Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Watergate: An Old Review for a Major Issue of our Times.

Considering our Free Press has been under attack, that is, Israel's murdering of journalists, and lately, the DNC suit of WiKiLeaks, it seemed appropropriate to re-publish my review of Bob Woodward's Book, revealing "deep throat", the source for the criminal break-in into the Watergate hotel, the democratic headquarters, ending in the resignation of president Nixon.If it were not for this "whistleblower", and the fine investigative reporting of Bernstein and Woodward, this crime would have never been realized. 

Particularly under the Obama administration, those "leaking" crimes of the government, has been ruthless. We should naturally understand, that it is the free press's job to expose government crime, per the US Constitution, yet these criminals in high places, never see a jail cell, at least since G.H.W.Bush. The MSM are partly to blame, but it is the "permanent state", waging undeclared wars since WW2, that should be held accountable.  

This my old review of "The Secret Man: The Story of Watergate's Deep Throat" 

Unquestionably the most enduring mystery in American political history has been the identity of Deep Throat. Bob Woodward's book is also an inspiring story of investigative journalism intent on discovering the truth and exposing that truth during a tumultuous period in American history. 

This text is also about constitutional rights, and the necessary right of a journalist to protect their sources, which arguably is a fine ethical line that requires further debate. However Woodward protected the identity of Deep Throat for over thirty years, setting a professional precedent for him personally, gaining the trust of sources in Washington's political arena, that otherwise would have remained silent. 

For the most part, though, Woodward explores the multifaceted relationship with W. Mark Felt, (Deep Throat) the former number two man in the FBI. What was Felt's motivation to lead Woodward and Bernstein in the direction of criminal activities in the highest echelons of government, eventually leading to the disgraced downfall of a president? What did Felt have to gain? Woodward attempts in this highly readable text to examine these motivations and his own conscience in regards to exposing Deep Throat to the world.

Despite the passing of a third of a century, the Watergate scandal continues to remain fresh in the minds for many people across the world. Why? Watergate was a striking example for the common citizen that even those in the highest realms of power cannot escape the hands of justice. It also showed how a free democracy with a free press could question authority, exposing the abuses of power, seeking the truth, and justice being served.

The resignation of president Nixon in 1974 was instigated, the final death blow, the so-called smoking gun, by the infamous Nixon tapes, when Nixon ordered the CIA to ask the FBI to stop their investigation on false national security grounds. This blew the lid sky high, and the message was clear: the tapes recorded Nixon ordering the cover-up revealing the president and his cronies were lying and their attempt to bury the scandal.

Woodward paints an interesting picture of Deep Throat: a solid FBI man who had a great admiration for J. Edgar Hoover, and was passed over for the number one spot at the agency not once but twice. After Hoover died, Nixon, politicising the agency, appointed Patrick Gray number one, and Felt was left doing all the work with none of the perks. Later in the text, it becomes clear that Felt was not acting on a personal vendetta, but saw his beloved FBI being tainted with political skulduggery, and wanted to do something about it. I believe this was his initial motivation for developing his relationship with Woodward as Deep Throat.

This is an entertaining read as Woodward has that ability as a writer to combine journalism with a novelist's flair. The Secret Man fills that gap in American history, which has remained a mystery for over thirty years.

Thursday, 12 April 2018

The “regime-change shuffle: - a Dance the US has Led for 0ver 50 Years.

It must be stated from the outset, no American wars or “conflicts” have been waged for humanitarian reasons. All these acts of aggression are about economic and militaristic interests. In the latest alleged Syrian chemical attack against innocent victims, without any proof whatsoever, like so many times before, the US desires to begin dropping cluster bombs against Assad;s regime. Why do these US warmongers want War without any evidence, knee-jerking, and murdering even more innocent lives? Because this is about US and its allies self interests. This regime-change rhetoric is simply another excuse to claim dominance in the middle east.

