Sunday, 8 April 2018

A Look-Back to the Beginning

During the time of this writing, I was teaching a Year 9 class WW2 from an Australian perspective. The texts were so old, 1970's, that, upon research, found the text to be lying. It was only in the mid 90's that the Australian government admitted the Japanese invasion of Northern Australia, was nearly lost. The Japanese bombing of Cannes, like Pearl Harbour, destroyed, in Australia's case, the entire Navy. Many lives were lost. And the government lied about it. Textbooks are old, because governments do not want to tell the truth. Education is underfunded because those who hold the "purse strings", don't want you to know the truth. This book review was an attempt to tell the truth, then. 
Some years ago, prior to ~Dreaming War's~ publication, the article, `Goat Song', was emailed to me from a friend. In this article, Vidal lists the numerous anomalies prior, during and directly after the events of 9/11. The questions this article raises are legitimate, considering the U.S. government has spent literally trillions of dollars on national "defence" since 1947. When the alarm bells began to ring on that terrible day, those in charge did not follow military protocol, but merely sat on their hands, and seemed to let it happen. This is a frightening thought. 

In the end, the investigation into these anomalies turned into a finger pointing exercise, and a few scapegoats made, but to this day, some questions still remain. However, Vidal has no doubts as to the aspirations and motivations of the current government's actions in the Middle East; as the title of the book makes perfectly clear: Blood for Oil. To finally read the full article and the ten or so other pieces in the book after reading that initial email was informative and quite disturbing. Vidal certainly lays it all on the line.

Gore Vidal has been called many things, but for certain, he has made it his life's mission to understand American history and point out how and why his beloved Republic has gone off the rails, particularly since the creation in 1947 of NSC-68. He laments the loss of his Republic to a National Security State, (Military Industrial Complex) including a noticeable dwindling of the Bill of Rights. The loss of the rights of citizens in a democratic country is a frightening scenario, (in my opinion, the worst scenario) and it's actually happening right before our eyes. Domination, control and wealth are the motivations, and the events Vidal has illustrated over the last half century, and that is nearly two hundred `incursions' in other countries since which the U.S. has been the aggressor, is simply too hard to ignore.

In the article, `Mickey Mouse, Historian', Vidal discusses the corporate ownership of America and the politicians, but also states, generally, what he would like to see changed:

" I am a patriot of the old Republic that slowly unravelled during the expansionist years and quite vanished in 1950 when the National Security State took its place. Now I want us to convert from wartime to a peacetime economy. But since the GE-style conglomerates that govern us will never convert, something will have to give, won't it?" (P.165)
Vidal not only lists the many problems about his beloved country, but also offers solutions that sound workable and real. But those holding power at the moment will be hard pressed to let the current system go. 

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