Saturday, 24 June 2023

WAR: People Believe what they want to Believe. Opinion.


Our governments and corporate media are losing their audiences at an alarming rate. Independent journalists and content creators on Twitter, Rockfin, and Rumble are rising. After the last 5 years, people have realized that mainstream media cannot be trusted. Those with access to these independent sources of information are becoming more aware that the government, security agencies, and big tech have been on a campaign of incredible censorship. The establishment truly believes that we, the people, are so uneducated, stupid, and incapable of critical thought in many cases, they feed us disinformation because the truth would be too hard to handle. 

Those with a vested interest in economics, politics, and war overseas depend on public opinion to follow through on their agendas. A good case in point is the proxy war in Ukraine. All sides in wars have their own propaganda to sway public opinion. The US/Ukraine have been surprisingly successful in the information wars on war. For example, Ukraine has managed to gain celebrity support across the planet. We look up to our entertainers, singers, actors, and our filmmakers. So to get a famous actor to push for Ukraine or a well-known political comedian to pin a medal on a Ukraine /Nazi soldier in front of millions will gain more support for Ukraine in terms of money and opinion. 

Earlier today, I came across a story about a high-ranking Ukrainian official stating he was hunting for more celebrities and internet influencers to side with Ukraine's cause to defeat Russia. I believe the man is correct to a point, but he's doing this while the so-called counteroffensive against Russia is failing miserably. I find this strategy ridiculous. Even if John Wayne rose from the grave in favor of WWIII, a few idiots might go along, but this will not win the war. 

Propaganda is only one aspect of war. Brass tacks, what happens on the battlefield is what truly matters in the end. 

The destruction of Russia's Nord Stream 2 pipeline was a true act of terrorism. The corporate media immediately blamed it on the Russians. This didn't make sense. Why would Russia destroy a lucrative gas pipeline to Europe? Because we've been told that Putin and Russia are crazy warmongers only interested in taking over the world, of course, they blew up one of their core sources of income. People believed this explanation because it was easy. They didn't have to think. 

Traveling overseas and living in different countries can change one's view of one's own country. I've been ridiculed for being American. I'd always stand firm and stick up for the country of my youth. Times changed, and a different perspective came to the fore through reading. The government is corrupt...they murder their own presidents. American influence is never positive but negative. 

Even today, when someone criticizes America, I react in thought but respond with, "It's not the American people you should be angry with but the corruption ruling them." 

People believe what they want to believe, particularly when it comes to politics and war. I had the opportunity to escape a 'bubble of ideology' and see more truth than the lies inculcated in me as a child and young adult. Not many people get that chance. 

Those in power want this proxy war against Russia using Ukranian lives to continue for nefarious reasons. 

Believe what you want to believe...and that's your choice. 


Saturday, 10 June 2023

More Rants on the American led War Machine.

At the beginning of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, peace talks were put in place to prevent the war from continuing. Russia, Ukraine, and of all countries, Israel, were ready to find a diplomatic solution. When hearing of these diplomatic meetings, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson traveled to Ukraine to meet with puppet Ukrainian president Zelensky. After that meeting, Zelensky went "full steam ahead" against Russia, promised $billions of humanitarian aid and sophisticated weaponry. To this day, the American public and the world do not know the exact amount given to this little and corrupt country. Nonetheless, we know the amount to be well over $100.000.000. It is reported by newspapers like the NYT that officials really don't know where all the money is going.  

It has been reported by dependable sources that Ukrainian generals and high-level officials are now riding around Kiev in brand-spanking new Mercedes. All the while, young men and women have been conscripted into the army and forced to fight on the front lines whether they agree with it or not. Deserters are imprisoned or executed. Russian and Ukranian people are being slaughtered by the 100's of thousands for a war only the UK and America desire

Interestingly, before the war, the corporate mainstream media reported about the rising neonazi movement in Ukraine. A strong influence in Ukraine's government and particularly the military, this neonazi element and influence are playing a huge role in continuing the war. Our major media has whitewashed this fact. Why? The majority of the planet despises Nazis and what they represent. I don't believe your hard-working Joe, trying to make a living to support his family, is aware of this. 

The US is giving financial, military, and battleground intelligence to these Nazis to weaken Russia. The major group calls themselves The Azov Battalion. Investigating their particular ideology matches Hitler's Mein Kamph to the letter.  

Another major source has said that Zelensky has been given a way out. If he is in danger from these white nationalist thugs, there's a lavish villa somewhere in Italy where he can go - a bit like "witness protection" nationally. I don't think about his response, but the pressure from the Ukranian Nazis, the UK, and the US must be immense to continue the war. 

Ukraine is being destroyed because a group of UK and American neocons want total financial and military control of the entire planet. When one reads about the US's military actions across the planet since WWII, the visceral response is to vomit and feel an incredible pang of collective guilt. 