At the end of WW2, the democratically elected Iran PM Mohammed Mossadegh verbally and publicly attacked the UK and US backed Shah's rule. He wanted to nationalise Iran's oil industry, and remove UK commercial interests in the region. He wanted the foreigners out of his country. It was then that the UK, through back channels, requested for CIA assistance. Organising a violent revolt against the elected, secular leader, Mossadegh, the Shah was placed in power, committing unspeakable human rights violations, for the next 25 years. The Shah was a US puppet until, in 1979, as a result of the Islamic revolution, had to flee into exile. The Shiite Muslim clergy ultimately achieved power, placing the Ayatollah Komeini as supreme leader, ending 2,500 years of the Persian Shah dynasty. Now Iran and Komeini are branded the centre of the evil empire, intent on destroying democracy. This is propaganda. Iran simply refused to bow down to corporate oil interests (BP) in their country.

Iraq had been a US ally for many years. During the Iran/Iraq war, the US backed both sides, hoping they would eventually annihilate each other. Saddam Hussain had been given a pair of golden spurs as a gesture of alliance. When Hussain refused to trade oil for the petrol dollar, his presence in the tiny country of Kuwait, brought an international outcry, along with blatant propaganda, (killing babies in their incubators) resulting in the first Iraq war. On a flip of a dime, Hussain went from an adoring alley to public enemy number one. We should all know by now that Iraq 2 was a complete lie, resulting in more that 500,0000 Iraqi deaths and thousands of US and allied murder.

For the interests of space, this comment will not expound on hundreds of other “conflicts” in South America, and Africa, including certain eastern bloc countries. This information is currently recorded history for anyone to read. What annoys me to no end, is that certain people in major western countries continue to fall for the “humanitarian excuse” to bomb and launch into war. I certainly understand why the neocons desire more war, protecting and forwarding their corporate overlords.

Monday, 9 April 2018

Lied to Again. The Truth about Syria.

The “conflict” in Syria is a complex issue. Political pundits, military advisors and journalist around the planet are weighing in on the alleged chemical attack in Douma, including president Trump, who is renowned for his “knee-jerk” responses to just about everything. For the first time he named Vladimir Putin in a tweet, calling Basher al-Assad “animal Assad”, without a shred of evidence that the Syrian government was responsible. The American government, since the late 1940's, has been in the regime-change business: toppling governments and installing puppets. One only needs a cursory knowledge of middle eastern politics, particularly in Iran and Iraq, will see CIA footprints over the entire region. We have known since the 1990's, the neo-con's on going plan for complete hegemony across the middle east. Syria is a crucial country in their overall battle plan. Remove Assad, thereby preventing Russian influence in the region. There is no doubt, that this is a “Blood for Oil” mission, in the deceitful guise of humanitarian intentions.

On MSM, we see these compliant tools of the US corporate owned government, pushing for regime change, disguising military support for the Syrian insurgency as purely humanitarian. Again, similar to Iraq and their WMD's, this latest crisis, is a smoke and mirror tactic, fooling the American people and its allies to support another war. Many journalists on the ground have asked Syrian and Iraqi people their opinions on American intervention, and most reply with certainty, that this present crisis, like so many before, is just another proxy war over gas pipelines and geopolitics.

Back in 2000, the Syrian civil war began, Qatar proposed to construct a $10 billion, 15000 K pipeline through Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria and Turkey. Assad refused to cooperate with this plan, seeing this move, (accurately) as an American backed effort to further disestablish his government and his alliance with Russia. Behind all this geopolitical intrigue, and battles for the oil rich Syria, is a religious conflict. Saudi Arabia, Qatar and to a great extent, Turkey, are Sunni Muslims. Syria is predominantly Shiite Muslims and Christian. The Syrian civil war is, for the most part, between the Sunni and Shiite branches of Islam. However, as with most issues in the middle east, nothing is as it seems.

