Thursday, 21 March 2019

Is Trump's “Rapture Cartel” pushing us into Armageddon?

When I write Trump's “Rapture Cartel”, I'm referring to Mike Pompeo, John Bolton and Mike Pence. These three men are known members of a fringe Christian Evangelical sect; also known as the Christian Right, a lobby group in DC who claims President Trump is the new King of the United States, sent by God to save Americans from a dwindling morality, leading the nation to the Rapture: Armageddon.

The Christian Right in DC contributed to Trump's campaign, and are greatly responsible for his win in 2016. Once becoming President, Trump filled his cabinet with many high profile members of the group. Of course the cartel mentioned above, including the Secretary for Education, Betsy DeVos. This woman's goal is to demolish public education, to then privatise the entire education sector, under a Christian umbrella. To be sure, the woman is unqualified for the job, having failed to answer the most basic questions on education, when facing Congress. Trump's cabinet is full of these religious lunatics.

The danger of a fringe religion driving American foreign policy really surfaced today, when Pompeo met with PM Netanyahu, announcing that the Golan Heights was Israels, and promised to protect Israel from foreign enemies. Israel in the 1967 war took the Golan Height from Syria. This has always been Syrian land. Though Trump tweeted out today that it belonged to the sovereign State of Israel. I doubt that Trump even knows what the word sovereign means, let alone knowledge of the 1967 war. In scripture, these “Christians” believe the Rapture will occur after a devastating war on the Israeli border. It will be fought between the Jews and the infidels, a horrific battle ending plant earth as we know it today. By choosing Iran as an enemy, Israel's enemies, pulling out of nuclear deals with Russia, bombing Syria to the stone age, and the Iraq war, simply running chaos in the middle east, this rapture cartel is pushing the planet into WWIII, in hopes of pushing Armageddon. into reality.

In an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network in Jerusalem today, Mike Pompeo suggested that Trump was sent by God to save Israel. When pushed by reporters on this comment, the conversation turning to Iranian aggression, he said, “President Trump right now has been sort of raised for such a time like this, just like Queen Esther, to help save the Jewish people from the Iranian menace.. As a Christian I certainly believe this is possible.”

When reading about this interview, my first thought was any rational mind is boggled in the presence of such nonsense.

Remember, these are the people who are running foreign policy for the United States. These are fringe Christians, following Old Testament tales of the End of Times. But these lunatics are not simply putting their faith in God and waiting for him to end the world, this guys are aiding abetting it. In addition, no less, calling Trump the second coming, saving “us” from ruin. This is utter nonsense and extremely dangerous for the planet as a whole.

I never thought I would see the in which a religious mob would invade the American government, and push their interpretations of scripture into policy, creating a World War to fulfill a 3000 year old prophecy, ending life as we know it.

This men should not be in a government Office but is padded rooms for the psychotically insane.

The Founding Fathers demanded a separation of Church and State.

And now we know why!

Monday, 18 March 2019

The Rise of Right-Wing “Populist” Governments in the West.

Jair Bolsonaro (Trump of the Tropics)

Over the past four years, perhaps more, there has been a rise in right-wing, fascist governments. The US., got Trump, a known racist white supremacist sympathiser, a blatant Islamophobic, when one considers his first major Executive Order as President: The Muslim Ban. He fails to condemn white supremacist terrorist acts, particularly the most horrendous in years, New Zealand. There are obvious reasons for this rise in fascism across the planet. One reason is good timing. Most people are tired of neoliberalim. A capitalist system in favour of the rich at the expense of the poor. Since 9/11, America went on a hell-bent for leather war against the middle east, creating a foray of refuges escaping their war torn countries. The Right has used this as a tool of fear, an invasion of the civilised West. Coupled with racism and an onslaught of war propaganda, a part of the population are rising in protest to prevent immigration. The irony, to be sure, is this mass immigration is due to the wars instigated by the West. These right wing politicians have used this to their advantage, portraying themselves as populists; when in reality, these regimes are not for the people, but for the corporate monoliths for which they serve. Those people who believe their rhetoric, are the uneducated, the older generation, and the fanatics. Here are a few examples:

