fascinating on many levels: primary culture and customs, attitudes to crime in general, and Japan's law enforcement methods and techniques, including their unique relationship with the press.

Tokyo Vice is educational and highly entertaining from beginning to end.

Monday, 6 June 2022


Before attaining any "degrees" in my early college period, I thought enrolling in classes like "Art Appreciation" was necessary.

As any university student will tell you, undergraduate work is like a smorgasbord of endless choices of study. At that long time, I came across "Anguish" and realized why art is in the world.

When seeing this painting in the original, a few weeks ago at the National Art Gallery of Victoria; while turning in an innocent motion while gazing in a dazed state of mind: became awe struck, the painting literally created a pain in my gut, stunned me, the blood drained from my face and a tear rolled down my cheek – I couldn't move…

The baby Lamb is dead. Mother sheep continues to do her duty and protect her young child despite her little one being obviously dead.

The crows gather and wait and will continue to wait until she gives up and permit the mob to devour her baby.

This mono copy does not in any way do the work justice, but as its theme is strong, relates the message that the painter wanted, and that is, the world can be a terrible place: one on one for one's survival. However this painting takes this notion further and that is, the instinctive Love of a Mother and Child.

We see the cold breath from her mouth, as the mother calls for Help. But she is alone and there is no hope because the Lamb is already dead.

This is certainly "anguish" in its purist and most repulsive form.


Saturday, 4 June 2022

Feeling Home, but so Far Away...


He lies in the middle of his bed in the early morning, alone, somewhere around 3:00 am, except for his cat purring at his feet, the darkness is all consuming.

The birds and wild animals sleep because it is so quiet; a peaceful silence...a calmness.

Then, out of nothing, an overwhelming feeling of happiness and love fills the room and his body is filled with grace...a tremendous Light.

It is nothing he has ever felt before or remembers.

I've arrived, he thinks. I have found my way Home, yet knowing deep inside, Home is so far away.

There is no rationality or logic to his feelings.

He knows he floats, at times, aimlessly, in this vast ocean, an innocent, a child, like so many before him, merely passing through, and never knowing the reason, he feels EXILED and must find that distant shore. Alone.

He knows this in his soul.

A voice enters his mind and says: "There will be signs, wonders and miracles along your journey and always keep your eyes on the morning star."

He feels: "I'll find a way ..."

The feeling of Home slowly falls away and the coldness fills his heart like ice from a terrible winter he once experienced as a child.

He knows Home is a far distant shore, but these fears and obstacles, he understands, like the torrents and waves of the Atlantic ocean, can be overcome.

"Why have I been exiled?" he wonders.

"What have I done?"

He closes his eyes as the sun rises, hearing the birds sing, as he falls into a deep sleep, those memories, those ancient memories, come back to him, strong, so clear, so beautiful, he yearns to sail towards the shore, hoping he will see those he has lost over so many lifetimes and will always love....and the Light.

He knows he cannot sail, cross over...too much time remaining...fixed in exile.

Feeling Home, but Feeling  Far Away.

Stunning Portrait of Beauty & Color.

fell upon this stunning portrait while unproductively browsing, stopping me in my tracks like the proverbial brick wall.

What an impressive use of color, ethereal, translucent, and ultimately beautiful.

Unfortunately, however, searched for the artist and title of the portrait in vain...it remains a mystery.

The model is posing on the artist's instructions; peering down, dangling "something" on her fingers. Flowers surround her as the afternoon sun enters through her thin dress, the door- window, leading to the back garden, revealing an extraordinarily beautiful young woman. The entire scene projects a calmness, quietness and a moment in time never to be repeated.

Over the last year, I have come to love this "style" of work: a balanced rendering of Realism and Impressionism.

In the end, though, it's the artist's use of color that makes this style so entrancing.


Will New Albanese Govt. Step-Up for Assange?


Many on the Left in Australia realized that under Australia's Conservative government, the chances of Morrison and his crew stepping up for Julian Assange to at least receive a fair hearing was next to nil. To the embarrassment of many Australians, the LNP has made it perfectly clear their subjugation to the National Security States of the US and Britain. So once the Labour Party defeated the LNP in last week's election, a glimmer of hope appeared to all concerned about the continuation of a free press and Assange's release from the darkness of growing fascism in the West.

The conservative government has had power in Australia for over 10 years. During Assange's diplomatic immunity in the Ecuadorian embassy and the last two years in Belmarsh Prison under severe treatment like a terrorist or a serial killer, few in government voiced their concerns for a prosecuted Australian citizen in a foreign prison. The only "crime" that Assange committed was to reveal US war crimes and the corrupt machination of the government. So the Australian government does have a modicum of power on the world stage. But to remain virtually silent over the last decade is reprehensible and UN-Australian.

Anyone who followed the Assange hearings in London knew from the beginning that the entire exercise was rigged. Proper 'due process' was never followed. One example presented that the conversations between Assange and his legal team were bugged, violating lawyer-client confidentiality. It was also revealed that one of the FBI's main witnesses lied to the authorities and was a convicted pedophile and thief. This is not to mention the judges, in this case, have connections to weapon manufactures and contracts with the British government. As said, this 'trial' was rigged from the beginning and ironically reveals the corruption of said authorities. In the truest sense of this term, a Kangaroo Court was on full display to the world.