In 2012, WikiLeaks published thousands of Saudi Arabian documents, revealing that throughout the Syrian conflict, Saudi Arabia with CIA backing, were arming, training and funding radical Jihad Sunni “rebels” (terrorists) including Al Qaeda from Syria, Iraq and elsewhere to overthrow Assad's Shiite allied regime. The consensus was that this was a feasible path to achieving their shared objective of completing the Qatar/Turkey pipeline.

This plan becomes even more transparent, when in 2013, then Secretary of State John Kerry, informed a congressional hearing that the Sunni kingdoms, (Saudi Arabia, Qatar) had offered to “foot the bill” for the US invasion of Syria to oust Basher al-Assad. The congress declined the offer, but any person with half a brain, can surmise the government willingness to keep this offer on the back burner.

This latest alleged chemical attack on Syrian innocents smells heavily of a false flag to bring the western world, once again, into an all out war. The US has used this ruse of intervening into sovereign states for “humanitarian” reasons. This is not about human beings, but hegemony, power, oil and money.

Scream from the rooftops, “NO MORE WAR”!

Sunday, 8 April 2018

A Look-Back to the Beginning

During the time of this writing, I was teaching a Year 9 class WW2 from an Australian perspective. The texts were so old, 1970's, that, upon research, found the text to be lying. It was only in the mid 90's that the Australian government admitted the Japanese invasion of Northern Australia, was nearly lost. The Japanese bombing of Cannes, like Pearl Harbour, destroyed, in Australia's case, the entire Navy. Many lives were lost. And the government lied about it. Textbooks are old, because governments do not want to tell the truth. Education is underfunded because those who hold the "purse strings", don't want you to know the truth. This book review was an attempt to tell the truth, then. 
Some years ago, prior to ~Dreaming War's~ publication, the article, `Goat Song', was emailed to me from a friend. In this article, Vidal lists the numerous anomalies prior, during and directly after the events of 9/11. The questions this article raises are legitimate, considering the U.S. government has spent literally trillions of dollars on national "defence" since 1947. When the alarm bells began to ring on that terrible day, those in charge did not follow military protocol, but merely sat on their hands, and seemed to let it happen. This is a frightening thought. 

In the end, the investigation into these anomalies turned into a finger pointing exercise, and a few scapegoats made, but to this day, some questions still remain. However, Vidal has no doubts as to the aspirations and motivations of the current government's actions in the Middle East; as the title of the book makes perfectly clear: Blood for Oil. To finally read the full article and the ten or so other pieces in the book after reading that initial email was informative and quite disturbing. Vidal certainly lays it all on the line.

Gore Vidal has been called many things, but for certain, he has made it his life's mission to understand American history and point out how and why his beloved Republic has gone off the rails, particularly since the creation in 1947 of NSC-68. He laments the loss of his Republic to a National Security State, (Military Industrial Complex) including a noticeable dwindling of the Bill of Rights. The loss of the rights of citizens in a democratic country is a frightening scenario, (in my opinion, the worst scenario) and it's actually happening right before our eyes. Domination, control and wealth are the motivations, and the events Vidal has illustrated over the last half century, and that is nearly two hundred `incursions' in other countries since 1945...in which the U.S. has been the aggressor, is simply too hard to ignore.

In the article, `Mickey Mouse, Historian', Vidal discusses the corporate ownership of America and the politicians, but also states, generally, what he would like to see changed:

" I am a patriot of the old Republic that slowly unravelled during the expansionist years and quite vanished in 1950 when the National Security State took its place. Now I want us to convert from wartime to a peacetime economy. But since the GE-style conglomerates that govern us will never convert, something will have to give, won't it?" (P.165)
Vidal not only lists the many problems about his beloved country, but also offers solutions that sound workable and real. But those holding power at the moment will be hard pressed to let the current system go. 

Saturday, 7 April 2018

The Purveyors of Propaganda and Divisiveness: Maddow v. Hannity – two sides of the same coin?