Jair Bolsonaro, the recently elected president of Brazil, is a Right-Wing populist “leader”, who was elected into office on lies and propaganda. Similar to many of these fascistic pundits, he promised his people everything they wanted to hear. That is, a reformation of the police force, that will finally crack down on crime. He also promised a new thriving economy, blaming the Left for the country's poverty. Similar to President Trump, Bolsonaro sold himself as a “man of the people”;when in fact, he is not much better than a deeply sociopathic crime boss, assassinating his opponents, and funnelling illegal cash into his families bank accounts. Free media, such as The Intercept, has connected the dots, revealing the Bolsonaro family's relationship to death squads, assassinations and highly violent Militias that operate in Rio de Janeiro and throughout Brazil. To add insult to injury, the president is anti LBGTQ; a climate change denier, pro corporate ownership of Brazil's natural resources, and anti-free-press, claiming any word against him and his family is *Fake News*.

Tomorrow, 03/19/2019, Bolsonaro will be visiting the White House, visiting president Trump. As many have written, considering the amount of scandals in Bolsonaro's government, this visit is an effort to improve his image, in the wake of deep-seated corruption. If the corporate owned American media support Bolsonaro's visit, dressing it as something other than a PR stunt, my fear will be realised, the US MSM is truly bought and paid for.

President Donald J. Trump, though perhaps less of a criminal, is also rife in scandal, and potential criminality. Remove the fake #Russiagate propaganda, fuelled by bought corporate media, Trump for many, is the “porn star president”. An administration that has been rife in scandal since January 2017. As I 've written before, immediately after the New Zealand white supremacist terrorist attack on two mosques last week, Trumped palmed it off as a small group, a few crazy's, and really, an isolated incident. Nothing can be further from the truth. White Nationalism has been on the rise for some years now, and a greater threat than any Islamic or immigrant attack. Trump is Islamophobic, a white supremacist, racist and really, only caters to the fringe Right. Reading history, recent history, all dictators engage in the same exact formula.

When reading history, all Right-wing leaders run the same formula. Become a populist, claiming that they represent the people. After time, their actions reveal a criminality, a ocean of lies, and the people are simply left behind. Wondering what hit them. And it all falls apart.

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Musings on Racism, the Separation of Church/State, and Religious Hate

When first reading about the mass shootings in NZ; the murder of 50 Muslims in their place of worship... my first thought was not shock, but a combination of profound sadness, and a cynical question: 'How long will it take for this psychopathy, to rear its ugly head again?' Considering the amount of white supremacist shootings in the US, since Trump's presidency, I thought, 'there will only be more hate, until this time of insanity, politically and culturally, will finally run its natural course.' This is terribly cynical, but this vulgar right wing movement across the world has no sign of stopping, anytime soon.

There are over 3 billion practising Muslims on the planet. For any erst while power hungry, $ hungry-non-Muslim-warmonger-country, this is a daunting statistic. Since 9/11/01, the US and its allies have killed over 4 million Muslims, and this number is rising. This is no accident. Considering the tragedy in Christchurch, 50 murdered and rising, this is a small number in comparison. Please, this terrorist crime is appalling. A crime of the human spirit. Objectively, however, one can observe a diabolical pattern.

The fight between Islam/Christianity has been on-going since the start of the 2nd century CE. The HATE between White Christianity and Brown Islam has been raging ever since. It is a hate of difference, the 'other'; a hate about theology; but really, a infantile varied interpretation of 'Holy Scripture'. When religion enters politics , a democratic system will eventually fail. The American Fathers of the US., Republic knew this, and unfortunately, in present time, extreme religious beliefs has entered politics in the US, like a slow moving poison, and around the world.

In my opinion, religion has blinded and confused most of the planet. To be sure, I have never been an atheist. (There is a higher power, one only needs to feel) To inculcate interpretation of Holy Scripture into politics, will only lead to catastrophe. Our American Fathers of democracy knew this, hence the dire warning to separate church and state. One calls Saudi Arabia and Israel theocracies, the US has covertly, by slow moving stealth, has become the worst theocracy on the planet.

Racism is an aspect of fear/hate of the other. Indeed, fear and hate are like diabolical cousins, a combination that will only combust and explode.

This weeks mass murder of Muslims in Christchurch is a only a small example, a warning, that hate of the other has political ramifications. Perhaps too, a long and specific propaganda campaign, over years of war. To eliminate the dark skinned enemy, and re-assume our White-Christian position at the top... Kill them all, and the white race will finally be able to rest easy, controlling the rest.

