Monday, 9 April 2018

Lied to Again. The Truth about Syria.

The “conflict” in Syria is a complex issue. Political pundits, military advisors and journalist around the planet are weighing in on the alleged chemical attack in Douma, including president Trump, who is renowned for his “knee-jerk” responses to just about everything. For the first time he named Vladimir Putin in a tweet, calling Basher al-Assad “animal Assad”, without a shred of evidence that the Syrian government was responsible. The American government, since the late 1940's, has been in the regime-change business: toppling governments and installing puppets. One only needs a cursory knowledge of middle eastern politics, particularly in Iran and Iraq, will see CIA footprints over the entire region. We have known since the 1990's, the neo-con's on going plan for complete hegemony across the middle east. Syria is a crucial country in their overall battle plan. Remove Assad, thereby preventing Russian influence in the region. There is no doubt, that this is a “Blood for Oil” mission, in the deceitful guise of humanitarian intentions.

On MSM, we see these compliant tools of the US corporate owned government, pushing for regime change, disguising military support for the Syrian insurgency as purely humanitarian. Again, similar to Iraq and their WMD's, this latest crisis, is a smoke and mirror tactic, fooling the American people and its allies to support another war. Many journalists on the ground have asked Syrian and Iraqi people their opinions on American intervention, and most reply with certainty, that this present crisis, like so many before, is just another proxy war over gas pipelines and geopolitics.

Back in 2000, the Syrian civil war began, Qatar proposed to construct a $10 billion, 15000 K pipeline through Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria and Turkey. Assad refused to cooperate with this plan, seeing this move, (accurately) as an American backed effort to further disestablish his government and his alliance with Russia. Behind all this geopolitical intrigue, and battles for the oil rich Syria, is a religious conflict. Saudi Arabia, Qatar and to a great extent, Turkey, are Sunni Muslims. Syria is predominantly Shiite Muslims and Christian. The Syrian civil war is, for the most part, between the Sunni and Shiite branches of Islam. However, as with most issues in the middle east, nothing is as it seems.

In 2012, WikiLeaks published thousands of Saudi Arabian documents, revealing that throughout the Syrian conflict, Saudi Arabia with CIA backing, were arming, training and funding radical Jihad Sunni “rebels” (terrorists) including Al Qaeda from Syria, Iraq and elsewhere to overthrow Assad's Shiite allied regime. The consensus was that this was a feasible path to achieving their shared objective of completing the Qatar/Turkey pipeline.

This plan becomes even more transparent, when in 2013, then Secretary of State John Kerry, informed a congressional hearing that the Sunni kingdoms, (Saudi Arabia, Qatar) had offered to “foot the bill” for the US invasion of Syria to oust Basher al-Assad. The congress declined the offer, but any person with half a brain, can surmise the government willingness to keep this offer on the back burner.

This latest alleged chemical attack on Syrian innocents smells heavily of a false flag to bring the western world, once again, into an all out war. The US has used this ruse of intervening into sovereign states for “humanitarian” reasons. This is not about human beings, but hegemony, power, oil and money.

Scream from the rooftops, “NO MORE WAR”!

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