first reading about the mass shootings in NZ; the murder of 50
Muslims in their place of worship... my first thought was not shock,
but a combination of profound sadness, and a cynical question: 'How
long will it take for this psychopathy, to rear its ugly head again?'
Considering the amount of white supremacist shootings in the US,
since Trump's presidency, I thought, 'there will only be more hate,
until this time of insanity, politically and culturally, will finally
run its natural course.' This is terribly cynical, but this vulgar
right wing movement across the world has no sign of stopping, anytime
are over 3 billion practising Muslims on the planet. For any erst
while power hungry, $ hungry-non-Muslim-warmonger-country, this is a
daunting statistic. Since 9/11/01, the US and its allies have killed
over 4 million Muslims, and this number is rising. This is no
accident. Considering the tragedy in Christchurch, 50 murdered and
rising, this is a small number in comparison. Please, this terrorist
crime is appalling. A crime of the human spirit. Objectively,
however, one can observe a diabolical pattern.
fight between Islam/Christianity has been on-going since the start of
the 2nd century CE. The HATE between White Christianity
and Brown Islam has been raging ever since. It is a hate of
difference, the 'other'; a hate about theology; but really, a
infantile varied interpretation of 'Holy Scripture'. When religion
enters politics , a democratic system will eventually fail. The
American Fathers of the US., Republic knew this, and unfortunately,
in present time, extreme religious beliefs has entered politics in
the US, like a slow moving poison, and around the world.
my opinion, religion has blinded and confused most of the planet. To
be sure, I have never been an atheist. (There is a higher power, one
only needs to feel) To inculcate interpretation of Holy Scripture
into politics, will only lead to catastrophe. Our American Fathers of
democracy knew this, hence the dire warning to separate
church and state. One calls Saudi Arabia and Israel theocracies,
the US has covertly, by slow moving stealth, has become the worst theocracy on
the planet.
is an aspect of fear/hate of the other. Indeed, fear
and hate are like diabolical cousins, a combination that will only
combust and explode.
weeks mass murder of Muslims in Christchurch is a only a small
example, a warning, that hate of the other has
political ramifications. Perhaps too, a long and specific propaganda
campaign, over years of war. To eliminate the dark skinned enemy, and
re-assume our White-Christian position at the top... Kill them all,
and the white race will finally be able to rest easy, controlling the
diabolical, are Trump's three neocon “rapture” threesome: Pence,
Bolton and Pompeo. These idiots not only believe scripture literally,
but are creating WW3 in order for it to become a reality. “We are
the true chosen ones, so lets create chaos in the middle east,
in order to experience the Rapture.” In a more popular term:
hate someone because of their difference, whether skin colour,
religion and even political persuasion, are the beliefs and actions
of the unenlightened; because when one truly studies the Bible,
Koran, Mormon, etc., the basic message is the same: LOVE.
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