More diabolical, are Trump's three neocon “rapture” threesome: Pence, Bolton and Pompeo. These idiots not only believe scripture literally, but are creating WW3 in order for it to become a reality. “We are the true chosen ones, so lets create chaos in the middle east, in order to experience the Rapture.” In a more popular term: Armageddon.

To hate someone because of their difference, whether skin colour, religion and even political persuasion, are the beliefs and actions of the unenlightened; because when one truly studies the Bible, Koran, Mormon, etc., the basic message is the same: LOVE.

Friday, 15 March 2019

President Trump Inspires White Nationalist to Commit Mass Shooting on Muslims in Christchurch, NZ.

An Australian citizen decided to post a right wing, cliche'- ridden Manifest about immigrants, citing President Trump as the new face of the White Supremacist movement around the world. Along with his manifest, he live streamed himself on Facebook, entering a mosque and slaughtering almost 100 Muslims, murdering 49 worshipers, including a child. Let me put this more simply and direct: The president of the United States of America inspired an Australian White Supremacist to commit mass murder on Muslims, a terrorist attack, by its very definition. Indeed the worst Terrorist Attack in New Zealand's history.

Interestingly, while the shooting was taking place, perhaps shortly after, Trump tweeted for the American people to read a recent Breitbart interview. (Breitbart is a right wing rag) where he is quoted, saying:

You know, the left plays a tougher game, it’s very funny. I actually think that the people on the right are tougher, but they don’t play it tougher. Okay? I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump — I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad. But the left plays it cuter and tougher.

This is Trump threatening anyone that will disagree with him...with violence. If the President of Venezuela, Muduro, for example, made such a threat, the MSM would be all over it, and American drone strikes would come down on that country long and hard. But wait, this is the US president? There were only a few mentions in the media, and the Trump apologists had to come out in force, explaining away, and minimising his words and intent. This has been a pattern of behaviour since the man assumed office in 2017. Anyone that has two brain cells to rub together, does not require a degree in post-structuralism, to understand his words and intent. Trump is acting like a run-of-the-mill dictator, pushing more war around the planet, and letting his neocon goons like Pence, Bolton and Pompeo, who I refer to as the “rapture goons”, push for regime change in an oil rich, democratic sovereign nation.

Trump promoted himself during his campaign as a “populist”, a politician for the people. Over the last 2 years of his presidency, he has revealed the opposite. There are 3 issues that he promised on the campaign trail that have never eventuated: A fair medicare bill, more jobs and bigger tax returns for the middle class; and getting out of the middle east. In the last budget, he has cut medicaid; the middle class have less money in their tax returns, and he has quadrupled war around the planet. This includes an extra 700 billion for the Pentagon and the military. Trump is a proven liar. But he is something much worse.

During a press conference after news of the massive shooting in New Zealand, he was asked if he believed White Supremacy was a problem in the US. As usual, he rambled some nonsense, to finally state, that, yes, but it is a small group of people, who are “crazy”. This is typical Trump. The “good people on both sides” argument.

Donald Trump is a racist, Islamophobe, and a white supremacist. To say otherwise, is just blatantly false. In fact, one of his first Executive Orders as president, was the Muslim Ban. Curious, really, that all the nations banned are currently being bombed by US drones and aircraft. Saudi Arabia, a country whose humanitarian rights are appalling, and who sponsor terrorist groups, are welcome with open arms. It is striking that, no one in the MSM, mention this obvious fact.

Trump's interests are not for the American people, but mostly his own and the corporations that he works for. America started on a war based economy in WW II, and has never gotten off the destructive merry-go-round of murder, regime change and genocide.

The terrorist attack in NZ, is another example of America's neocon plan: Ensure Islam are the true terrorists, push this propaganda, so that the common man in the US accepts this vile idea. Thus any violence or invasion of any Islamic nation will be justified as morally right.

Trump is a wannabe dictator, and with his idiot-cult-like support, it just may happen.

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

The Right & Left are Two Wings of a Single Bird

From around the age of 27, because of many questionable past choices, as a person, a being, how I identified myself in relation to the world, hit the delete button, and I found myself questioning just about everything. My political beliefs disappeared, and I found myself siding with nihilism. As the years passed, this evolved into a type of anarchy, where all government is useless and devastating to humanity, and thus, people in general must fend for themselves. Spiritually, as a born and bred Catholic, my dive into the alternative religions, took a dark path. This journey began much earlier, a teenager, questioning why was it a sin to make love with the girl I loved more than anyone else? I began to study Buddhism, Zen, Hinduism, Occultism, and over a hundred different Christian sects. Later in my twenties, Scientology discovered me. This was an eight year excursion into insanity. Because of my economic circumstances, and a new family to take care of, did I finally come to my senses, and leave the group that I once called my true family.

