Thursday, 12 April 2018

The “regime-change shuffle: - a Dance the US has Led for 0ver 50 Years.

It must be stated from the outset, no American wars or “conflicts” have been waged for humanitarian reasons. All these acts of aggression are about economic and militaristic interests. In the latest alleged Syrian chemical attack against innocent victims, without any proof whatsoever, like so many times before, the US desires to begin dropping cluster bombs against Assad;s regime. Why do these US warmongers want War without any evidence, knee-jerking, and murdering even more innocent lives? Because this is about US and its allies self interests. This regime-change rhetoric is simply another excuse to claim dominance in the middle east.

At the end of WW2, the democratically elected Iran PM Mohammed Mossadegh verbally and publicly attacked the UK and US backed Shah's rule. He wanted to nationalise Iran's oil industry, and remove UK commercial interests in the region. He wanted the foreigners out of his country. It was then that the UK, through back channels, requested for CIA assistance. Organising a violent revolt against the elected, secular leader, Mossadegh, the Shah was placed in power, committing unspeakable human rights violations, for the next 25 years. The Shah was a US puppet until, in 1979, as a result of the Islamic revolution, had to flee into exile. The Shiite Muslim clergy ultimately achieved power, placing the Ayatollah Komeini as supreme leader, ending 2,500 years of the Persian Shah dynasty. Now Iran and Komeini are branded the centre of the evil empire, intent on destroying democracy. This is propaganda. Iran simply refused to bow down to corporate oil interests (BP) in their country.

Iraq had been a US ally for many years. During the Iran/Iraq war, the US backed both sides, hoping they would eventually annihilate each other. Saddam Hussain had been given a pair of golden spurs as a gesture of alliance. When Hussain refused to trade oil for the petrol dollar, his presence in the tiny country of Kuwait, brought an international outcry, along with blatant propaganda, (killing babies in their incubators) resulting in the first Iraq war. On a flip of a dime, Hussain went from an adoring alley to public enemy number one. We should all know by now that Iraq 2 was a complete lie, resulting in more that 500,0000 Iraqi deaths and thousands of US and allied murder.

For the interests of space, this comment will not expound on hundreds of other “conflicts” in South America, and Africa, including certain eastern bloc countries. This information is currently recorded history for anyone to read. What annoys me to no end, is that certain people in major western countries continue to fall for the “humanitarian excuse” to bomb and launch into war. I certainly understand why the neocons desire more war, protecting and forwarding their corporate overlords.

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