Wednesday, 15 June 2022

America's faux Left


Since the Biden regime attained power in 2020, it became obvious that those in government claiming to be "progressive" or left-leaning are posing. The "squad," a collection of self-proclaimed representatives of the working class, namely, Alexandria Occasion-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, are in fact "progressive" in name and social media only; their inaction and actions in government reveal a group of corporate tools representing the donor-class establishment.

For millions of US citizens and many people around the planet, the Bernie Sanders campaign for president provided a glimmer of hope in a sea of political corruption. The majority of campaign contributions came from single donations. Sanders even bragged that he wasn't taking corporate gifts. When he told thousands that we were part of a revolution where the people would take back power, crowds cheered across the US. Finally, the American people would have an opportunity to have universal health care like the rest of the democratic world. The possibility presented that the trillion-dollar student debt would be forgiven, freeing-up much needed cash flow back into the economy. Most importantly, a stagnating minimum wage would finally raise to $15, enabling the working class to maintain an acceptable standard of living. What happened?

America's corporate overlords could not permit such "revolutionary" ideas to happen. This would upset the corrupt status quo and their stranglehold on the wealth of the 1%. The 2020 presidential campaign appeared to be a concerted effort to quash Bernie Sanders. Due to Covid 19 and other factors, Sanders dropped out of the race. The Democratic elites and their corporate masters appointed their man for the job: Joe Biden. Likely one of the most pro-war, corporate-backed politicians in American history. Since entering office, Biden's campaign pledges, such as a rise in the minimum wage, never happened. More money has been allocated to Ukraine and the weapon manufacturers than the American people.

When the "progressives" were asked how President Biden was doing as the new leader of the" free world," all gave him an "A" despite most of his campaign pledges never eventuating. Of course, people following American politics knew these faux progressives were lying. But it gets worse.

For every pro-war bill, such as the Iron Dome for Israel, the squad voted 'yes.' Likewise, the gross amount of $ given to Ukraine in the US proxy war with Russia was voted 'yes.' From their votes and actions, it appears the squad is siding with neoconservatives promoting imperialism across the planet.

While perusing the internet, I came across an AOC video of her proposing being surrounded by US government corruption. She claimed to be a victim (not her exact words) and could not do anything about it. On face value, the claims of her innocence in a swamp of institutional criminality are absurd. The "squad" hasn't fought for anything for the American people. AOC's claim of innocence is a lie and, at best hypocritical.

Any semblance of a political left in the US has entirely disappeared. The anti-war movement, like Elvis, has undoubtedly left the building. Why?

The simple definition of fascism is corporations and governments joining forces to achieve their own political and economic ends. The significant tell-tale sign of fascism is censorship. Since the Biden administration took power, we've seen a considerable effort to silence any dissenting voice against power. Question the establishment narrative. You'll be silenced and accused of spreading "hate speech."

Though the US has a wing of government that claims to support the working class and anti-war, this is another lie. The government is all one, and the people's wishes be damned.

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