The problem for this case is the unrelenting smears against Assange by governments such as the US, Sweden, the UK, and the Australian press. Unfortunately, people still think of Assange as a 'rapist' when the charges were dropped for lack of evidence in 2019. The very media that Wikileaks handed over classified information to, such as The Guardian (who sold millions of newspapers as a result), turned on Assange, piling on the rumors and false accusations. Those writing these smears over the last ten years aren't journalists but publicists for the global Security State.

For the most part, it has only been through the work of proper journalists (John Pilger et al.) and The UN Special Rapporteur for Torture, Nils Melzer, author of the book, In the Trial of Julian Assange, that the truth regarding the unlawful persecution and prosecution of this publisher (Assange) was revealed to a large audience.

While we have the facts regarding the unlawful hearings in the UK and the biased and compromised members of Assanges' prosecution, no one of any authority will step in and do the right thing. Why?

The US is earth's bully-boy. A free Julian Assange is a risk because its war crimes and corrupt power methods around the planet could be revealed.

Keeping Assange in solitary confinement sends a dire message: All publishers and journalists write the truth about our criminality. You, too, will be in a dark hole, never to see the light of day again. Indeed, this message is clear.

Many in Australia and across the planet, a new Labour government of the country, Albanese at the helm, might just stand up to the corruption of the Empire and free Julian Assange to at least move him within the confines of the Australian border.

Time will tell.

But I'm not holding my breath.

Thursday, 2 June 2022

Melbourne's Real Estate Renting Rort.

Not more than five years ago, renting a place to live was a fundamentally elementary exercise. One would find a flat or house that filled their wants and needs, front up to the real estate agent, grab the key (usually handing over a small deposit of not less than $20), and personally inspect the property, to return with a decision: "I like the place. When can I move in?" Processes would be followed, that is, application, references, etc. If one's contacts proved worthy, approval usually would come back, at the latest, in a week. Deal done. Now, this has all changed for the worse.

Needless to say, the world economy has fallen into a recession.

The United States, the center of the world's financial global network, has taken a nosedive due, I expect, to greedy corporations (Covid 19) and the billions of dollars spent on the destruction and occupation of one of the oldest civilizations in recorded history: Iraq. And now forging a proxy war with Russia.

What has this war really accomplished? Absolutely nothing. (Except for the elites).

As has been happening since people have been documenting history, war and exploitation, always, the rich simply get richer, and the common man, woman, and child fall headlong into poverty. This reminds me of what my father used to say. "A white elephant is standing in the middle of the room, yet no one will talk about it!"

This brings me to the current rental real estate market.

There are three significant stresses that an individual must withstand: divorce, death, and shifting premises. What is currently happening in the Melbourne real estate market is a mirror reflection of the world economy. What does this mean?

Five to ten years ago, the economy was apparently in a boom. People with disposable income began to invest in "rental properties" to get rich. All was going great for a few years, but currently, these "investments" have become a burden because of growing interest rates and the price of land dwindling. So now the word is: Sell! Sell! Sell!

Unfortunately, as a renter for the last some years, my landlord and her incompetent real estate agent gave me 60 days to vacate the premises because she needed to SELL!

What is diabolically ironic is the real estate agents are creating a FALSE scarcity. That is to say, the only way you can see property is by "open for inspection," where, at times, 30 to 40 people show up to find a place to LIVE. We submit our applications, and may the best person win. This is rorting in the extreme. Despite it being damn against the law: a punter will bid above the advertised weekly price, and, of course, they will obtain the property.

Example: I was "promised a property" because of being asked to vacate. The estate agent said, "Don't worry about anything. If you want the apartment, it's yours – fill out an application just so it's on file." "Thanks, XXXX, we'll take it."

I stopped looking for places to live, stupidly assuming I had the apartment. No call from the agent. Just over four days later, thinking something must be "rotten in Demark," called to be told the landlord gave it to another punter! No call, nothing. Back to square one.

These agents are playing a game; in some cases, there are no "open for inspection" times advertised; thus, I ring them up, and the response is usually, "Give us your number, and we'll get back to you." For example, I made 10 calls and got one call back!

My point is that there is NOT a scarcity of homes for rent. One only needs to drive the city streets to see "For Lease" signs everywhere. Or peruse the newspaper or the Net to find literally hundreds of properties. But the agents, in their greed, are making it almost impossible for your average Joe to have what all of us need most – a roof over one's head!

To be honest, this is downright appalling if not bordering on fascism.

Out of pure luck or divine intervention, I found a place in the hills from a PRIVATE OWNER!

If anyone with authority reads this, please investigate, and the "white elephant" will be revealed.

Traditional year-end Rant. A look-back at 2024.

  On a personal level, 2024 has been quite intense. Mostly family crises and dramati c change. From a worldly perspective, the hate and des...