The most watched American cable news hosts are Rachael Maddow and Sean Hannity. In the latest ratings count, The Rachael Maddow Show beat Hannity by an average total audience of 3.058 million views. FNC's Hannity inched behind at 3.000 million views. These ratings also included the much sought after demographic the 25-54 age group. This is where the sacred advertising money enters the mix. Maddow is making more money for her corporate over lords, and Hannity is not too far behind.

What do these two news shows have in common, aside from a similar number of views?

Last month, I remember reading somewhere, (possibly Twitter) that Rachael Maddow is merely the "left-wing Sean Hannity". Two-sides of the same coin. Two wings of a single political bird. One claims to promote liberal values, laying bare the corruption of politics, President Trumps many short falls and the hypocrisy of the Conservative Party. While Hannity reports on the criminality of the left, the absolute virtues of President Trump, and the slowly “crumbling values” that the true patriot of The United States of America holds dear. On the surface, listening to their respective rhetoric, observing their body language and self-righteous desk slamming, this may be all true. But peering through these carefully crafted facades, their “opposing arguments”, their effort at partisanship, there are two agendas: First, an attempt at further dividing the country into only two political parties. And the second, demonizing any foreign power, whether Iraq, Libya. Palestine, Iran and currently Russia, at the behest of the Military Industrial Complex, rallying the people for war.

It is no secret that MSNBC has been fanning the flames of the Mueller investigation. Maddow, before any other news outlet, predicted that there would be a “special council” appointed after Trump fired the FBI Director, James Comey. Since then, her fanning has become bombing, with unrelenting speculation, and accusations of treason to all and sunder, particularly, on the Republican side of the aisle.

In 2017, before Russia bashing was simply a rumour, a senior member of Hillary Clinton's campaign, Jennifer Palmieri, caught wind of the potential political impact of a conspiracy of Russian meddling in the election, and urged the DNC to ramp up the “Russian attack on our Republic”, from this point, it has been on for young and old for the left, leading to a world wide political attack on Russia.

There has been no other media covering Russia to the extent that, The Rachael Maddow Show has, lifting her ratings for MSNBC to record highs over the last ten years. The left want president Trump do go down, and go down hard. He has been called everything from a traitor to a “Putin Puppet”, and every MSM outlet has been carrying the same message. Russia like Iraq before, is the new Evil Empire, and the American people are eating it up like an episode of FX's production of “The Americans”. Rachael Maddow is not a journalist. She is a mouth-piece for her corporate masters, who in turn follow the dictates of the NSA, CIA and DOD.

Sean Hannity is of the same pedigree as Rachael Maddow, but a dog of a different fur colour.

For months and months, one could not turn on to Hannity's show without hearing about “crooked Hillary”. Why hasn't the FBI been investigating her 30,000 deleted emails? What about the corrupt “Clinton Foundation”? Maddow would scream, “Russia, Russia, Russia”, and Hannity would bellow, “crooked Hillary”!!! Maddow would criticise Trump's infantile tweets, and Hannity would attack the FBI. This corporate media mudslinging from the so-called Left and Right, has corroded into a “Mean Girls” production, only with less maturity, and much more at stake for the country.

Sean Hannity is a well known promoter of American aggression overseas. I remember it clearly, when president Obama suggested (in his first term) a plan to begin withdrawing troops from Afghanistan. Hannity erupted into a frenzy, accusing Obama of putting the American people into harms way, enabling terrorists, and calling him weak. This infamous Hannity tirade went on for days. He is also a pundit for regime change, pushing the (unproven) chemical attack by Syria's Assad on his own people. Sound familiar? When president Trump ordered cruise missiles into a Syrian airport last year, after images surfaced of “gassed children”, Hannity spouted praise for the Donald, calling it, along with other MSM puppets, how “presidential” he appeared to the American people. Hannity too, is a mouthpiece for his corporate masters, that furthers the agenda of the DEEP STATE, he so often criticises, on behalf of his single master, president Trump.

