Saturday, 4 June 2022

Will New Albanese Govt. Step-Up for Assange?


Many on the Left in Australia realized that under Australia's Conservative government, the chances of Morrison and his crew stepping up for Julian Assange to at least receive a fair hearing was next to nil. To the embarrassment of many Australians, the LNP has made it perfectly clear their subjugation to the National Security States of the US and Britain. So once the Labour Party defeated the LNP in last week's election, a glimmer of hope appeared to all concerned about the continuation of a free press and Assange's release from the darkness of growing fascism in the West.

The conservative government has had power in Australia for over 10 years. During Assange's diplomatic immunity in the Ecuadorian embassy and the last two years in Belmarsh Prison under severe treatment like a terrorist or a serial killer, few in government voiced their concerns for a prosecuted Australian citizen in a foreign prison. The only "crime" that Assange committed was to reveal US war crimes and the corrupt machination of the government. So the Australian government does have a modicum of power on the world stage. But to remain virtually silent over the last decade is reprehensible and UN-Australian.

Anyone who followed the Assange hearings in London knew from the beginning that the entire exercise was rigged. Proper 'due process' was never followed. One example presented that the conversations between Assange and his legal team were bugged, violating lawyer-client confidentiality. It was also revealed that one of the FBI's main witnesses lied to the authorities and was a convicted pedophile and thief. This is not to mention the judges, in this case, have connections to weapon manufactures and contracts with the British government. As said, this 'trial' was rigged from the beginning and ironically reveals the corruption of said authorities. In the truest sense of this term, a Kangaroo Court was on full display to the world.

The problem for this case is the unrelenting smears against Assange by governments such as the US, Sweden, the UK, and the Australian press. Unfortunately, people still think of Assange as a 'rapist' when the charges were dropped for lack of evidence in 2019. The very media that Wikileaks handed over classified information to, such as The Guardian (who sold millions of newspapers as a result), turned on Assange, piling on the rumors and false accusations. Those writing these smears over the last ten years aren't journalists but publicists for the global Security State.

For the most part, it has only been through the work of proper journalists (John Pilger et al.) and The UN Special Rapporteur for Torture, Nils Melzer, author of the book, In the Trial of Julian Assange, that the truth regarding the unlawful persecution and prosecution of this publisher (Assange) was revealed to a large audience.

While we have the facts regarding the unlawful hearings in the UK and the biased and compromised members of Assanges' prosecution, no one of any authority will step in and do the right thing. Why?

The US is earth's bully-boy. A free Julian Assange is a risk because its war crimes and corrupt power methods around the planet could be revealed.

Keeping Assange in solitary confinement sends a dire message: All publishers and journalists write the truth about our criminality. You, too, will be in a dark hole, never to see the light of day again. Indeed, this message is clear.

Many in Australia and across the planet, a new Labour government of the country, Albanese at the helm, might just stand up to the corruption of the Empire and free Julian Assange to at least move him within the confines of the Australian border.

Time will tell.

But I'm not holding my breath.

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