A few years passed, now finding myself in a brand new country, not only was I devoid of my identity, but devoid of my country, the US. This was a hard slog. Not only did I have to contend with a new set of social norms, but a government system that I had never studied before. Nothing made sense. Soon, my mind and body crashed from the stress of it all. Many call it a nervous breakdown, I called it a LIFE breakdown. Needless to say, I sought help and began building a new life again. Later I married and finished my degrees in literature and philosophy, and attained a post grad diploma in education. It was only after years of study, did I come up with, at least in the political and spiritual areas of one's existence: Compassion for oneself and compassion for others, when all is said and done, is the pathway to a better world.

Now you may ask: What does this have to do with the political Left and Right?

At the risk of uttering the obvious: it is the governments duty, in a democratic society, to serve the people. It has been designed as such, and designed to safe guard the people from tyranny. Since around the mid twentieth century, just after WWII, this basic democratic tenet, changed for the worse: the creation of the military Industrial Complex. When Dwight D. Eisenhower warned the American people about the MIC, who and what was he specifically referring to? The great general was referring to the CIA, DOD, Wall Street -the big banks – and the Pentagon. These “government” agencies, run in secret, and those running the show, are UN-elected lifetime members. These are the people calling all the shots. These are the organisations who receive all the tax payers money, while America's infrastructure is crumbling; Veteran's who fought the corporate wars are committing suicide; and this is why Flint has no clean water. The People's taxes are going to support wars, to only fill the coffers of the grand manipulators'. As already stated, the American people have no quality health care; cannot make enough $ to support their families; and the young are burdened with debt, closing them in economically, with no light at the end of the tunnel.

This is not by accident.

The Democratic Party and the GOP have been bought and paid for.. AIPAC has come to light, and believe me, AIPAC controls US policy. To be certain. $ rules in US politics.

It's not Russia, it's not China, it's not Iran, it's the Military Industrial Complex.

So when I saw Trump's new budget today, screwing the people, and giving $billions to the Pentagon,
let me say, absolutely NO compassion for the people, and confirms, really, who's really running the place.

Both parties are merely wings of the single bird.

This corruption must change.

Because it's now about life and death.

Friday, 8 March 2019

Comment on Chelsea Manning's Imprisonment.

"The United States government has just re-imprisoned one of the nation’s greatest whistle blowers to coerce her into helping to destroy the world’s greatest leak publisher."
Manning either must "purge" her answers or live out the life of the *secret* grand jury; (How long they intend to prosecute) that can be at least 18 months. If remaining in prison, she is exposed to the worst of civilization.
During the hearing, she claimed her Constitutional Rights. I believe it was the 1st, 2nd and 4th.
As no journalist was permitted inside the *secret* grand jury, there is one question, that we can speculate:
"Did Julian Assange solicit your information?"
Manning refused to answer, and was held in contempt of court. The woman was handcuffed and led to jail.
The problem is Manning had already answered all these questions, during her Court Marshall trial. This raises many red flags as to the veracity of this particular grand jury, that has been in existence since 2010!
On many occasions, Manning has voiced her disagreement of grand juries. *Secret* grand juries are particularly problematic.
I will not go into any detail - before, during and after the Civil War, abolitionists were targeted by "grand juries", in order to suppress the 'free the slave' civil movement.
In Manning's case, this an attack on the free press, as a basic 'freedom', and forged as unpatriotic, twisted and re-formed as something un-American. when it's a corner stone of pure democracy.
Manning's courage to stand in the face of the corrupted Empire, is nothing less than astounding. She is the only real protester, for the Right of the Free Press, on absolute principle, than any other individual in the 'free' world.
The MSM has proven, that they are merely mouth pieces of propaganda for the Military Industrial Complex.
Tomorrow I will be attending an event for WiKiLeaks and Julian Assange in Melbourne.
Chelsea Manning will be center stage in our discussions, and in our hearts.

Preston & Child – Angel of Vengeance – Comment

  I have been following the Pendergast series for many years, and admittedly the latest , Angel of Vengeance , takes the reader on a time tr...