Rachael Maddow, while claiming to be “liberal” is certainly pushing conspiracy agendas, positing Russia as the new Evil Empire, calling Trump stupid, and colluding with Russia. Sean Hannity changes his political views depending on which direction the wind is blowing at the time. He loves president Trump, however, sabre rattles whenever the opportunity arises to promote American aggression overseas.

Maddow and Hannity are two sides of the same coin, divisive in domestic politics, yet united in War.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

UK Government Caught Lying to the World while American Media Ramp-Up Russia Hysteria.

In a previous BLOG entry, “Purge of Russian Diplomats leading to War”, I discussed the premature expulsion of hundreds of Russian diplomats, based on zero evidence in the #Skripal case. Now the UK’s own scientists, (Porton Down) cannot confirm that the nerve agent used is linked to Russia. This is a massive blow for the UK’s credibility. This also indicates the “propaganda war machines” further efforts to isolate Russia in an effort to stir up yet another senseless war based on false intelligence and blatant deception.

Russia gate has escalated in the last few weeks, particularly in the MSM, where one cannot turn on the TV without hearing new “revelations” in the Mueller investigation. This level of Russia hysteria has not been seen since the late 1950’ at the Cold War’s peak, some saying this fearmongering surpasses even the days of McCarthyism. This certainly is becoming laughable, if it wasn’t so serious. 

Today RT News UK, stated, "We've had a hysterical witch hunt, a trial by media" says journalist and broadcaster @NeilClark66 ​ who believes that @theresa_may​ and @BorisJohnson​ should be forced to resign over Porton Down revelation.”

Closer to home, Australian “rogue journalist”, Caitlin Johnson, published an excellent piece, “If Western Media Were Honest about Russia:” writes,

“Many of our readers have been pointing out the recent revelations that some rather significant falsehoods have been knowingly advanced by the British government about Russia and promoted uncritically by trusted media outlets of the western world. Following said revelations, there have been some attempts by the Foreign Office and those same media outlets to cover up said falsehoods.”

That’s right folks, ignoring the central principle of “innocent until proven guilty”, UK PM Teresa May, Boris Johnson and their neo con cohorts, have been lying to the western world. And currently they’re attempting to even lie about their lies. We should ask who is complicit in spreading this false propaganda.  Johnson goes on to write,

“…those billionaires hire executives to direct their media empires who are loyal to establishment interests, those executives in turn hire editors who are loyal to establishment interests, and those editors hire journalists who are loyal to establishment interests, effectively creating an environment wherein the only way to get ahead is to unquestioningly promote whatever narratives are being advanced by western intelligence/defence agencies and their plutocratic allies.”

Legendary journalist, John Pilger once stated, “…the BBC is and has long been the most refined propaganda service in the world.”  See full interview: www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2myKhHzz7sw
It can also be categorically stated that MSM outlets like, CNN, MSNBC and Australia’s ABC, carry these “establishment interests”, promoting for example, the Iraqi invasion 15 years ago, based on spurious evidence or simply no evidence at all.  

Since the end of WWII, the US, by way of the CIA, has been creating havoc around the planet: toppling governments, instigating regime change, and supporting right-wing dictatorships. In a recent tweet by writer and activist, Zach Carter, @zachcarter, wrote:

“The U.S. has long been the leading sponsor of terrorism in Latin America, from direct invasions to sponsoring military coups to training death squads. The message since Clinton militarized the border in 1994 is clear: we can destroy your country, but you can't come here.”

While MSM ramp-up its Russia hysteria and the UK blatantly lie about the Skripal case, there is a minority of activists, academics, journalist and writers, paying close attention to the warmongers cry for more war, violence, death and destruction.

It’s time all us of become Watchdogs over the Dogs of War.  