This war could have ended only months after it started; the NATO and American war machine ensured this would never happen. These thousands of innocent lives were lost because of a small group of greedy, power-hungry assholes think they know better.  

Remember, this war could have ended initially but was thwarted by the US, UK, and the warmongers in NATO. 

Ukraine has become a totalitarian state, wholly backed by the Western Empire.

End of rant. 


Sunday, 4 June 2023

Independent Journalists are being Targeted by the State.

People have been so propagandized about war that it's become a joke. People get off on war. These armchair warriors walk around their living rooms carrying Ukraine flags while singing the Star Spangled Banner. Most listen to the corporate media and have been brainwashed into believing Russia is the biggest threat on the planet. This is simply not true. Many independent journalists have attempted to explain the history of Ukraine. Especially the coup de ta in 2014. This was a US-backed take-over of the democratically elected president. The US is on tape discussing which leaders to support during and after the coup. This is a fact. Many attempts by independent journalists to explain what led to the Russian invasion have been censored, canceled, or smeared as Russian agents. Now many are detained at airports for their articles. To quote a well know phrase, This is Orwellian. 

A well-known independent journalist, Kit Klarenberg, was detained at Lunto Airport on May 17, 2023. He writes for many publications, including The Grayzone. The man was questioned for five hours, had all his electronics confiscated, and was told that he would be detained indefinitely if he didn't answer their questions. The man is an investigative journalist and certainly not a spy for a foreign power. In a word, the Brits have become a totalitarian state regarding any view politically, and otherwise, it may disagree. I mean, really, they have Julian Assange in solitary confinement for releasing true information about the crimes of the State without charge. 

Our democratic governments in the west condon what is called the Ukranian Kill List. See my article:

Let me repeat myself: the US Government condones this Ukranian lKill list or is ignoring it. 

There is a history of the State detaining independent journalists for their work. This goes all the way back to Edward Snowden and the last World War. Those that come to mind: Glenn Greenwald's late husband, David Miranda; Citizen4Four's director, Laura Poitras; and many others. 

The most egregious so far is the attack on independent journalist Matt Taibbi. He reported on the Twitter Files reveling the disturbing collusion between security agencies and the government to censor certain voices. Because independent journalism is attacked by governments because they do not want their corruption and crimes revealed.  Period. Taibbi was not only attacked during the congressional hearing, he later was threatened with lying to Congress for mixing up a few acronyms. By coincidence, the next day, the Tax Office approached Taibbi's home for enigmatic reasons. This is called "intimidation" and the tactics of organized crime. 

Journalists are murdered in Mexico every day. Perhaps in a few cases by the government, but most by powerful drug cartels that desire to remain anonymous. This instance proves a point.

Investigative journalism is steadily being wiped out by those in power: a drug cartel, the CIA, or the Italian mafia; they all play by the same rules. In essence, Gangster Rules. 

While many people get off on war from their "patriotic living rooms," waving flags and spouting "freedom," independent journalist are being attacked (contrary to the US Constitution) and are the last stalwart against political corruption. 

Thursday, 1 June 2023

Interesting Characters.


On my way to the grocery store, an interesting woman showed herself again. She is a small woman and wears a flamboyant hat. Over some weeks, I've observed why she goes to the mall. She believes her job is to organize all the shopping carts, placing them in there proper place.  We have two grocery stores, and she spends the day pushing numerous carts, aligning them perfectly in there designated slots. The shopping center is quite large. It seems she believes this is her contribution to society. Whenever we cross paths, we exchange smiles, and I know she believes that her efforts are a meaningful task for her and our community. I love her hat.

While waiting at the bus stop, an old Chinese woman showed up with her bags of groceries. Too many bags, and were way too heavy for her slight frame. My guess was she was in her early seventies. What struck me the most about her was her air of calmness and peace. She was beautiful, and I surmised she would have been quite a 'stunner' in her youth. The bus finally arrived, and she carried her heavy load without any assistance. I wanted to help but stopped because of her independence and pride. One could see the barely visible lines on her face, depicting her to have experienced a difficult life.  

The young man at the liquor store has been working there for years. He has long black hair and wears dark makeup around his eyes. Imagine a 90s Goth. I always thought he was a young lad expressing his non-conformity and chosen identity. After so many years, he commented on my Wikileaks hoody. "That's one cool jacket, man." We talked about Julian Assange. He was totally informed about Wikileaks and the man himself. At face value, the boy would be considered a dumb-shit boy. I found his knowledge and awareness of global affairs impressive. 

Every human being has their own story. 

Sometimes the "invisible" are the most interesting. 

Preston & Child – Angel of Vengeance – Comment

  I have been following the Pendergast series for many years, and admittedly the latest , Angel of Vengeance , takes the reader on a time tr...