Monday, 2 April 2018

Persuasive Language and the Whistle Blower

The term “propaganda” is currently considered too harsh a word to use in the public domain. For many, the term “public relations”, is less old-fashioned and much less caustic for the brain. Then we come to the word, “torture”. It was during the Bush 2 era that this term, with a kind of magical stealth, became “enhanced interrogation”. In only the last few months the term has changed once again, to “rough interrogation.” In our not too distant past, the “Department of Defence” surfaced in the lexicon, replacing the much more aggressive title, the “Department of War” - Again, less caustic, less in-your-face, and easier on the ears.

In George Orwell’s book, “Politics and the English Language”, he states, "All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia..." Later he goes on to write, "The great enemy of clear language is insincerity." The use of language, particularly writing or speaking cliché’s, in politics, using euphemisms, is a strategy to manipulate the emotions and attitudes of the masses. By being aware of euphemisms, and over used clichés or unnecessary words that cloud the reader's understanding, we can be less affected by these efforts to move our beliefs in a certain direction.

The term “Whistle blower” has been transforming since the second term of the Obama administration. Its definition: “a person who exposes any kind of information or activity that is deemed illegal, unethical, or not correct within an organization that is either private or public. The information of alleged wrongdoing can be classified in many ways: violation of company policy/rules, law, regulation, or threat to public interest/national security, as well as fraud, and corruption.”

Now I believe this is important. Once “whistle blowing” denoted an act of civil disobedience, a moral and ethical action to protect the wellbeing of people, and/or in the name of national security. For certain, there is debate as to revealing the secrets of an organization or government is harmful to that said institution, however, when crimes are committed in secrecy, harming the good of the whole, in a democratic society, it is absolutely necessary. But now the term “whistle blower” has transformed to the word, “Leaker.”

“Leaker” has become a dirty word in politics. “Who’s the leaker in the Whitehouse?” “Leakers are unpatriotic and should be punished.” In a general context, the WH staffs leaking the POTUS personal details, whose being firing next, are not my concerns here. This is a different type of leaking, which to my mind does not threaten national security. In most cases, it merely embarrasses the president. “Leaker” now connotes the negative, a bad person, perhaps a traitor.

Granted, “Leaks” to the press can be miss leading, creating a false impression for the public.

Terms are changed in order to affect public opinion. A whistle blower will reveal illegal/criminal actions of a company, government or institution, believing that by “blowing the whistle”; they are doing a public service, usually at great personal risk to themselves.

The sole reason those in power have arrested and jailed ‘whistle blowers” is they revealed crimes and corruption. For example, Julian Assange published the crimes at GITMO; unnecessary murder by American soldiers upon innocence; the Clinton emails, showing a rigged DNC 2016 campaign, and a corrupt Clinton Foundation. The NSA, whistle blower, Edward Snowdon, revealed the illegal mass surveillance of American citizens, and foreign State officials, around the world. These men are currently wanted for espionage. When, in fact, they have never worked for foreign governments. The only reason they are wanted is the “powers that be” got caught committing crimes.

A whistle blower in present time is more necessary than ever before. Do not let the “language-powerbrokers” dissuade the people from the truth.

As President Kennedy once wrote:

“The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings...Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe...no war ever posed a greater threat to our security. If you are awaiting a finding of "clear and present danger," then I can only say that the danger has never been more clear and its presence has never been more imminent...For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day…”

Sunday, 1 April 2018

The Propaganda War Machine seems to be Winning.

This week’s atrocious murder of Palestinian protestors in Gaza by Israeli forces, shooting bullets “ad hoc” into crowds, resulting (thus far) in 17 dead and 800 wounded, barely raised an eyebrow for the American and Australian governments, respectively. The other “big” news to hit social media and a few MSM outlets, was the Ecuadorian embassy’s draconian shutdown of Julian Assange’s internet connection, and a ban on his visiting rights, is no less a SEIGE on his right to free speech; it’s a virtual shut down of a powerful dissenting voice for the actual #resistance movement. Add the purge of Russian diplomats around the planet, based on zero evidence, in the UK chemical poisoning case, reveals the establishment’s propaganda machine, around the planet, is working.

The attack on Palestinian protestors by IDF is nothing less than a crime against humanity. As of the date of this writing, the only government official who has mentioned this crime is the American Senator Bernie Sanders. The Senator tweeted:

“The killing of Palestinian demonstrators by Israeli forces in Gaza is tragic. It is the right of all people to protest for a better future without a violent response.”

12:47 PM - 31 Mar 2018 

To my way of thinking, Sanders’ response is soft and highly political, designed to not ruffle too many feathers.

Following other politicians and noted journalists on Twitter, Glen Greenwald, co-founder of The Intercept, in response to MSM – CNN talking head, Jake Tapper:  tweeted:

“On the one hand, "overreacted" is such a weak, diluting, obfuscatory word for the indiscriminate killing the Israelis are doing that it borders on being offensive. On the other, it's so rare for any member of the US Congress to utter a peep of criticism about Israeli aggression.”

In a later tweet, Greenwald wrote:

“Imagine if an Arab-majority country were imprisoning 1.8 million Jews in a tiny open-air cage, preventing them from leaving, controlling all aspects of their deprived civic lives, then picking them off with snipers in the back when they protested. Might the reaction be different?”

Indeed, the response would be different. If the roles were reversed, US ambassador Nicki Haley would immediately draft a “Declaration of War”, lobbying countries to obliterate the Arab State.

 Why the unrelenting propaganda ‘for’ the illegal Occupation is working, is that it is backed by powerful governmental bodies. Our mainstream media is partly controlled by these pro-Israeli organizations…and their tired argument for criticising Israel, is you’re “anti-Semitic”…and it’s continued to be effective These massive wealthy organizations, i.e., AIPAC (The American Israel Public Affairs Committee) or by extension, CFA (Council of Foreign Relations).  The latter is a “think tank” advising the government on all issues outside of American soil. In effect, CFA runs the country.

The illegal Israeli occupation of Gaza, in particular, is viewed by most of the world as a crime. That said, our governments turn a blind eye, spread propaganda, ensuring public opinion sides with Israel.

Julian Assange.

Those who claim that Julian Assange, “can leave the Ecuadorian Embassy whenever he wants”, are either ignorant, or are pushing an agenda. One scans recent history, can discover that individuals who stood up to the American war machine, revealing egregious crimes and other corruption, went down hard. It is common knowledge that the last two administrations want Julian Assange’s head on a golden platter. Assange has every right to fear extradition to the US, as they will charge him with the antiquated law of espionage, and to be sure, we will never see or hear from him again.

One wonders, listening to MSM talking heads or partisan governmental officials, rail against “leaks” and the “leakers” as though this is the real crime. These empty protestations are distracting the public from what the leaks actually contain. “This is an attack on American democracy!” No, the crimes revealed in the Clinton emails during the 2016 presidential election, showed campaign fraud, miss use of her personal email sever as Secretary of State; not to mention the vile corruption of the Clinton Foundation. But hey, blame Russia, then, kill the messenger!

The latest “silencing” of Assange by the Ecuadorian embassy, has furthered our understanding of the war machine’s efforts to destroy free speech. WikiLeaks has time and again revealed the crimes of our governments, and their absolute disregard of human life. And this latest act, cutting off his internet access, and prohibiting visitors, executed by the country who have given the man asylum, is reprehensible, and again, another effort by the “establishment” to crush our right to free speech.

In the last 2 weeks alone, we have seen the UK and US propaganda campaign to posit Russia as the enemy of the planet, based on zero evidence. We have watched while Israel commits further crimes against the Palestinian people. And we have seen the Ecuadorian embassy cave in to UK and US power to silence Assange, with little protest or mention by our “leaders.”

I believe it high time the world wakes up, because the propaganda war machine seems to be winning. 

Preston & Child – Angel of Vengeance – Comment

  I have been following the Pendergast series for many years, and admittedly the latest , Angel of Vengeance , takes the reader on a time tr...